reactsydney / talks

Talk proposals and discussions
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React Sydney Talks

If you'd like to give a talk to our motley crew of React developers / users / lovers / newbies / explorers, we'd love to hear your proposal!

We're trying something different and using GitHub Issues for talk submissions. This way people can ask questions, give feedback and +1 their favourites. If your talk isn't scheduled for the next meetup, leave the issue open and we may invite you to give it in the future (based on theme or time constraints)

After each meetup, we (or the speaker) will update issues with slides, links, and other useful information.

Submit your talk now

Submit a proposal

Check out the talk dates below, the theme for that date, and the suggested topics.

Once you've got a talk idea, open a new Issue by clicking here.

Alternatively, if you're uncomfortable posting your idea publicly, you can email us directly: hi+reactsydney at and jed at

Make sure you fill out the following information:

Submit your talk now

Things to think about

Have a read through this slide deck. It's a very good overview of how to design a good slidedeck for a technical presentation.


Our current venue uses a dual-projector, plus supplimentary LCD screens halfway along the room.

General tips for great looking slides:


We use a hand-held mike rather than a lapel or headset so practice presenting with one hand holding a mike.

Think about where you need your laptop positioned for advancing slides based on where you like to stand while speaking (at the front of the room, or off to the side).

Here's an outline of the equipment available at the venue:

What we don't have:

What you need to bring:

Run sheet

The event will run in the following order (but note the times are estimates, we often run either over or ahead of time - it's pretty casual):

We'll let you know the exact order of the talks before the date (via the GitHub issue) so you're ready :)

It's useful if you can come say to Jess (tall, long dreadlocks) or Jed (err... standing next to the tall guy with dreadlocks ¯\(ツ)\/¯ ) before we start 6:30, we can test your laptop to make sure it connects and there are no surprises.

See also the Talk Archive.