realDunkin / fnfmegapack

This is Pretty Much FNF but with every mod in it (not yet but ill get there)
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not really an issue but just a suggestion #18

Open DeceptedPar opened 3 years ago

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

do you think it might be possible to upload the actuall mod source for this? so people can compile the exe so we could play this offline. obviously you dont have to do this instantly, but I would highly reccomend uploading the actuall mod source but still keep the website source, well of course you can keep this up, I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying, maybe upload the mod source aswell so people can play this in .exe form

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

so far all of my requests have been

C-Side Mod Hellbeats Mod Wiik 3 Mod Wiik4 Mod (When Finished) Sky Mod (if possible) Shaggy X Matt Mod SiivaGunner Mod StarlightMayhem Mod Tree Mod

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

I'm not saying you HAVE to do them

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

So it turns out that the caution and lightning notes are the same

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Good thing is that i can add as many special notes as I want image

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

what the HELL


AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

all you need to do now is fix the sizing for the halo notes

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

also, still add in the lightning notes, people would also use the lightning notes, makes it seem more intimidating

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

yes, I know, you told me that they are basically the same but it's still worth adding it in

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

also, another sugestion - the QT mod

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

haven't had much sleep but, I hope you're ok, I dont have to say this but I felt like I should've asked this

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Yeah I'm good if I don't respond I'm probably coding or doing something irl, mostly just errands for my mom lol

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

image ok so i fixed it now but i gotta teak it a lil

realDunkin commented 3 years ago


realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Ok I want your opinion, what if I make the lighting arrow like a stun arrow so if you hit it you can't hit anything?

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

nah, that should be a different arrow, people would still hit the lightning arrow due to what hd uses them for

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

I fell asleep, tha's why I didn't reply to you for so long

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

but when you're done with the arrows, please replace the source code in the read me

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

and with that, make a changelog for the sourcode, it'll help people to tell when it's updated also nice, 69 comments in here

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

now there's the new bob mod update that got released the blue arrows that if you miss them your hp starts to drain which means you HAVE to hit them and the black arrows, if you hit them your hp starts to drain which means you CAN'T hit them

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Oh ok maybe ill make the effect reversed so you have to hit it or else you get stunned. I just woke up too, I think ill add the bob arrows too.

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago


DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

also, if you can, add the bob mod, it'll be a bit hard due to the ron and little man charts and RUN

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

I haven't had much sleep

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Yeah ill add bob after I add salty sunday, you should sleep more

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago


DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

doesn't help that I'm 17 and starting college in september

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

can't believe I'm 17, time flies so fast

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Man your right I'm turning 16 in a few months and it feels like I was 10 only a year ago

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

yeah, you're really talented for your age man, I wish I was more like yoiu. I do have a YT but it's both music and "mod" related

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

not really MAKING fnf mods, just playing my version of "their song" or just my deltarune mod I'm making

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

I honestly don't really consider myself too be talented, but sometimes I even surprise myself with the things I do, even if its something not life changing

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Oh your making a deltarune mod, that's pretty cool, I've actually never played deltarune before

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago


DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

btw, any new progress?

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Yeah almost done with salty sunday and im just testing out the notes rn image

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

ah, alright, all you need to do after that is sort out the sprite offset for the halo arrow

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Yeah the thing it that the size is wrong in the charting mode but when you play its normal size image

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago


DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

imagine pixel versions of the modded arrows

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

you defo would be the first one to do that

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

imagine week 6 with them, that'd be torture

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Yeah I got pixel versions of six and nine keys already now I need the modded versions

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

oh wait, I never tested that out, damn

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

might add a switch so yo can enable expurgation mechanics idk

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

yeah, also do you think you'll upgrade mic'd up version in a future update?

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Yeah i will thats how i have left and right scroll and bot play but thats the only things that i have updated

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

Oh and note splashes too

DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago


DeceptedPar commented 2 years ago

the note splashes seem to be bugged, kina, sometimes the noe splashes play and pauses mid anim and doesn't dissapear until you leave the song

realDunkin commented 2 years ago

thats weird ive only seen it happen in god eater because i forgot to finish the space and dark red color