reconhub / covid19hub

Community-driven COVID-19 analytics in R
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Welcome to the RECON COVID-19 hub, a platform for improving COVID-19 analytics resources in R by bringing together infectious disease modellers, epidemiologists and R developers. This platform is intended as a repository for identifying and centralising outstanding R development tasks relevant to the COVID-19 response, which can then be taken on by the wider R community.

This github page is a temporary platform while a fully fledged website is under development; please read the instructions below on how to use it. You will require a github account to list new tasks.


All tasks are listed as separate issues on the Issues page. Tasks are categorised using labels and will indicate, among other things, the expected skill level and time investment required to complete it. Click on a task for more information and post a comment if you have any questions, ideas or discussion points.

Creating a new task

List a new task by clicking on the "New issue" button; please makes sure you have looked through existings tasks to avoid duplications. We recommend using our template issue to describe new tasks. Each task should include the following:

Text content

Use text content to describe the task. Short and clear descriptions are most likely to generate interest.


Use available labels to reflect the nature of the task. In particular, for rating the complexity and the priority of the task.


Taking on a task

If you have identified a task you would like to work on, assign yourself to the task by clicking on "Assignees" button on the right hand side. You can get in contact with the task organiser by posting a comment and then get started!


Please contact us with questions, comments or ideas for improvement at For suggested changes or feedback on this project, feel free to use the issue system using the label internal.