<img src="assets/images/sugos-banner.png" alt="Title Banner" height="148" style="height:148px" />
A high-level RPC framework to make remote controlling super easy.
What you can do with SUGOS is:
SUGOS magically connect two clients on remote networks, and provides pseudo function interface as if they are on the same environment.
<img src="assets/images/sugos-overview.png" alt="Overview" />
It also supports event driven architecture. You can emit or listen remote events in Node.js events style. This feature greatly helps you to build applications for IoT or Cloud Robotics.
<img src="assets/images/nodejs-banner.png" alt="banner" height="40" style="height:40px" /> <img src="assets/images/npm-banner.png" alt="banner" height="40" style="height:40px" />
3 steps to be getting started
<img src="assets/images/sugo-hub-banner.png" alt="banner" height="40" style="height:40px" />
Setup a SUGO-Hub server for actors and callers.
#!/usr/bin/env node
* This is an example of SUGO-Hub
* @see https://github.com/realglobe-Inc/sugo-hub
'use strict'
const sugoHub = require('sugo-hub')
;(async () => {
// Start sugo-hub server
let hub = await sugoHub({}).listen(3000)
console.log(`SUGO Hub started at port: ${hub.port}`)
}).catch((err) => console.error(err))
<img src="assets/images/sugo-actor-banner.png" alt="banner" height="40" style="height:40px" />
Create a SUGO-Actor instance and declare modules. Then, connect to the hub server.
* This is an example of SUGO-Actor
* @see https://github.com/realglobe-Inc/sugo-actor
'use strict'
const sugoActor = require('sugo-actor')
const { Module } = sugoActor
;(async () => {
let actor = sugoActor({
/** Host of hub to connect */
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 3000,
/** Name to identify this actor on the hub */
key: 'my-actor-01',
/** Modules to provide */
modules: {
// Example of a simple call-return function module
tableTennis: new Module({
async ping (pong = 'default pong!') {
/* ... */
return `"${pong}" from actor!` // Return to the remote caller
// Load plugin module
timeBomb: require('./example-time-bomb-module')({})
await actor.connect() // Connect to the hub server
}).catch((err) => console.error(err))
<img src="assets/images/sugo-caller-banner.png" alt="banner" height="40" style="height:40px" />
Create a SUGO-Caller instance and connect to the actor with key. Then get access to modules and call functions as you like.
* This is an example of SUGO-Caller
* @see https://github.com/realglobe-Inc/sugo-caller
'use strict'
const sugoCaller = require('sugo-caller')
;(async () => {
let caller = sugoCaller({
// Host of hub to connect
hostname: 'localhost',
port: 3000
// Connect to an actor with key
let actor01 = await caller.connect('my-actor-01')
// Using call-return function
let tableTennis = actor01.get('tableTennis')
let pong = await tableTennis.ping('hey!')
console.log(pong) // -> `"hey!" from actor!`
}).catch((err) => console.error(err))
On actors, each module provides EventEmitter interface like .on(ev, handler)
and .emit(ev, data)
* This is an example module
'use strict'
const { Module } = require('sugo-actor')
class TimeBomb extends Module {
// Example of event emitting function
async countDown (count) {
const s = this
let abort = () => { count = -1 }
s.on('abort', abort) // Listen to events from the caller
while (count > 0) {
s.emit('tick', { count }) // Emit an event to the caller
await new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000)
s.off('abort', abort) // Remove event listener
return count === -1 ? 'hiss...' : 'booom!!!'
function newTimeBomb (...args) {
return new TimeBomb(...args)
module.exports = newTimeBomb // Pass factory method
* This is an example of SUGO-Caller to use event emit
'use strict'
const sugoCaller = require('sugo-caller')
;(async () => {
let caller = sugoCaller({ /* ... */ })
let actor01 = await caller.connect('my-actor-01')
// Using event emitting interface
let timeBomb = actor01.get('timeBomb')
let tick = (data) => console.log(`tick: ${data.count}`)
timeBomb.on('tick', tick) // Add listener
let booom = await timeBomb.countDown(10)
timeBomb.off('tick', tick) // Remove listener
}).catch((err) => console.error(err))
There are a bunch of related package and there are listed in sugos-index page
This software is released under the Apache-2.0 License.