realthunder / FreeCAD

Link branch FreeCAD
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This is the Link branch FreeCAD, with lots of new features and enhancement. This branch is original created to develop the App::Link feature for use with my Assembly3 workbench. The feature has since been merged to official FreeCAD, but the branch stayed and become a forefront of what future FreeCAD might become.

It's function now is to continuously improve and test the Topological naming problem and it's fix.
Which I eventually plan to merge back in to the FreeCAD main branch.

You can help test new features by trying one of the pre-built images released here. There is also more frequent release in snap image for Linux folks to try out.

Original FreeCAD ReadMe. Click to Expand. ### Your own 3D parametric modeler [Website]( • [Documentation]( • [Forum]( • [Bug tracker]( • [Git repository]( • [Blog]( [![Release](]( [![Master][freecad-master-status]][gitlab-branch-master] [![Crowdin](]( [![Gitter](]( [![Liberapay](]( Overview -------- * **Freedom to build what you want** FreeCAD is an open-source parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history to change its parameters. * **Create 3D from 2D and back** FreeCAD lets you to sketch geometry constrained 2D shapes and use them as a base to build other objects. It contains many components to adjust dimensions or extract design details from 3D models to create high quality production-ready drawings. * **Designed for your needs** FreeCAD is designed to fit a wide range of uses including product design, mechanical engineering and architecture, whether you are a hobbyist, programmer, experienced CAD user, student or teacher. * **Cross platform** FreeCAD runs on Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems. * **Underlying technology** * **OpenCASCADE** A powerful geometry kernel, the most important component of FreeCAD * **Coin3D library** Open Inventor-compliant 3D scene representation model * **Python** FreeCAD offers a broad Python API * **Qt** Graphical user interface built with Qt Installing ---------- Precompiled packages for stable releases are available for Windows, macOS and Linux on the [Releases page]( On most Linux distributions, FreeCAD is also directly installable from the software center application. For development releases check the [weekly-builds page]( Other options are described at the [wiki Download page]( Build Status ------------ | Master | 0.20 | Translation | |:------:|:----:|:-----------:| |[![Master][freecad-master-status]][gitlab-branch-master]|[![0.20][freecad-0.20-status]][gitlab-branch-0.20]|[![Crowdin](](| [freecad-0.20-status]: [freecad-master-status]: [gitlab-branch-0.20]: [gitlab-branch-master]: [travis-builds]: Compiling --------- Compiling FreeCAD requires installation of several libraries and their development files such as OCCT (Open Cascade), Coin and Qt, listed in the pages below. Once this is done, FreeCAD can be compiled with CMake. On Windows, these libraries are bundled and offered by the FreeCAD team in a convenient package. On Linux, they are usually found in your distribution's repositories, and on macOS and other platforms, you will usually have to compile them yourself. The pages below contain up-to-date build instructions: - [Linux]( - [Windows]( - [macOS]( - [Cygwin]( - [MinGW]( Reporting Issues --------- To report an issue please: - First post to forum to verify the issue; - Link forum thread to bug tracker ticket and vice-a-versa; - Use the most updated stable or development versions of FreeCAD; - Post version info from eg. `Help > About FreeCAD > Copy to clipboard`; - Post a Step-By-Step explanation on how to recreate the issue; - Upload an example file to demonstrate problem. For more detail see: - [Bug Tracker]( - [Reporting Issues and Requesting Features]( - [Contributing]( - [Help Forum]( - [Developers Handbook]( The [FPA]( offers developers the opportunity to apply for a grant to work on projects of their choosing. Check [jobs and funding]( to know more. Usage & Getting help -------------------- The FreeCAD wiki contains documentation on general FreeCAD usage, Python scripting, and development. These pages might help you get started: - [Getting started]( - [Features list]( - [Frequent questions]( - [Workbenches]( - [Scripting]( - [Development]( The [FreeCAD forum]( is also a great place to find help and solve specific problems you might encounter when learning to use FreeCAD.

This project receives generous infrastructure support from and KiCad Services Corp.