redhat-nfvpe / kube-ansible

Spin up a Kubernetes development environment
Apache License 2.0
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kube-ansible is a set of Ansible playbooks and roles that allows you to instantiate a vanilla Kubernetes cluster on (primarily) CentOS virtual machines or baremetal.

Additionally, kube-ansible includes CNI pod networking (defaulting to Flannel, with an ability to deploy Weave, Multus and OVN Kubernetes).

The purpose of kube-ansible is to provide a simpler lab environment that allows prototyping and proof of concepts. For staging and production deployments, we recommend that you utilize OpenShift-Ansible


Playbooks are located in the playbooks/ directory.

Playbook Inventory Purpose
virthost-setup.yml ./inventory/virthost/ Provision a virtual machine host
bmhost-setup.yml ./inventory/bmhost/ Provision a bare metal host and add to group nodes.
allhost-setup.yml ./inventory/allhosts/ Provision both a virtual machine host and a bare metal host.
kube-install.yml ./inventory/all.local.generated Install and configure a k8s cluster using all hosts in group nodes
kube-install-ovn.yml ./inventory/all.local.generated Install and configure a k8s cluster with OVN network using all hosts in group nodes
kube-teardown.yml ./inventory/all.local.generated Runs kubeadm reset on all nodes to tear down k8s
vm-teardown.yml ./inventory/virthost/ Destroys VMs on the virtual machine host
fedora-python-bootstrapper.yml ./inventory/vms.local.generated Bootstrapping Python dependencies on cloud images

(Table generated with markdown tables)


kube-ansible provides the means to install and setup KVM as a virtual host platform on which virtual machines can be created, and used as the foundation of a Kubernetes cluster installation.

kube-ansible Topology Overview

There are generally two steps to this deployment:

Start with configuring the virthost/ inventory to match the required working environment, including DNS or IP address of the baremetal system, that will be installed and configured on the KVM platform. It also setup the network (KVM network, whether that be a bridged interface, or a NAT interface), and then define the system topology that needs to be deployed (e.g number of virtual machines to instantiate).

All the above mentioned configuration is done by virthost-setup.yml playbook, which performs the virtual host basic configuration, virtual machine instantiation, and extra virtual disk creation when configuring persistent storage with GlusterFS.

During the virthost-setup.yml a vms.local.generated inventory file is created with the IP addresses and hostname of the virtual machines. The vms.local.generated file can then be used with Kubernetes installation playbooks like kube-install.yml or kube-install-ovn.yml.


Step 0. Install dependent roles

Install role dependencies with ansible-galaxy. This step will install the main dependencies like (go and docker) and also brings other roles that is required for setting up the VMs.

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Step 1. Create virtual host inventory

Copy the example virthost inventory into a new directory.

cp -r inventory/examples/virthost inventory/virthost/

Modify ./inventory/virthost/virthost.inventory to setup a virtual host (If inventory is already present, please skip this step).

Step 2. Override the default configuration if requires

All the default configuration settings used by kube-ansible playbooks are present in the all.yml file.

For instance by default kube-ansible creates one master and two worker node setup only (please refer to ordered list under virtual_machines in all.yml), but if HA cluster deployment (stacked control plane nodes) is required, edit the all.yml file and change the configuration to something on the line of

     - name: kube-lb
       node_type: lb
     - name: kube-master1
       node_type: master
     - name: kube-master2
       node_type: master_slave
     - name: kube-master3
       node_type: master_slave
     - name: kube-node-1
       node_type: nodes
     - name: kube-node-2
       node_type: nodes

Above configuration change will create 3 node HA cluster with 2 worker nodes and a LB node.

You can also define separate vCPU and vRAM for each of the virtual machines with system_ram_mb and system_cpus. The default values are setup via system_default_ram_mb and system_default_cpus which can also be overridden if you wish different default values. (Current defaults are 2048MB and 4 vCPU.)


If you're not going to be connecting to the virtual machines from the same network as your source machine, you'll need to make sure you setup the ssh_proxy_enabled: true and other related ssh_proxy_... variables to allow the kube-install.yml playbook to work properly. See next NOTE for more information.

Step 3. Create the virtual machines defined in all.yml

Once the default configuration is being changed as per the setup requirements, execute the following instruction to create the VMs and generate the final inventory with all the details required for Kubernetes installation on these VMs.


There are a few extra variables you may wish to set against the virtual host which can be satisfied in the inventory/virthost/group_vars/virthost.yml file of your local inventory configuration in inventory/virthost/ that you just created.

Primarily, this is for overriding the default variables located in the all.yml file, or overriding the default values associated with the roles.

Some common variables you may wish to override include:

  • bridge_networking: false disable bridge networking setup
  • images_directory: /home/images/kubelab override image directory location
  • spare_disk_location: /home/images/kubelab override spare disk location

The following values are used in the generation of the final inventory file vms.local.generated

  • ssh_proxy_enabled: true proxy via jump host (remote virthost)
  • ssh_proxy_user: root username to SSH into virthost
  • ssh_proxy_host: virthost hostname or IP of virthost
  • ssh_proxy_port: 2222 port of the virthost (optional, default 22)
  • vm_ssh_key_path: /home/lmadsen/.ssh/id_vm_rsa path to local SSH key

Running on virthost directly

ansible-playbook -i inventory/virthost/ playbooks/virthost-setup.yml

Setting up virthost as a jump host

ansible-playbook -i inventory/virthost/ -e ssh_proxy_enabled=true playbooks/virthost-setup.yml

