redguardtoo / emacs.d

Fast and robust Emacs setup.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Most users need follow the section "Install in normal way".

Section "Install stable version" is useful if and only if,

** Install packages from remote repository (RECOMMENDED) There are two ways to install this setup (I recommend the first way):

First way is to download [[][latest setup]] and extract its content into =~/.emacs.d=, OR run command =cd ~; git clone .emacs.d= in shell.

Second way is to use [[][stable setup]], or run command =cd ~; git clone .emacs.d; cd .emacs.d; git reset --hard stable= in shell.

By default, packages are installed automatically during Emacs startup.

Someone reported that package repository [[]] is not responsive in China.

No worries. You could answer "YES" to the question "Switch to faster package repositories in China temporarily?" after firing Emacs. Please note after startup you could change variable =package-archives= in =init-elpa.el= to permanently switch to Chinese repositories. ** Install packages from stable local repository (OPTIONAL)

Now you are using local package repository =~/myelpa=.

You can switch to online repositories like or by modifying =lisp/init-elpa.el=. ** Install everything in one step (OPTIONAL) Download content of [[]] into =~/.emacs.d=. That's it.

It's not recommended for daily usage because the third party packages are not optimized for latest Emacs. ** Third party programs (OPTIONAL) *** Install Most command line programs can be installed through =default package manager=.

=Default package manager= could be:

Some package managers allow you to install the program for current user. For example, python package manager =pip= has the option "[[][--user]]". ** List of command line programs These programs are OPTIONAL*.

Please ignore error message related to command line programs. For example, if =aspell= and =hunspell= are not installed, you can ignore all the flyspell error messages. **** fortune-zh or fortune Show ancient Chinese poem or quotes from random sources. Please note you can't install =fortune-zh= through [[][homebrew]] on macOS.

But there is a simple workaround:

*** Step 2, read official tutorial Press =C-h t= in Emacs ("C" means Ctrl key, "M" means Alt key) to read bundled tutorial.

At minimum, you need learn:

Please watch [[][Carsten Dominik's talk]]. It's really simple. The only hot key to remember is =Tab=. Step 4, start from a real world problem You can visit [[][EmacsWiki]] for the solution. Newbies can ask for help at [[]]. Step 5 (optional), improve your shell/cli skills You could read free books/guides at [[][The Linux Documentation Project]]. ** Evil-mode tutorial Required for vim user,

** Quick start On Windows, you need install Cygwin which provides command line programs to Emacs. Cygwin could be installed on any hard drive but it's highly recommended don't change it relative path to the root driver.

Install Ctags (Universal Ctags is better. Exuberant Ctags is fine). On Windows, you could install Ctags through Cygwin.

Run =M-x counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point= from =counsel-etags= to navigate code. It uses tags files created by ctags. Tags file will be automatically created/update when you start using =counsel-etags=.

Run =M-x counsel-etags-grep= to search text (grep) in project. Project root is automatically detected.

Run =M-x find-file-in-project-by-selected= from =find-file-in-project= to find file in project. Project root is automatically detected. You can also add one line setup in =.emacs= like =(setq ffip-project-root "~/proj1/")=.

Code auto-completion works out of box by using tags file created by Ctags. You need run =counsel-etags= at least once to fire up Ctags. =company-ctags= from =company-mode= provides the candidates for auto completion. No manual setup is required.

Please [[][grep]] in the directory =~/.emacs.d/lisp= if you have any further questions on setup. ** Better runtime performance *** Why opening file is slow Insert below code into =~/.custom.el=, replace "/home/user1/your-file-path" with the file you want to open,

+begin_src elisp

(defun profile-open-file () (interactive) (profiler-start 'cpu) (find-file "/home/user1/your-file-path") (profiler-report) (profiler-stop))


Run =M-x profile-open-file= and read the report. ** Key bindings Don't memorize any key binding. Try =M-x any-command-in-emacs= and hint for its key binding is displayed.

Most key bindings are defined in =lisp/init-evil.el=, a few key in =lisp/init-hydra.el= which uses [[][Hydra]].

Press =C-c C-y= anywhere to bring up default hydra menu.

The tutorials I recommended have enough information about commands.

Besides, "[[][How to be extremely efficient in Emacs]]" lists my frequently used commands.

Press =kj= to escape from =evil-insert-state= and everything else in Emacs. It's much more efficient than =ESC= in Vim or =C-g= in Emacs. Search =evil-escape= in =init-evil.el= for details.

But mixed style is also used in my workflow. See the function =my-optimize-evil= in =init-evil.el=.

