rebecca-123 / m223_team_lovelace

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AP CSP Period 3: Team Lovelace

Scrum Board, Insights

Table of Contents

  1. Contributors
  2. Pair Share Journals
  3. Project Ideation
  4. Sprint 0 - Introduction
  5. Sprints 1,2 - Innovation
  6. Sprints 3,4 - Prototyping
  7. Sprints 5,6 - Development
  8. Sprints 7,8 - Algorithms and Programming
  9. Sprints 9,10 - Deployment
  10. N@tM and Reflection

Project Description

Team project website with info on celestial objects, accompanied by journals and mini labs

Website Home Page

Project Ideation

Unique Idea: celestial themed website with objects rotated around (gallery)

Viewers can learn more about objects by clicking on images

Website will also contain work from Test Prep Tuesday, Tech Talks and information about team members

Visual Thoughts

Home page: gallery of celestial objects

Each image will link to a page with more detailed information about the object

Nav bar with Home, About > dropdown with team members, Celestial Objects > dropdown with different objects, Mini-Labs > dropdown with different pages including a greetings page, Journals

Contributors (Pop Quiz Table)

Name GitHub ID and Profile Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Christina Lee @christinlee367 Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Rebecca Su @Rebecca-123 Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Ritvik Keerthi @Ritvik-Keerthi Tasks Scrum Board Commits
William Li @3ghin5 Tasks Scrum Board Commits

Pair Share Journals

Ritvik Keerthi and William Li Journal

Christina Lee and Rebecca Su Journal

Introduction - Sprint 0

Week 0: 8/18-20


Installing and learning how to use tools. Learning basics of how the website functions. (Flask and HTML)

Innovation - Sprints 1,2

Sprint 1 - Week 1: 8/23-27


Learning how to brain write and wireframe. Developing ideas for website and becoming familiar with pull/commit/push on GitHub.

Future Improvements

Provide more details on the unique idea of the website. Presentation was too brief in this aspect.

Sprint 2 - Week 2: 8/30-9/3

Grading and Progress

PBL (Team) Points (4/4)
Requirement Evidence
Scrum Master. Define tasks and place assignments to in-progress on the Scrum board. Scrum Board
Designer. Wire Frame (at least three theme pages, team mini-labs, and about) Wireframes
Technical Lead. Coordinate brain write session, after preliminary wire frames, make sure you capture technical complexities as an output of this exercise (input, saving data, comments, visual actions, animations, ...) Brain Write, Wireframes above
Navigators. Capture or build highlight of Ideation in, this allows ideas to persist with Project, Make sure that work from Developers works to expectations (testing, suggestions for improvement) Project Ideation
Developers. Bootstrap drop downs in navbar, start to form Wire Frame menu options. Each menu option should have a Stub code page Ticket
Developers. Integration of Greet like functionality into a mini-lab page Ticket
Developers. Integration of Video Journal 0 into a mini-lab page Ticket
PBL Total Points
Team Member Individual Score (out of 4) Score (out of 8) Justification
Christina Lee 4 8 I have been given the role of Navigator, Designer, and developer. I have made 16 Github commits. Which include capturing the ideation in the READ.ME file, uploading the jpeg for the greetings code, and getting the navigation bar and website title working. My scrum master Rebecca additionally gave me a task of completing the wireframe as well as doing developer work for the code, which I both completed successfully. The TPT journal assigned videos have been watched and we each have notes for them with my pair share partner Rebecca. One of the things I learned about the importance of developing relationships with your team because in the workplace, people work closely with the people around them, and if we get to know them more, it can better increase the speed and efficiency of working on a project together. Additionally I learned the careful steps needed to take when creating a project out of a design. A design can be hard to implement but it is very rewarding to know that one of your creations is put out into the world for everyone to use, but along the way of processing, one might be faced with difficulties and questions that causes hesitation for moving forward. I downloaded python IDLE and tested it with a hello code and then downloaded IntelliJ and added python as an add on. There, brought the files from github that I cloned using github desktop so that I can work on the code there. When I was finished with my task, I would push and commit to github so that my other team members could see it as well. I have also actively participated in collaborating with my team, other operating officers planning for the next meeting, and general messages from the teacher in slack. Therefore I have worked to the best of my ability to deserve a 8/8 because I have completed my tasks as a Navigator(listing ideation in READ.ME), Designer (Creating the wireframe of our website), and developer(contributing to the making of the greeting code and website features).
Rebecca Su 4 8 PBL Team: My roles were scrum master and developer. As a scrum master, I was responsible for creating the tasks and managing the scrum board. I successfully accomplished this and have placed the finished tasks in the review column. I assigned tasks to team members and also collaborated with them on various tasks. Furthermore, I filled in as needed and led the Test Prep Tuesday Brain Write on Restaurants in Poway. During the week, our team had some issues with our original repository so we decided to restart completely. This was not an easy task, but I helped us get back on track and recover all our original files and code. As a developer, I worked on the dropdown menu, the home page, and the journal page (embedding the playlist and styling with a background image).
PBL Individual: I watched both of the assigned College Board videos and took notes on them. I've made at least 50 commits along with 594 additions and 537 deletions. My computer plan is included in the Personal Work Plan Document.
Ritvik Keerthi 4 8 My role was as a developer, which was integrating the greet like functionality (focusing more on this), embedding the video journal link for journal 0, as well as making the navbar dropdown menus. I also took the role of Technical Lead and coordinated a brain write session for my team website. My computer plan is a personal laptop running a Windows operating system. I completed multiple tasks on the scrum board, such as the navbar drop down (prototype), greet functionality, and the journal 0 linking. I have had 239+ total additions to the github repository, within 25 commits and 80+ deletions of changing various files. I believe that this amount is consistent with the amount of work that I have accomplished. The greet functionality has been integrated into my personal page, while being fully functional. The TPT journal assigned videos have been watched and each have notes for them with my pair share partner, William, along with the Design-a-Thon being completed properly and with effort. Therefore, I believe that I have worked enough for a score of 8/8, with everything in the PBL1,2 requirements being completed thoroughly and thoughtfully. My work plan will consist of spending at least 4 hours a week on this project, while using all my time in class to either understand content needed for the project, code the project, or listen to a Tech Talk to aid me with the project.
William (Jiawen) Li 4 8 PBL (Team) {4/4} My role in our team was as a developer. I was the main contributor to the greet like functionality lab page and its html files, along with fixing bugs in the code, finding and correcting any errors, and getting the website to run. I worked with Ritvik on the page for the Video Journal 0. I resolved the errors and got the page to work, and made it into an embed of our Google Doc. I was on task and putting in full effort during our work time in class. I have a total of 354 additions, 290 deletions, and a total of 10 commits. I believe this somewhat accurately reflects the work I did, as I have had to copy over the code from an old project repository to a new one which may have added to the additions. With this in mind I still have made major contributions to our code. I worked with Ritvik to integrate Greet into our individual pages, and with the TPT points and journal assigned videos. I am using a Dell G3 laptop with windows that I use at home and at school. My work plan includes all of class time, plus about one or two hours in the evening depending on the work needed to get done. All in all I feel like I have contributed equally as a member of our team to the PBL 1,2 in order to earn 8/8.
TPT Brain Writing (Design-a-Thon)
Restaurants in Poway Brain Write
Diagram with Website Plan
Personal Work Plans Document

