- runs a backup immediatelly, rotate and prune afterwardsrotate
- rotate a backup immediatellyprune
- prune the repository immediatellynotify
- send test notification based on smtp configurationschedule
- runs periodic backups. One or more cron expressions are required as further arguments (see
- An optional cron expressions for pruning the repo. If set, pruning is scheduled separately and not ather the backup.
If a backup is running when the prune is scheduled, prune will be skipped and vice/scripts/ schedule --prune '0 23 00 * * SUN' '@daily'
This would schedule a backup every day at 00:00. On end of Sunday, a prune would be scheduled (if the previous backup is not runing anymore). If the prune takes more than 1 hour, the backup at Monday would be skipped.
Env vars may contain placeholders like $(OTHER_ENV_VAR)
which will be resolved recusively up to 10 levels. If resolution is not possible, the placeholder would be kept.
# if set, old backups will be deleted according to the rules below.
# At least one of [last, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly] needs to be set to make this work
last: 1
daily: 7
weekly: 4
monthly: 3
yearly: 1
# Caches are excluded by default. See on hot to mark a cache dir
exclude-caches: false
# Exclude some files from backup. See for details
- *.bak
- .cache/*
# Include files
# a file contains paths (with patterns) which to backup for
# if use include-from define ALL backup paths inside file. Also backup paths from database dumps!
- /tmp/backupset.txt
# define restic cache-dir
# dir has to match with container environment if used
# cache-dir: /restic-cache
# smtp configuration to send mails when backup fails
password: guest
from: user@host@com
# Run some script(s) before backup
- description: Doing some pre-backup stuff
script: |
echo "x"
exit 1
fail-on-error: true
# File changed are by default done by mtime and size, inode changes are ignored.
# set ignore-inode to false to thread files as changed if the inode is changed
ignore-inode: false
# Perform a dump of elasticsearch
# * url is required
# * username and password for basic auth are optional
# * either include or exclude can be set to a list of regular expressions to include/exclude indices
url: https://es.local:9200/
username: esuser
password: s3cr3t
- ^.kibana
# Perform a dump of mysql
# * host is required
# * port defaults to 3306
# * username and password are required
# * either include or exclude can be set to a list of regular expressions to include/exclude databases
host: database.local
username: root
password: s3cr3t
- ^test
- --skip-lock-tables
- --single-transaction
# Perform a dump of postgresql
# * host is required
# * port defaults to 5432
# * username and password are required
# * either include or exclude can be set to a list of regular expressions to include/exclude databases
host: database.local
username: root
password: s3cr3t
- ^test
# Perform a dump of mongodb
# * host is required
# * port defaults to 27017
# * username and password are required
# * dump_version defaults to 3. Choose between mongodump version 3.x.x and 4.x.x. Implemented to avoid failing dumps due to version mismatch.
host: mongodb.local
username: root
password: s3cr3t
dump_version: 4