You can insert =(my-optimize-evil)= into =~/.custom.el= to enable it. Backup packages Run =M-x elpamr-create-mirror-for-installed= create a local repository from installed packages. See [[]] for more details. Hardcore debug technique This Emacs configuration is fast and robust.

So most tricky problems come from extra third party packages you installed.

Try [[][Strace]] if you can't resolve the issue by grepping the Emacs Lisp code.

Debug network request sent by Emacs,

+begin_src sh

strace -f -e trace=network -s 10000 -o ~/emacs-err.txt /usr/bin/emacs -nw


Debug system API call sent by Emacs,

+begin_src sh

strace -o ~/emacs-err.txt /usr/bin/emacs -nw


** Spell check code This configuration uses [[][wucuo]] which is alternative of =flyspell-mode= and =flyspell-prog-mode=.

Wucuo is fast, reliable, and powerful. It's better than any spell checking solutions of other text and IDE.

If you prefer your own spell check solution, insert below code to disable wucuo first,

+begin_src elisp

(setq my-disable-wucuo t)


For further knowledge on spell checking, you could read [[][my article]] and code in =init-spelling.el=. ** Lock packages Some packages are so important to my workflow that they are locked.

Those packages are placed at =site-lisp/=.

They will not be upgraded by package system.

Please make sure same package is not installed through elpa. Please check the content of directory "elpa/" in =.emacs.d= root. ** How to install new packages? I only use two package repositories,

If a package named =MY-PKG= exists in the stable repository, you only need one line setup,

+begin_src elisp

(require-package 'MY-PKG)


This line could be placed in =lisp/init-elpa.el= or =~/.custom.el=.

You'd better place everything related to =MY-PKG= into =~/.custom.el= so the main stream change won't impact your own configuration.

If the package does not exist in the stable repository, modify =melpa-include-packages= in =lisp/init-elpa.el= first.

I encourage you to read =init-elpa.el= to understand how packages are managed if you are good at Emacs Lisp, ** Git blame current line Run =vc-msg-show=.

If you select a region inside current line, the correct commit which submits the selected snippet is displayed instead of the latest commit touch the whole line. ** Save/Load windows layout =SPC s s= or =M-x wg-create-workgroup= to save windows layout. =SPC l l= or =M-x wg-open-workgroup= to load windows layout.

** Use this configuration as merge tool for Git This configuration might be the most efficient and most powerful merge tool for VCS. Insert below configuration into =~/.gitconfig=,

+begin_src js


use git mergetool ediff to resolve conflicts

cmd = emacs -nw -Q --eval \"(setq startup-now t)\" -l \"~/.emacs.d/init.el\" --eval \"(progn (setq ediff-quit-hook 'kill-emacs) (if (file-readable-p \\"$BASE\\") (ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor \\"$LOCAL\\" \\"$REMOTE\\" \\"$BASE\\" nil \\"$MERGED\\") (ediff-merge-files \\"$LOCAL\\" \\"$REMOTE\\" nil \\"$MERGED\\")))\"


Then run =git mergetool -t ediff= to resolve conflicts.

Here is [[][my ~/.gitconfig]]. You can use [[]] to practice. ** Default terminal shell Run =M-x shell=. If you use Zsh instead of Bash, please modify =init-term-mode.el=.

You can customize =my-term-program= whose default value is =/bin/bash=. It's used by =ansi-term=. * Override default setup Place your setup in =~/.custom.el= which is loaded after other ".el".

So you can use any functions defined in my emacs configuration.

Here is a sample to override keybindings defined in =lisp/init-evil.el=,

+begin_src elisp

(with-eval-after-load 'evil (my-space-leader-def "ss" 'pwd "ll" 'pwd "pp" 'pwd))


** Code navigation It's usable out of box if Ctags is installed.

To navigate, =M-x counsel-etags-find-tag-at-point=.

To enable code auto-completion, =M-x counsel-etags-scan-code= at least once.

Optionally, you can add =(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'counsel-etags-virtual-update-tags)= into your =.emacs= to automatically update tags file.

No further setup is required. ** Code auto-completion I assume you are using [[][company-mode]]. In this setup, users can press digit key to select the candidate from =company-mode=. To disabled this feature, =(setq my-company-select-by-number-p nil)=. Please see =my-company-zero-key-for-filter= for more tips.

*** C++ auto-completion doesn't work? There are many ways to scan the C++ source files. =company-clang= from =company-mode= and =Clang= is good at handling C++.

If you use clang to parse the C++ code:

Here is sample setup:

+begin_src elisp

(setq company-clang-arguments '("-I/home/myname/projs/test-cmake" "-I/home/myname/projs/test-cmake/inc"))


In "friendly" Visual C++, [[][similar setup]] is required.

