realDunkin / fnfmegapack

This is Pretty Much FNF but with every mod in it (not yet but ill get there)
8 stars 0 forks source link

not really an issue but just a suggestion #18

Open DeceptedPar opened 3 years ago

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

do you think it might be possible to upload the actuall mod source for this? so people can compile the exe so we could play this offline. obviously you dont have to do this instantly, but I would highly reccomend uploading the actuall mod source but still keep the website source, well of course you can keep this up, I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying, maybe upload the mod source aswell so people can play this in .exe form

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

it's happened to me in the pixel songs aswell

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Yeah pixel splashes aren't even finished so that explains why

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

ah, ok

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

you may also wanna revamp the title logo, instead of FNF Mic'd up it should say something like Friday night Funkin MegaMix, I dunno though, I aint into art at that shiz

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

obviously not this update.

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Yeah if i can draw good that is

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

if you end up trying, when it's done, post it here, I'll judge it

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

not this update though.

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

also the character page in the debug mode, maybe take the draw kind of tab from kade engine for the character tab

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Ok rate my caution pixel sign image

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

really good

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

this one was fast image

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

I really love this one

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

but my one critique is the top left part of the bolt

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

it's not a straight line, like the bottom right

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

another suggestion - BeatStreet and HellBeat

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

also, screw it, add in sky and beach brother

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

and no, not HD Sky, normal sky

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Ok bet I'm lucky I have sky downloaded already

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

I have the source code

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

the github :

the version with sky in :

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

when you click this it shall download the version with sky's source code in

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

and also sky's FLA

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

yoo I though you couldnt get the source code anymore

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

bbpanzu thought he got rid of it

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

the commit is still up, this is the latest version before it got deleted

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

it has the source code for nearly EVERY bbpanzu mod

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

this'll help you ALOT

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

if you look in the source folder you'll find the .hx files and in the asset folder you'll find everything else

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago


the "Source_Sky" folder and the "Assets_Sky" folder

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

and in the FL Studeio thingies folder, you'll find the project files to most of the songs, you just need to have the needed plugins

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

with my suggestions and your brains, we WILL make the Biggest MegaPack in the fnf community!

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Yes now if only it would work on mobile but all i can hear is the haxeflixel sound then it crashes

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

yeah, mods toward platforms like android are like 2 siblings from each side of the family staying with eachother, It can only go wrong

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Yeah lmao but it might be the keyboard assignment that makes it crash idk

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

dunno, sad if it is though

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

any progress on the pixel arrows yet?

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Yeah im getting them to show up but i gotta go for an hour so ill be back then image

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Ill be back at around 3 pm est

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

aight, before ya go can you upload this to the source code so I can test?

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

yeah ok if you want you can help me too

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

that'd be 20:00 for me whn you get back - I'm in the uk

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Ah ok

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

tell me when you've uploaded it

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

Its says 8 min left so idk but you can download this test chart that has the new notes in (idk if its posible or not)

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

wont work due to not having the other type of arrows

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

I'll test it though

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

yeah but when the new source is done uploading

DeceptedPar commented 3 years ago

oh yeah, forgot, lol

realDunkin commented 3 years ago

5 minutes left but i gtg rn so try downloading in like 8 minutes