realtimephylogenomics / lab-strain-resequencing-pipeline

Pipeline for internal lab resequencing projects
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Pipeline for internal lab resequencing projects

This is a pipeline that will:

Installing programs:

Flye and Kraken2 can be installed into a conda environment. If conda is not installed then goto

conda create -n Seq_pipeline
conda activate Seq_pipeline
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda flye
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda kraken2

guppy must be installed directly to path and requires sudo access. This will install the gpu version. (guppy is already installed on iridis5)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wget lsb-release
export PLATFORM=$(lsb_release -cs)
wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb ${PLATFORM}-stable non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nanoporetech.sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ont-guppy

The standard Kraken2 database is available here;, or can be downloaded with; wget

The resulting file must then be decompressed using;

tar -xvzf <file_name>

This database will require at least 60GB of RAM to run, download one of the smaller standard databases if this is not practical for you (you will lose some sensitivity)

The conda environment MUST be activated before submitting the job to iridis5

Basecalling and computation step-1:

The pipeline will be expecting two columns of information for the basecalling step and the first computation step.

The layout should be the sample names in the first column and the barcode number in the second column. The barcode number must be exactly as it is on the kit e.g. 01 not 1

Do not include table headers

Example below: This can be copy and pasted straight from excel into the text editor you want to use (I use emacs). It does not matter if the names and numbers are not perfectly aligned provided they are seperated by a 'tab'

strain barcode
PaSS1 01
PaLU1 02
PaSF1 03
PaRS1 04
PaRS2 05
PaRS3 06
PaES1 07
PaES2 08
PaES3 09
PaRS4 10
ANT_PA50 11
ANT_PA66 12
ANT_PA28 13
ANT_PA30 14
ANT_PA38 15
ANT_PA43 16
ANT_PA47 17
ANT_PA67 18
ANT_PA146 19
ANT_PA147 20

For the first basecalling step, which automatically includes the first the computation step use the below format replacing the words surrounded by < > for the actual information

sbatch <sample name and barcode file> <basecalling yes/no> <path to fast5 (if basecalling, if not just type 'no')> <path to kraken database> <path to barcodes or desired barcode folder save location>


sbatch Batch_1.txt yes raw_data/fast5 kraken_database barcoded

The basecalling will take several hours

The first computation step will take place automatically after the basecalling step and will typically be done in around 5 hours

The ultimate outputs are:

It is important to view the kraken reports before continuing to the 'best contig' step, as we must know what the organism is to determine the expected size of the contig from the assembly. This will be visible in the file 'Kraken_species_info.txt'

There will be a file produced at the end of the genome assembly step that will show all the assembly_info reports together. This will be titled 'All_assembly_info_summary.txt'

This will be the easiest way to determine what the best contigs are required for the next step

The file will look like below:

6S2 #seq_name length cov. circ. repeat mult. alt_group graph_path
contig_1 6723309 59 Y N 1 * 1
contig_3 43585 5 N N 1 * ,3,
contig_11 38227 5 N N 1 * ,11,
PA44_NOV19 #seq_name length cov. circ. repeat mult. alt_group graph_path
contig_1 6844862 57 N N 1 * -5,1,-5
contig_29 104573 58 N N 1 * 5,29,5
contig_11 99728 3 N N 1 * ,11,

We can see that because the first contig of 6S2 is circualr and of the expected size (for pseudomonas), that this is a completed genome and is the best contig. For PA44_NOV19, we can see a contig of the expected size (contig_1), however it is not circular. Despite not being circular, contig_1 is the best contig for PA44_NOV19 and will be carried forward for the next step.

With this information, you can update the best_contig column on the excel spreadsheet and copy and paste the data (without headers) into a new txt document

strain barcode best_contig
6S2 21 contig_1
PA44_NOV19 12 contig_1

Computation step 2:

Computation step 2 can be run on the login node and will export the best contig into a single .fasta file that can be used for downstream processing <list with strain name, barcode and best contig>

This will be exported to the directory 'best_contigs'