Today I (want to) learn
Git submodule details ...
- [ ] What is the typical workflow?
- [x] What are sub-commands of submodule?
- [ ] What does they do?
- [ ] Can I "pin" to specific version?
- [ ] What happen when "submodule" got updated?
- reactivity by assign (
foo = updatedFoo
- [x] a simple app: battle-cat
Go project setup + build
- What's the recommanded project setup?
- How does glide find nested dependencies?
Go module
- Where is the version / dep metadata?
- What does
Emscripten / WebAssembly
- How can I build a hello-world in wasm?
- How can I reduce the overhead of interlude?
- Can I get rid of the node dependencies?
- How to use it to extract out state-manipulating code?
- How to write unit test for each parts?
React + hook?
VS Code + Refactor tools?
"MPA"/traditional web framework?
vim script?
JS refactoring, patterns
CA? / root CA? / certificate? / pem?
Brainstorm Question:
- What new technology/concept would be certainly profitable in my day to day job in the next 3-6 months?
- What field do I want to deepen my knowledge in?
- What piece of technology/concept excites me and makes me want to try it?