redhat-cop / openshift-playbooks

Source for the add on documentation site for OpenShift Container Platform.
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= Documentation Site for OpenShift Playbooks

OpenShift Playbooks is a documentation site for OpenShift, maintained by the OpenShift community and moderated by the North America Emerging Technologies Practice in Red Hat Consulting.

== Overview

This site is written in asciidoc format and is built using the link:[Asciidoctor plugin for Jekyll].

== Contribution

=== Quickstart Guide using Docker

  1. Clone git repositories +

    git clone

  2. Start Site Builder Container +

    cd openshift-playbooks docker run \ -u id -u -it \ -v $PWD/:/home/jekyll/src/:Z \ -p 4000:4000 \ redhatcop/jekyll-local-builder

  3. Launch browser and navigate to http://localhost:4000

=== Quickstart Guide using RHEL (or derivatives)

  1. Install necessary packages. +

    sudo yum install -y libyaml-devel autoconf gcc-c++ readline-devel zlib-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel automake libtool bison sqlite-devel

  2. Install Node.js Version Manager (nvm -- see +

    curl -o- | bash

  3. link:[Install RVM] + NOTE: For gnome-terminal users, you'll need to do this link:[additional step]
  4. Install and use Ruby 2.4 +

    rvm install 2.4.0 rvm use 2.4.0

  5. Install and set up RubyGems +

    rvm rubygems latest

  6. Install bundler +

    gem install bundler

  7. Install project dependencies +

    bundle install

  8. Build site source +

    bundle exec jekyll build

  9. Run local Jekyll server to view site +

    bundle exec jekyll serve

=== Building the Image

cd container-images/local-builder
docker build -t redhatcop/jekyll-local-builder:latest .

=== Further Development

See our full link:./development_guide.adoc[contribution guide] for more details