You can use other backends instead of =clang=. For example, you can use =company-gtags= and [[][GNU Global]] instead. See [[][Emacs as C++ IDE, easy way]] for details.

*** Auto-completion for other languages It's similar to C++ setup. Since GNU Global supports many popular languages, you can use =company-gtags=.

For languages GNU Global doesn't support, you can fall back to =company-ctags= and [[][Ctags]]. Ctags configuration file is =~/.ctags=.

You can also complete line by =M-x eacl-complete-line= and complete multi-lines statement by =M-x eacl-complete-multiline=. ** Color theme *** Auto load classic color theme Add below code to =~/.custom.el= to load a random classic dark color theme during startup,

+begin_src elisp

(setq my-enable-startup-color-theme-p t)


If you prefer using your own color theme, you don't need above line.

*** Preview color theme Check [[]].

Write down the name of color theme (for example, molokai).

*** Setup color theme manually (recommended) You can =M-x counsel-load-theme= to switch themes.

Or you can insert below code into end of =~/.custom.el= or =init.el=,

+begin_src elisp

;; Please note the color theme's name is "molokai" (load-theme 'molokai t)


You can also run =M-x random-color-theme= to load random color theme. *** Use color theme in terminal Use 256 colors is just one CLI without any extra setup,


TERM=xterm-256color emacs -nw


** True colors in terminal Emacs

A generic grep program =counsel-etags-grep= is also provided. Since =counsel-etags-grep= is based on =counsel/ivy=, it also supports a magic called "multi-editing via Ivy". You could read [[][Nuclear weapon multi-editing via Ivy and Ag]] to get the idea.

Multi-edit workflow is optimized. After =M-x counsel-etags-grep= or pressing =,qq=, press =C-c C-o C-x C-q= to enable =wgrep-mode=. You can edit text (for example, delete lines) in =wgrep-mode= directly.

You can exclude multiple keywords using =!keyword1 keyword2= in =ivy=. ** Hydra/Swiper/Counsel/Ivy I love all the packages from [[][Oleh Krehel (AKA abo-abo)]]. Every article from his [[][blog]] is worth reading ten times.

You can input =:pinyin1 pinyin2 !pinyin3 pinyin4= in ivy UI to search by Chinese Pinyin. The key point is to make sure the first character of input is ":". ** Set "auto-mode-alist" The =auto-mode-alist= associates major modes with files.

For example, associate =rjsx-mode= file with extension "*.jsx",

+begin_src elisp

(push ("\.jsx\'" . rsjx-mode) auto-mode-alist)


Or you can use function =my-add-auto-mode= provided by this configuration,

+begin_src elisp

(my-add-auto-mode 'rjsx-mode "\.jsx\'")


** git-gutter I use modified version of =git-gutter= for now until my pull request is merged into official repository.

You can set =git-gutter:exp-to-create-diff= to make git gutter support other VCS (Perforce, for example),

+begin_src elisp

(setq git-gutter:exp-to-create-diff (shell-command-to-string (format "p4 diff -du -db %s" (file-relative-name buffer-file-name))))


Please note =git-gutter= assumes the cli program [[][diff]] is added into environment variable PATH. You might need install it through MSYS2 or Cygwin on Windows. ** Setup fonts in GUI Emacs Non-Chinese can use [[][unicode-fonts]].

Chinese can use [[][cnfonts]].

They are not included in this setup. You need install them manually. ** Synchronize setup with Git Synchronize from my stable setup:

+begin_src bash

git pull stable


Or latest setup:

+begin_src bash

git pull


You can revert commit:

+begin_src bash

always start from the latest related commit

git revert commit-2014-12-01 git revert commit-2014-11-01


Indentation Learn [[][basics]]. Then use [[][my solution]]. Editing Lisp Please note [[][paredit-mode]] is enabled when editing Lisp. Search "paredit cheat sheet" to learn its key bindings. Use [[][smart-mode-line]] or [[][powerline]]? Comment out =(require 'init-modeline)= in =init.el= at first. Key bindings don't work? Other desktop applications may intercept the key bindings. For example, [[][it's reported QQ on windows 8 can intercept "M-x"]]. ** Org-mode Press =M-x org-version=, then read online manual to set up.

For example, =org-capture= requires [[][manual setup]].

Run =M-x org-open-at-point= to open link under cursor. Http link will be opened by built in browser. =C-u M-x org-open-at-point= uses the external browser specified by =browse-url-generic-program= whose value could be =/usr/bin/firefox=. ** macOS user? Please replace legacy Emacs 22 and ctags with the new versions.

