A collection of ebuilds for packages not yet available in Gentoo
- acct-group/kodi-0 - alias group for kodi
- acct-group/nicehash-0 - alias group for nicehash
- acct-user/festival-0 - alias user for festival speech engine
- acct-user/kodi-0 - alias user for kodi
- acct-user/nicehash-0 - alias user for nicehash
- dev-games/ogre-1.10.12 - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
- dev-games/ogremeshy-1.6 - A tool for viewing OGRE mesh files
- dev-lang/fasm-1.73.16 - Flat Assembler - an open source assembly language compiler
- dev-lang/inform7-7.9.3 - design system for interactive fiction
- dev-lang/ispc-1.12.0 - Intel SPMD Program Compiler
- dev-libs/c-blosc-1.17.0 - Blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library
- dev-libs/sfgui-0.4.0 - Simple and Fast Graphical User Interface
- dev-libs/stp-9999 - An extension library for SFML2 designed to read the Tiled map format
- dev-util/entityx-1.3.0 - A fast, type-safe c++ entity component system
- games-engines/UnrealEngine-4.24.2 - A suite of integrated tools for game developers to design and build games
- games-engines/adventuregamestudio- - Play hundreds of adventure games made with Adventure Game Studio
- media-gfx/blender-2.81a - 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
- media-gfx/openvdb-7.0.0 - Libs for the efficient manipulation of volumetric data
- media-libs/Field3D-1.7.2 - A library for storing voxel data
- media-libs/draco-1.3.5 - Library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric objects
- media-libs/embree-3.7.0 - Collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels
- media-libs/oidn-1.1.0 - Intel Open Image Denoise Library
- media-libs/opencollada-1.6.68 - Stream based read/write library for COLLADA files
- media-libs/opencolorio-1.1.1 - A color management framework for visual effects and animation
- media-libs/openimageio- - A library for reading and writing images
- media-libs/opensubdiv-3.4.0 - An Open-Source subdivision surface library
- media-libs/osl-1.9.9 - Advanced shading language for production GI renderers
- media-libs/partio-1.5.4 - Library for particle IO and manipulation
- media-libs/ptex-2.3.2 - Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering
- media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-9999 - Raspberry Pi userspace tools and libraries
- media-libs/robin-map-0.6.2 - A C++ implementation of a fast hash map and hash set using robin hood hashing
- media-video/raspberrypi-omxplayer-9999 - Command line media player for the Raspberry Pi
- net-misc/ccminer-2.3.1 - CUDA Miner Project
- net-misc/nheqminer-0.5c - Nicehash Equihash Miner