Future Improvements

Add variations to individual team members' pages. Ensure navigation bar appears on all pages. Include overview/demo of website.

Prototyping - Sprints 3, 4

Sprint 3 - Week 3: 9/7-10


Task Evidence
Home page: celestial object gallery Ticket
Greetings page navigation bar Ticket
Journals page navigation bar Ticket
Prototypes of about pages Ticket
Individual changes to each about page Ticket, not completely finished
Celestial objects on navigation bar, dropdown with object names Backlog, didn't have time this week
Add website ideation under mini-labs Ticket
Bootstrap Grid Embed Ticket

Sprint 4 - Week 4: 9/13-17


Scrum Master: Rebecca
Designer: William
Navigator/Tester: Christina
Groomer: Ritvik
Developers: Everyone


Totals: 5 out of 5 (for all team members)
Category Score and Justification
Planning (1/1) Seen by tasks below and GitHub issues
Team Technicals (2/2) Issues and individual technicals, completed required PBL tasks on binary, and further development of project site, no flying birds
Individual Technicals (2/2) Individual technical tasks shown below, commits can also be seen on GitHub


Task Evidence
Celestial objects on navigation bar, dropdown with object names Task
TT3 Binary Math Hacks Christina's Technical Specific Commit
RGB Values on Binary Display Rebecca's Technical Specific Commit
Personal binary page Ritvik's Technical Specific Commit
Personal binary page William's Technical Specific Commit
Home page gallery image resizing Task


Development - Sprints 5, 6

Sprint 5 - Week 5: 9/20-24


Task Evidence
Christina: Write image data function with Big O notation Ticket
Rebecca: Button on rgb.html for gray scaling Ticket
Ritvik: Research and figure out how to hide a message in an image Ticket
William: Implement new possibility in manipulating image Ticket
Everyone: TPT Journals and Quizzes Ticket

TPT Grading

Category Score
TPT 3/3

Sprint 6 - Week 6: 9/28-10/1

TPT Grading

Category Score
TPT and TT 3/3


Task Evidence
Christina: Write image data function with Big O notation Ticket
Rebecca: Button on rgb.html for gray scaling Ticket
Ritvik: Research and figure out how to hide a message in an image Ticket
William: Implement new possibility in manipulating image Ticket
Everyone: TPT Journals and Quizzes Ticket
Christina: Research Number Bases and Journal Ticket
TBD: Project Layout Documentation Ticket

Algorithms and Programming - Sprints 7, 8

Sprint 7 - Week 7: 10/4-8

Review Ticket



Task Evidence
Christina: Logic Gates Ticket
Christina: Multiply and Divide by 2 (Shifting Bits) Ticket
Christina: Converting ASCII to Unicode on Binary Math Demo Ticket
Rebecca: Unsigned Addition Ticket
Rebecca: Implementation of floating point (Extra Credit) Ticket
Ritvik: Color Code Display Ticket
William: Signed Addition and Subtraction Ticket
Everyone: TPT Journals and Quizzes Ticket
Bonus: Tech Talk 7 Activities (Rebecca completed Activity 1) Ticket

TPT Grading

Category Score
TPT 2/2

Logic Gates Grading

Category Score
Logic Gates/All 6 Tasks 6/6

Sprint 8 - Week 8: 10/11-15

Review Ticket


Task (Non-technical) Evidence
File organization in static directory Ticket
Presentation Plan Ticket
Everyone: TPT Journals and Quizzes Ticket
Coding Tasks Evidence
Planets info page Ticket
Constellations info page Ticket
Black holes info page Ticket
Nebulae info page Ticket
Home page gallery modifications Ticket
Bonus: Tech Talk 7 Activities Ticket

Deployment - Sprints 9, 10

Sprint 9 - Week 9: 10/18-22

Google Doc Version - Part 1: Videos and Scores

Ticket - Part 1: Videos and Scores

N@tM Presentation and Walk Abouts

Presentations and Walk About - Images and Recording

Christina and Rebecca- Journal Reflections

Ritvik and William - Journal Reflections