The easiest way is change [[][Environment variable PATH]]. ** Customize global variables Some variables are set by this configuration so you can't =M-x customize= to modify them.

Here are the steps to set these variables:

BTW, please read my code comment first before changing my code. ** Open/Save files with Counsel/Ivy Keep pressing =C-M-j= to ignore candidates and open/save files using current input.

You can also press =M-o= to apply other action on selected file. See [[]] for details. ** Windows If you use Windows Emacs, you need Emacs to find third party command line programs from Cygwin/MSYS2. Please add =C:\Cygwin64\bin= or =C:\msys64\bin= to environment variable =PATH=.

Most command line programs are originally developed for macOS and Linux. They can only handle UTF-8 encoded text. When grepping texts or searching files, the Windows Emacs need run the command line programs in Command Prompt which uses UTF-16 encoded text. So you might need see [[][Using UTF-8 Encoding (CHCP 65001) in Command Prompt / Windows Powershell (Windows 10)]] if Emacs need pass Non-ASCII text to external command line programs.

Below Emacs commands do not require external command line programs and work out of box on Windows,

You can set environment variables in PowerShell, like,

+begin_src sh

setx var_name "var_value"


Environment variable =HOME= points to the directory =C:\Users\= on Windows by default. You need copy the folder =.emacs.d= into that directory. Or you can change the value of =HOME=.

I use below cli to set the variable =HOME= to "c:\cygwin\home\cb",

+begin_src sh

setx HOME "c:\cygwin\home\cb"


** Yasnippet

Run =M-x package-refresh-content=, restart Emacs, reinstall package. ** Use flycheck to syntax check code If you prefer =flycheck= instead the default syntax check solution =lazyflymake= built into this configuration.

Install and set up =flycheck= and insert below code to disable =lazyflymake=,

+begin_src elisp

(setq my-disable-lazyflymake t)


Disable Vim key bindings By default EVIL (Vim emulation in Emacs) is used. Comment out line containing =(require 'init-evil)= in init.el to unload it. Evil setup It's defined in =lisp/init-evil.el=. Press =C-z= to switch between Emacs and Vim key bindings.

You could visit [[][its website]] to download its free ebook there.

You can set =my-initial-evil-state-setup= to customize the initial evil state per major mode,

+begin_src elisp

;; diff-mode' uses Emacs original key bindings (push '(diff-mode . emacs) my-initial-evil-state-setup) ;;ivy-occur-grep-mode' initial state is evil normal state. Vim key bindings are used. (push '(ivy-occur-grep-mode . normal) my-initial-evil-state-setup)


** Chinese Input Method Editor Please note pyim is already built into this setup. You need not install it through ELPA.

Run =M-x toggle-input-method= to toggle input method [[][pyim]]. *** Use Pinyin The default dictionary for pinyin might not be big enough. So you need install bigger dictionaries.

Dictionaries with ".pyim" extension under the directory =~/.eim/= are automatically loaded.

Please run =curl -L > ~/.eim/pyim-tsinghua-dict.pyim= to install extra dictionaries.

The default pinyin scheme is =quanpin= but you can insert below code into =~/.custom.el= to switch to a different pinyin scheme,

+begin_src elisp

(with-eval-after-load 'pyim (setq pyim-default-scheme 'xiaohe-shuangpin))


*** Use Wubi Dictionary for wubi is already installed. Please insert below code into =~/.custom.el= to enable wubi dictionary and use wubi scheme,

+begin_src elisp

(setq my-pyim-enable-wubi-dict t) ;; ;; @see for more information ;; (setq my-pyim-enable-wubi-dict pyim-wbdict-v86-enable) ;; (setq my-pyim-enable-wubi-dict pyim-wbdict-v98-enable) ;; (setq my-pyim-enable-wubi-dict pyim-wbdict-v98-morphe-enable) ;; (setq my-pyim-enable-wubi-dict pyim-wbdict-v86-single-enable)


** Install multiple versions of Emacs Run below commands to install Emacs 26.3 into the directory =~/myemacs/26.3=:

+begin_src bash

mkdir -p ~/tmp; curl | tar xvz -C ~/tmp/emacs-26.3 cd ~/tmp/emacs-26.3; mkdir -p ~/myemacs/26.3; rm -rf ~/myemacs/26.3/*; ./configure --prefix=~/myemacs/26.3 --without-x --without-dbus --without-sound && make && make install


** Change Time Locale Insert below code into =~/.emacs= or =~/.custom.el=,

+begin_src elisp

;; Use en_US locale to format time. ;; if not set, the OS locale is used. (setq system-time-locale "C")


* Directory structure =init.el= is the main file. It includes other =.el= files.

