redhat-gpe / rhte_lab_00_common

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:scrollbar: :data-uri: :toc2: :linkattrs: :cna_labs_overview_old: link:[GPTE Cloud Native Apps Labs Overview] :cna_labs_overview_folder: link:[GPTE Cloud Native Apps Lab Overview] :rhte_session_planning: link:[2018 Global RHTE - General Session Planning] :rht_planner_folder: link:[RHTE 2018 Planning Folder in Google Drive] :automation_labs_overview: link:[GPTE Automation and Management Labs Overview] :cloud_infrastructure_overview: link:[GPTE Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure labs Overview]

= Multi Product Labs : Instructor Guide


== Overview

Red Hat Solution Architects and consultants have requested multi-product labs that they can:

. Learn from . Leverage as the basis for labs that they utilize in the field

Red Hat GPTE has been directed to create and manage these multi-product labs.

These labs will be utilized at the 3 Red Hat Tech Exchanges in 2018.

== Comparison with GPTE course labs

GPTE middleware course lab instructions tend to be step by step in nature. This is particularly the case at the experienced and advanced levels. Lab assets are typically a skeleton of the final solution. GPTE middleware courses tend to be focused on functionality provided by a single Red Hat product.

These multi-product labs are different:

. lab assets should consist of the final solution. . The multi-product labs should be reproducible out of the box in Red Hat Partner lab System (RHPDS). . Lab instructions should highlight how to order and use the lab.

== Planning Documents:

. {cna_labs_overview_folder} (Middleware team labs) . {rhte_session_planning} . link:[2018 RHTE - Global Lab Planning Doc] . link:[EMEA Tech Exchange Session Planning]

== Red Hat Tech Exchange 2018 Dates and Locations

. Sept 10-14, 2018 : Taiwan .. link:[APAC RHTE Speaker Briefing: Bluejeans Recording] .. link:[APAC RHTE Speaker Briefing Deck]

. Sept 24-28, 2018 : Prague . Oct 8-12, 2018 : Orlando, Florida, US

Please check the Roadmunk FY19 ILT schedule to determine if/when you will be attending

== GUID Grabber

. REGION will be pulled from GUID Grabber. Please review

.. ..

== Presentation Tips

. link:[Presenting Talks]

== Project Management

=== Contributors:

[cols="1,5,5,5,5,5",options="header"] |======================================================================= |Lab #|Use Case | Ops | Dev | Peer | Customer Acceptance |1|rhte_lab_01_apis_as_a_business|Hong|Satya|Pablo| ? |2|rhte_lab_02_brownfield_migration|Hong|Jatinder|Hong| ? |3|rhte_lab_03_msa_and_service_mesh|Hong|Chad|Hong| ? |4|rhte_lab_04_api_mgmt_and_service_mesh|jbride|jbride|Chad|? |5|rhte_lab_05_msa_orchestration|jbride|Bernard|Nandan|? |6|rhte_lab_06_operational_intelligence|jbride|Diego|Praveen/Nandan|? |=======================================================================

=== Project plans

. Planning will occur in each multi-product lab's link:[git repo]. . Each project git repo has a prefix called: rhte. . All issues should be assigned the following: .. Assignee .. Project (rhte) .. Milestone . [red]#Please make commits fine grained and specific to a github issue# . [red]#Please reference the github issue for each commit in the commit message# +

$ git commit -m

== Slides

There will be one slide deck per multi-product lab. Please create slide decks in:

. link:[rhte_lab_01_apis_as_a_business] . link:[rhte_lab_02_brownfield_migration] . link:[rhte_lab_03_msa_and_service_mesh] . link:[rhte_lab_04_api_mgmt_and_service_mesh] . link:[rhte_lab_05_msa_orchestration] . link:[rhte_lab_06_operational_intelligence]

== OCP Infrastructure

All labs will be executed in OpenShift.

. Development environment: Please use . ILTs : + For each ILT, an appropriately sized OCP Workshop environment will be provisioned for each multi-product lab. ie: 6 MW multi-product labs = 6 dedicated OCP workshop environments.

== CI / CD

=== Version Control

All aspects of each multi-product lab is to be version controlled.

NOTE: These multi-product labs are not a GPTE course. Therefore, there is not a need for assessment questions nor audio recording of slides.

. link:[project git repo] .. Slides + NOTE: Please implement slides in: and then version control in this git project repo. .. Lab Instructions .. Project Management .. Issue tracking

. link:[Lab assets] + .. ansible role .. OCP templates .. Jenkins pipeline .. code solution .. mock data set .. unit and integration tests

=== Binary Repositories

Each OCP cluster comes provisioned with a Nexus in the default project.

Please utilize this nexus for the following:

. Proxy maven repository . Repository for generated binary artifacts from your Jenkins pipelines . Linux container image Repository

=== Code Analysis

=== Jenkins

We'll share a link:[common multi-tenant Jenkins server] that will be provisioned and maintained by Hong.

Please develop your Jenkins pipelines using the groovy based workflow plugin.

The pipeline itself should be written in a file and version controlled as part of your lab assets.