redguardtoo / emacs.d

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启动时卡顿 #354

Closed yangdaweihit closed 8 years ago

yangdaweihit commented 8 years ago
.emacs.d/lisp/init-ido.el: `flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or `cl-letf'.
 Eager macro-expansion failure: (error "(quote erlang-compile-outdir) is not a valid place expression")
C-M-g is undefined

在启动时卡顿很长时间,同时显示出Eager macro-expansion failure: (error "(quote erlang-compile-outdir) is not a valid place expression"),我等了一段时间后启动。现将_Message_中有问题的内容粘帖出来。请看看是哪里出了问题,如何解决。

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

That's normal.

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

tested on emacs 24.5.1, no issue found.

yangdaweihit commented 8 years ago


redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

restart emacs? more information on environment.

lanceflee commented 8 years ago

我的也卡很久...一样是24.5.1 OS X 10.11 GM

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

can you give me detailed steps to install emacs

lanceflee commented 8 years ago

rm .emacs.d in ~/ brew install emacs add alias in .bash_profile to use /usr/local/bin/emacs git clone in ~/

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

I tested with emacs 24.5.1 opened in one second.

yangdaweihit commented 8 years ago


(require 'init-elisp)



;; -*- coding: utf-9 -*-


redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

check my init.el on github, it's always utf-8, what's your hardware spec?

some warning message at mini-buffer is totally fine. btw, depends on your hardward, 20 seconds startup time is normal in Emacs.

albert748 commented 8 years ago




;(require 'init-elisp)


You need install either aspell or hunspell for ispell .emacs.d/lisp/init-ido.el: flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use eithercl-flet' or cl-letf'. Eager macro-expansion failure: (error "(quote erlang-compile-outdir) is not a valid place expression") [yas] Discovered there was already *scratch* in fundamental-mode [yas] Discovered there was already *code-conversion-work* in fundamental-mode [yas] Discovered there was already *load* in fundamental-mode [yas] Discovered there was already *Echo Area 0* in fundamental-mode [yas] Discovered there was already *Echo Area 1* in fundamental-mode [yas] Discovered there was already *load*-938810 in fundamental-mode [yas] Loading forfundamental-mode', just-in-time: (lambda nil (yas--load-directory-1 (quote /home/albert/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet- (quote fundamental-mode)))! [yas] Loading compiled snippets from /home/albert/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet- Loading /home/albert/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet- [yas] Prepared just-in-time loading for /home/albert/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet- [yas] Prepared just-in-time loading for ~/.emacs.d/snippets [yas] Reloaded everything (snippets will load just-in-time).... Emacs startup time: 257 seconds.

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

have you done anything in yasnippet?

emacs -Q -l ~/bin/profile-dotemacs.el -f profile-dotemacs lisp/init.el, send me the report

then emacs -Q -l ~/bin/profile-dotemacs.el -f profile-dotemacs lisp/init-elisp.el and send me the report

profile-dotemacs.el is at

yangdaweihit commented 8 years ago

什么也没做,只是正常git clone,然后启动。我也是注释掉了(require 'init-elisp),就不出有卡顿的现象。

lanceflee commented 8 years ago

咱们都没装那一堆插件的原因。 我brew install aspell 和下面的几个,然后就启动很快了...

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago


redguardtoo commented 8 years ago


yangdaweihit commented 8 years ago


redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

in init-elisp.el, for following code:

(defun elisp-mode-hooks ()
  (unless (is-buffer-file-temp)
    (when (require 'eldoc nil t)
      (setq eldoc-idle-delay 0.2)
      (setq eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p t)
    (rainbow-delimiters-mode t)

replace unless (is-buffer-file-temp) with when t, restart emacs, see what happens

replace when (require 'eldoc nil t) with when t, restart emacs, see what happens

comment out the next line(s), see what happens.

yangdaweihit commented 8 years ago
  1. do u mean use when t without brace replace unless ...?
  2. all of three ways have been tried and don't work for the problem.
lanceflee commented 8 years ago




lanceflee commented 8 years ago



redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

是否工作环境使用的net drive?

lanceflee commented 8 years ago

DNS的原因...有什么东西要发网络请求么? 路由器分的192.168.**就会卡顿。 刚在本地替换掉了,就不卡了...