=lisp/init-elpa.el= defines what packages will be installed from [[][MELPA]].

Packages are installed into the directory =elpa/=.

I also manually download and extract some packages into =site-lisp/=. Packages in =site-lisp/= are not visible to the package manager.

My own snippets is at =snippets/=.

The git hooks is placed in =githooks= directory.

Other directories don't matter. ** Run the unit test before git commit On macOS/Linux/Cygwin, run =make githooks= to install hooks into =.git/hooks=.

Then unit test is run automatically before =git commit=. ** Python environment [[][Elpy (Emacs Python Development Environment)]] is used.

The flag =elpy-disable-backend-error-display= is set to =nil= so you can easily report any error to its developers.

If you don't use Elpy, comment out the line =(elpy-enable)= in =init-python.el=.

Please make sure python and its package virtualenv is installed first.

To enable the virtual environment created by Elpy, add below code into =~/.custom.el=,

+begin_src elisp

(with-eval-after-load 'elpy (let* ((venv-dir "~/.emacs.d/elpy/rpc-venv")) (when (and (file-exists-p venv-dir) (executable-find pyvenv-virtualenvwrapper-python)) (pyvenv-activate venv-dir))))


After activating the virtual environment created by Elpy, you could backup its required packages,

+begin_src sh

source ~/.emacs.d/elpy/rpc-venv/bin/activate && pip freeze > elpy-requirements.txt && deactivate


Restore the packages,

+begin_src sh

source ~/.emacs.d/elpy/rpc-venv/bin/activate && pip install -r elpy-requirements.txt && deactivate


Then run =M-x elpy-config= to double check elpy status and install any missing python package.

You might want to modify =include-system-site-packages= in =~/.emacs.d/elpy/rpc-venv/pyvenv.cfg= ** Set up [[][lsp-mode]] You could insert below code into =~/.custom.el=,

+begin_src elisp

(with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode ;; enable log only for debug (setq lsp-log-io nil) ;; use evil-matchit' instead (setq lsp-enable-folding nil) ;; no real time syntax check (setq lsp-diagnostic-package :none) ;; handle yasnippet by myself (setq lsp-enable-snippet nil) ;; turn off for better performance (setq lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting nil) ;; use find-fine-in-project instead (setq lsp-enable-links nil) ;; auto restart lsp (setq lsp-restart 'auto-restart) ;; don't watch 3rd party javascript libraries (push "[/\\\\][^/\\\\]*\\.\\(json\\|html\\|jade\\)$" lsp-file-watch-ignored) ;; don't ping LSP language server too frequently (defvar lsp-on-touch-time 0) (defun my-lsp-on-change-hack (orig-fun &rest args) ;; do NOT runlsp-on-change' too frequently (when (> (- (float-time (current-time)) lsp-on-touch-time) 120) ;; 2 mins (setq lsp-on-touch-time (float-time (current-time))) (apply orig-fun args))) (advice-add 'lsp-on-change :around #'my-lsp-on-change-hack))


Then run =M-x lsp= to start lsp client and server. Check [[]] on how to install lsp server. Enable typewriter sounds when typing Run =M-x my-toggle-typewriter=. Please check bundled =typewriter-mode.el= for further setup. pdf-tools Check its official documentation.

Here is my setup in =~/.custom.el=,

+begin_src elisp

;; @see ;; Don't bother Windows (when (and (display-graphic-p) (or linux is-a-mac)) (my-run-with-idle-timer 2 (lambda () (when is-a-mac (setenv "PKG_CONFIG_PATH" "/usr/local/Cellar/zlib/1.2.8/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig")) (pdf-loader-install))))


** Emacs 25 Version 3.2 is the last version to support =Emacs 25=

Please use [[]] and [[]]. ** Emacs 24.4 and 24.5 Version 2.9 is the last version to support =Emacs 24.4+=

Please use [[]] and [[]]. ** Emacs 24.3 Version 2.6 is the last version to support =Emacs 24.3=.

Download [[]] and [[]] and you are good to go. ** Emacs 23 Version 1.2 of this setup is the last version to support Emacs v23.

Here are the steps to use that setup:

If you still can't resolve the issue,

The full command line to start Emacs is =emacs -nw --debug-init=.

If you use [[][Emacs for Mac OS X]], the command line is =/Application/ -nw --debug-init=.

Send error messages to the original developer if it's third party package's problem.

If you are sure it's this my bug, file report at [[]]. Don't email me!

Bug report need include environment details.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the [[file:LICENSE][GNU General Public License]] for more details.