redaemn / KiUI

Widgets, validators, bindings and other useful features for your everyday job with Kendo UI Web
MIT License
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Widgets, validators, bindings and other useful features for your everyday job with Kendo UI Web

What is it

KiUI is a companion framework for Telerik's Kendo UI Web. It adds widgets, validators, bindings and other higher-level features useful for your everyday job with Kendo... so that you don't have to develop them yourself!! :)

KiUI comes to you from the experience of a professional that works day after day with Kendo framework to build customized widgets and features for web applications and sites.

KiUI is currently tested on the latest version of Chrome and Firefox using Kendo UI Web v2013.2.716.

How to use it

To start working with KiUI begin downloading the latest compressed version, the zip package contains .css and .js files both in minified and un-minified version.

After you included the Kendo UI Web library and one of its color themes, you must include the KiUI library using the following code:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

Now you're good to go!! Explore all the available KiUI features described in the official site and... happy coding!! :)

Note to self: I should create a NuGet bundle!!

How to help

If you have an idea for a new feature that you think would be a perfect addition to KiUI, it would be AWESOME if you could tell me about it! Just open an issue or, if you're more a code guy, submit a pull request.

Prepare the environment


The project uses Grunt as its build system.

To build the whole project execute grunt, this will run jshint on all sources, karma to check that the tests pass, concat, uglify and cssmin on all JS and CSS files and then compress to create a convenient package.


This project uses Jasmine as test framework and Karma as test runner.

To run all project's tests execute grunt karma:singleRun.

If you wanto to run the tests while developing execute grunt karma:watch.

You can also generate code coverage statistics executing grunt karma:coverage, they will be placed inside the coverage subdirectory.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2014 Gabriele Rabbiosi