rebus-org / Rebus.Async

:bus: Experimental async extensions for Rebus
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Provides an extension to Rebus that allows for emulating synchronous request/reply in an asynchronous fashion.

⚠ While it can be handy in a few select places, if you're not too keen on introducing HTTP, Protobuf, or another RPC protocol, I do not really recommend that this package be used too much!(*)

Check this out – first you enable synchronous request/reply (must be done at both ends! i.e. both in the requestor and in the replier!):

    configure => configure
        .Options(o => o.EnableSynchronousRequestReply())

and then you can

var reply = await _bus.SendRequest<SomeReply>(new SomeRequest(), timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(7));

// we have the reply here :)

(*) The reason is that everything in Rebus revolves around providing nice mechanisms for doing asynchronous, durable messaging, and the "synchronous request/reply" thing conflicts a great deal with that.

The reason is that the requestor holds transient state after having issued a request, which will be lost if the process crashes, which in turn will result in a reply that has noone to handle it.

This might not be a problem, but I generally recommend that you try to model your code such that your messaging is truly asynchronous (i.e. requestors send their requests, replies are handled in a separate handler, possibly correlated with whatever you were doing by means of a correlation ID).