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Patterns and Antipatterns when testing react applications with Jest + Enzyme #82

Closed iamsuganthi closed 6 years ago

iamsuganthi commented 6 years ago

Talk Date

August 6th

Talk Title

Patterns and Antipatterns when testing react applications with Jest + Enzyme


20 mins + Q&A

Twitter-sized Overview (140 characters)

There are some widely used patterns when testing React applications. I would like to discuss how some of these patterns are actually anti-patterns.

Detailed Overview

Good unit tests are those which test behavior rather than verifying the implementation. If our tests aren't doing exactly what the user will do, then how do we really know that things will work when users interact with our apps.

I would like to discuss with examples, some patterns and anti-patterns in testing react applications with jest and enzyme.


jesstelford commented 6 years ago

Oooh, this sounds like exactly what I need right now! And I'm 100% sure the audience will get a lot out of this - let's lock it in for the August 6th event. Thanks!

iamsuganthi commented 6 years ago

@jesstelford Sounds great. Looking forward to it. :)

jesstelford commented 6 years ago

Hey @enthudrives - How's prep going for the event on Monday? Anything I can help with?

jesstelford commented 6 years ago

We'll have you up second tomorrow night - around 7:15 or 7:30 👍

iamsuganthi commented 6 years ago

@jesstelford I will be there around 6. All set for 7:15 👍 Thanks for the reminder!

jesstelford commented 6 years ago

Awesome, see you soon 👍

jesstelford commented 6 years ago

Great talk! If you've got any slides or other resources to share, feel free to post them here.