redflo / pylarexx

Python DataLogger for Arexx Multilogger Devices
Apache License 2.0
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Pylarexx - Python DataLogger for Arexx Multilogger Devices

Pylarexx searches the USB bus for Arexx BS-500 / BS-510 / TL-500 / TL-510 devices, and constantly reads sensor data. It can be configured to name the sensors, add calibration values and configure output modules.

At the moment the BS-510 / TL-510 devices are experimental supported, since i have no such device. New Arexx sensors have id values that exceed 2 bytes and need this newer device.

The sensors that i have tested are TSN-TH70E and TL-3TSN, both with 2-byte id numbers (<65536). If you have other sensors (CO2, ...), you can try, if they work. If not, send me sensors or debugging output, and i will try to add them. ` The protocol and interpretation of values for supported devices is explained in Protocol.txt and sensors.txt


Pylarexx is tested with Linux. Installing and running pylarexx requires root privileges.

configuration to run script without root privileges

The should put the code to /usr/local/pylarexx, a example config to /etc/pylarexx.yml and on systemd based systems, it creates a service.


All configuration is done in /etc/pylarexx.yml. Be careful about indentation and "-", since this has a special meaning in yaml files. See YAML Wikipedia Article.


At sensors you should add your sensors as shown in the example config.


At calibration you can add calibration values. Usually the values for temperature, humidity, ... are computed from the raw value from the sensor with:

value = p0 + rawvalue * p1 + rawvalue² * p2 + ....

With the values List, you can alter p0, p1 .... as shown in the example config.

Note Latest changes broke calibration with sensors with more than one sensor (Temp + RH). Will be fixed soon.


At output you can add one or more DataListeners and configure them. You can also add one type of DataListener more then one time.

Available output modules (DataListeners):


Look at to see how to implement new output modules. Look at example_pylarexx.yml for configuration examples.

Other config

At config there are some other configuration options:

Example with grafana

alt text

Known integrations

check_mk - old



pylarexx is licensed under the Apache License, version 2, see License.txt. The file device.xml is copyrighted by Arexx and is distributed with permission from Arexx