recardona / RecurveCPP

A decompositional variant of the versatile heuristic partial order planner.
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Recurve is a decompositional planner; i.e. a planning system that combines hierarchical reasoning as discussed in hierarchical task networks (HTNs) and least-commitment refinement reasoning as discussed in partial-order causal link planning. For details on the decompositional planning process, consult this paper. More details for this section are forthcoming.

Recurve is a variant of the versatile heuristic partial order planner originally developed by Håkan L. S. Younes.


The system is called Recurve in reference to its predecessor, the Longbow planning system. Longbow was the more popular of the two publicly available planners able to perform decompositional planning (the other being the DPOCL). Like Longbow, a Recurve is a type of bow. VHPOP was designed to enable POCL planners to compete with state-of-the-art heuristic search planners in terms of speed, and so I thought it appropriate to name the system after a type of bow designed for speed.


Installing as a Visual Studio Project

Currently, the only "installation" this project supports is installing as a Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013) project on Windows (7+). The following instructions assume you have access to a VS2013 development environment.


In the instructions that follow, I'm going to assume that you have no blank characters in any of the paths that I reference. Blank characters can wreak havoc on Cygwin (which is needed), so use them at your own risk.

First, install Cygwin (I use the 64-bit version, but in theory it should work with the 32-bit version as well). When prompted for packages, install the following ones (both Developer and Libs when available):

  1. mercurial
  2. git
  3. make
  4. python
  5. gcc
  6. g++
  7. flex
  8. bison
  9. gawk

Second, place the cygwin bin folder ($PATH_TO_CYGWIN\bin\) on the Environment Path

  1. Right-click on My Computer (in Windows 8.1, this is called This PC), and select Properties. Click on Advanced systems settings and then click on Environment Variables (it should be in the Advanced Tab).
  2. Find the Path variable within the System variables table, click-on it, and then click on Edit.
  3. Append $PATH_TO_CYGWIN\bin\ to the Variable value.

Third, startup Cygwin (which creates a folder $PATH_TO_CYGWIN\home\$USER, and places you there), and enter:

mkdir -p Developer/include
cd Developer/include
touch unistd.h

Fourth, open the file unistd.h in a text editor of your choice and copy the following into it:

#ifdef __MINGW32__
#include_next <unistd.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>

Fifth, add the following new System variable in the Environment Variables:

VHPOP Details

VHPOP is a versatile heuristic partial order planner loosely based on UCPOP with the following main features:

For installation instructions, see INSTALL. For copyright information and distribution restrictions, see COPYING.

Search Algorithms

You can select the search algorithms to use with the -s flag. The options are as follows:

Action Costs

VHPOP currently provides three definitions of action costs, selected through the -a flag, to use in conjunction with the additive heuristic:

Plan Selection

The plan ranking function is specified with the -h flag. A plan ranking function is a sequence of simple heuristic plan ranking functions in decreasing order of significance.

For example, S+OC/LIFO uses the number of steps plus the number of open conditions of a plan as primary rank, and selects plans in LIFO order in case the primary rank of several plans are the same. Some simple plan ranking functions use a weight, which can be specified with the -w flag. VHPOP implements the following simple plan ranking functions:

Flaw Selection

A flaw selection strategy is an ordered list of selection criteria. Each selection criterion is of the form:

{flaw types}[max refinements]ordering criterion

This applies to flaws of the given types which can be resolved in at most "max refinements" ways. The limit on number of refinements is optional and can be left out. The ordering criterion is used to order flaws that the selection criterion applies to. LIFO order is used if the ordering criterion cannot be used to distinguish two or more flaws.

The different flaw types are:

The different ordering criteria are:

Flaws are matched with selection criteria, and it is required for completeness that every flaw matches at least one selection criterion in a flaw selection strategy. The flaw that matches the earliest selection criterion, and is ordered before any other flaws matching the same criterion (according to the ordering criterion), is the flaw that gets selected by the flaw selection strategy.

Note that we do not always need to test all flaws. If, for example, the first selection criterion is {n,s}LIFO, and we have found a threat, then we do not need to consider any other flaws for selection.

Most common flaw selection strategies are predefined, along with several novel ones:

Several flaw selection strategies can be used simultaneously in a round-robin scheme. For example,

  ./vhpop -f LCFR -l 10000 -f MW -l unlimited <domain> <problem>

specifies that both LCFR and MW should be used. The search limit with LCFR is 10,000 generated search nodes, and with MW the number of search nodes generated is only limited by the physical memory of the machine.

The use of multiple flaw selection strategies is similar to running multiple instances of VHPOP concurrently. A separate search queue is kept for each flaw selection strategy. Flaw selection strategies are switched after 1,000; 2,000; 4,000; 8,000; etc. generated search nodes or when the search limit is reached for a strategy. The first plan, if any, found is returned as the solution regardless of which flaw selection strategy was used.

Plans for Future Improvements
