reconhub / ESCAIDE_2019_workshop

The website of the R workshops for ESCAIDE 2019
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Epi + R: two short courses at ESCAIDE 2019

This github repository is used to develop the website of the courses ran by RECON at ESCAIDE 2019, Stockholm.

How to contribute

Workflow for contributing to the website:

  1. fork the project
  2. clone it on your computer
  3. make and check changes
  4. make a pull request (PR) to propose changes
  5. amend until PR is successful

In the following I detail the non-trivial parts (I assume fluent use of git and github).

Making changes

Checking the website locally

You need to install hugo, and then run:

hugo server --disableFastRender -D

and open up the local URL.

Structure of the website

Most changes are straightforward, and either rely on modifying existing fields in yaml config files, or editing / adding markdown files, which hugo will turn into pretty-looking html.

Files to be aware of include:

Editing posts

Exmple of content/post/

title = 'Our aims'
slug = 'aims'
#image = 'images/pic03.jpg'
description = 'Aims of the meeting'
disableComments = true
date = '2019-01-28'

This event aims at ...

The first part between +++ is the header. The image can be commented out if needed (the default image is currently a brown rectangle stored in static/images). Excellent free, high-resolution images can be found at Pexels. Note that the date will not be shown, but is used to sort out posts in the main home page, most recent first.

Posts accept standard markdown and html.

Adding new posts

Every documented topic is technically stored as a 'post', as the website template is originally a blog. I have disabled the display of dates, but the home page will list them from the most recent to the oldest.

To add new post, copy and existing md in content/post/, rename it, and change its content as you see fit. You will need to add a ligne in layouts/partials/nav.html if you want to add a link to this post in the nav bar. See these lignes:

<li class="active"><a href='{{ "/" | relLangURL }}'>Home</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href='/post/aims'>Aims</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href='/post/practical_info'>Practical info</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href='/post/schedule'>Schedule</a></li>
<li class="active"><a href='/post/sponsors'>Sponsors</a></li>