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

what's your content of /etct/hosts? I did not do any network thing in my setup, but some 3rd party plugins may do the thing.

lanceflee commented 8 years ago

Nothing other than localhost mappings. I think the problem is ether my company's DNS (set in my router ) or my local DNS (my Mi-wifi router assigned, maybe Xiaomi router filters something AND/OR add some mappings )

gttiankai commented 8 years ago

我也出现了和yangdaweihit 一样的问题 os x10.11 正式版 emacs 24.5.1注释掉(require 'init-elisp) 就会快很多。请问该如何解决

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago


redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

try (setq tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options), see

lanceflee commented 8 years ago

I pulled your the latest version with tramp***

It doesn't work = =

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

can you insert log code into init-elisp.el? replace elisp-mode-hooks with below code

(defun elisp-mode-hooks ()
  (unless nil
    (message "1===")
    (when (require 'eldoc nil t)
      (message "2===")
      (setq eldoc-idle-delay 0.2)
      (message "3===")
      (setq eldoc-echo-area-use-multiline-p t)
      (message "4===")
      (message "5==="))
    (message "6===")
    (message "7===")
    (rainbow-delimiters-mode t)
    (message "8===")
    (message "9===")
    (message "10===")
    (message "11===")
lanceflee commented 8 years ago
lance@lances-MacBook .backups$ cat \!Users\!lance\!.emacs.d\!recentf.~1~ 
;;; Automatically generated by `recentf' on Wed Oct 14 09:29:26 2015.

(setq recentf-list

(setq recentf-filter-changer-current 'nil)

;; Local Variables:
;; coding: utf-8-emacs
;; End:
redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

what's the recentf?

gttiankai commented 8 years ago

@redguardtoo 启动卡顿的问题,现在莫名其妙的好了,不卡顿了,一开始在init.el中注释掉(require 'init-elisp), 今天经过测试,不注释也可以了,不卡顿了。

lanceflee commented 8 years ago
../.emacs.d/lisp/init-ido.el: `flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or `cl-letf'.
Eager macro-expansion failure: (error "(quote erlang-compile-outdir) is not a valid place expression")
[yas] Discovered there was already *scratch* in fundamental-mode
[yas] Discovered there was already  *code-conversion-work* in fundamental-mode
[yas] Discovered there was already  *load* in fundamental-mode
[yas] Discovered there was already  *Echo Area 0* in fundamental-mode
[yas] Discovered there was already  *Echo Area 1* in fundamental-mode
[yas] Discovered there was already  *load*-936788 in fundamental-mode
[yas] Loading for `fundamental-mode', just-in-time: (lambda nil (yas--load-directory-1 (quote /Users/lance/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet- (quote fundamental-mode)))!
[yas] Loading compiled snippets from /Users/lance/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-
Loading /Users/lance/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-
[yas] Prepared just-in-time loading for /Users/lance/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-
[yas] Prepared just-in-time loading for ~/.emacs.d/snippets
[yas] Reloaded everything (snippets will load just-in-time)....
Emacs startup time: 85 seconds.
Loading /Users/lance/.emacs.d/.session...done
No desktop file.
Loading /Users/lance/.emacs.d/company-statistics-cache.el (source)...done
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Beginning idle-require
idle-require: require init-misc-lazy
Loading /Users/lance/.emacs.d/recentf...done
Cleaning up the recentf list...done (0 removed)
Failed to access ~/.emacs.d/history
Package assoc is obsolete!
idle-require: require init-which-func
idle-require: require init-fonts
idle-require: require init-hs-minor-mode
idle-require: require init-stripe-buffer
idle-require: require init-textile
idle-require: require init-csv
idle-require: require init-writting
idle-require: require init-doxygen
idle-require: require init-pomodoro
idle-require: require init-emacspeak
idle-require: require init-artbollocks-mode
idle-require: require init-semantic
idle-require finished
keyfreq data saved into ~/.emacs.keyfreq
redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

maybe it's melpa network issue. I'm 100% sure I did nothing nasty

redguardtoo commented 8 years ago

6e7237f remove obsolete flymake.el (Chen Bin) thanks for reporting the issue.