realthunder / FreeCAD

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Would it possible to add a release based on msys2/mingw64 ? #911

Open wsteffe opened 7 months ago

wsteffe commented 7 months ago

Hi RT, I have started a new project named layoutDD which stays for layout Domain Decomposition (see Inside there is code similar to the project layout2fc but in this case it is integrated in the klayout environment. Actually it is regisered as a klayout package which You may install using command "Tools/Manage Packages" from klayout GUI.

The purpose is to extract a small portion of a large circuit which is defined by a cutting polygon and an extent in the z direction. The extracted part is used to generate a 3D model in a FC document.

The problem I have now is that for the windows platform klayout is built with msys2/mingw producing an internal python parser that is not compatible with the python modules of your windows releases of FC.

Please look also at the last post in this thread for other details:

Of course you are welcome if you want to contribute to the layoutDD project as you did with layout2fc.

wsteffe commented 7 months ago

Hi RT, I have just seen that MSYS2 already includes a FreeCAD package (see but its is based on master. I need your FC version because layoutDD extrudes multiple solids in a single body which is not allowed in FC master.

wsteffe commented 7 months ago

Hi RT, I would like to add that I made also a request in the MSYS2 repository to have a FreeCAD package based on your fork. See But there are some problems on this way.