Both the commands above will generate a new inventory file vm.local.generated in inventory directory. This inventory file will be used by the Kubernetes installation playbooks to install Kubernetes on the provisioned VMs. For instance, below content is an example of vm.local.generated file for 3 node HA Kubernetes cluster

kube-lb ansible_host=
kube-master1 ansible_host=
kube-master2 ansible_host=
kube-master3 ansible_host=
kube-node-1 ansible_host=
kube-node-2 ansible_host=






Tip User can override the configuration values from command line as well

 # ansible-playbook -i inventory/virthost.inventory -e 'network_type=2nics' playbooks/virthost-setup.yml

Step 4. Install Kubernetes on the instantiated virtual machines

During the execution of Step 3 a local inventory file inventory/vms.local.generated should have been generated. This inventory file contains the virtual machines and their IP addresses. Alternatively you can ignore the generated inventory and copy the example inventory directory from inventory/examples/vms/ and modify to your hearts content.

This inventory file need to be passed to the Kubernetes Installation playbooks (kube-install.yml \ kube-install-ovn.yml).

ansible-playbook -i inventory/vms.local.generated playbooks/kube-install.yml


If you're not running the Ansible playbooks from the virtual host itself, it's possible to connect to the virtual machines via SSH proxy. You can do this by setting up the ssh_proxy_... variables as noted in Step 3.


kube-ansible supports following options and these options can be configured in all.yml:


In case of enable_ovn_raft=True, you need to build your own image from the upstream ovn-kubernetes repo and push it to your account and configure ovn_image_repo to point to that newly built image, because current official ovn-kubernetes image does not support raft.

Tip User can override the all.yml configuration values from command line as well. Here's the example:

# ansible-playbook -i inventory/vms.local.generated -e 'network_type=2nics' -e 'container_runtime=crio' playbooks/kube-install.yml

Once ansible-playbook execute successfully, to verify the installation login to the Kubernetes master virtual machine and run kubectl get nodes and verify that all the nodes are in a Ready state. (It may take some time for everything to coalesce and the nodes to report back to the Kubernetes master node.)

In order to login to the nodes, you may need to ssh-add ~/.ssh/vmhost/id_vm_rsa. The private key created on the virtual host will be automatically fetched to your local machine, allowing you to connect to the nodes when proxying.

Pro Tip

You can create a ~/.bashrc alias to SSH into the virtual machines if you're not executing the Ansible playbooks directly from your virtual host (i.e. from your laptop or desktop). To SSH into the nodes via SSH proxy, add the following alias:

alias ssh-virthost='ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -W %h:%p root@virthost"'

It's assumed you're logging into the virtual host as the root user and at hostname virthost. Change as required.

Usage: source ~/.bashrc ; ssh-virthost centos@kube-master

Step 5. Verify the installation

Once you're logged into your Kubernetes master node, run the following command to check the state of your cluster.

$ kubectl get nodes
kube-master1   Ready    master   18h   v1.17.3
kube-master2   Ready    master   18h   v1.17.3
kube-master3   Ready    master   18h   v1.17.3
kube-node-1    Ready    <none>   18h   v1.17.3
kube-node-2    Ready    <none>   18h   v1.17.3

Everything should be marked as ready. If so, you're good to go!

Example Setup and configuration instructions

Following instructions are to create a HA Kubernetes cluster with two worker nodes and OVN-Kubernetes in Raft mode as a CNI. All these instructions are executed from the physical server where virtual virtual_machines will be created to deploy the Kubernetes cluster.

Install requirements

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Create inventory

cp -r inventory/examples/virthost inventory/virthost/

Configure inventory Content of inventory/virthost/virthost.inventory

dev-server ansible_host= ansible_ssh_user=root

Configure default values Overridden configuration values in all.yml

container_runtime: crio
  - name: kube-master1
    node_type: master
  - name: kube-node-1
    node_type: nodes
  - name: kube-node-2
    node_type: nodes
# Uncomment following (lb/master_slave) for k8s master HA cluster
  - name: kube-lb
    node_type: lb
  - name: kube-master2
    node_type: master_slave
  - name: kube-master3
    node_type: master_slave

ovn_image_repo: ""
enable_ovn_raft: True

Create Virtual Machines for Kubernetes deployment and generate final inventory

ansible-playbook -i inventory/virthost/ playbooks/virthost-setup.yml

This playbook creates required VMs and generate the final inventory file (vms.local.generated). virsh list lists all the created VMs.

# virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 4     kube-master1                   running
 5     kube-node-1                    running
 6     kube-node-2                    running
 7     kube-lb                        running
 8     kube-master2                   running
 9     kube-master3                   running

Generated vms.local.generated file

# cat ./inventory/vms.local.generated
kube-lb ansible_host=
kube-master1 ansible_host=
kube-master2 ansible_host=
kube-master3 ansible_host=
kube-node-1 ansible_host=
kube-node-2 ansible_host=






Install Kubernetes

ansible-playbook -i inventory/vms.local.generated playbooks/kube-install-ovn.yml

Verify Setup Login to Kubernets master node

ssh -i ~/.ssh/dev-server/id_vm_rsa centos@kube-master1

Verify that all the nodes join the cluster

[centos@kube-master1 ~]$ kubectl get nodes
kube-master1   Ready    master   18h   v1.17.3
kube-master2   Ready    master   18h   v1.17.3
kube-master3   Ready    master   18h   v1.17.3
kube-node-1    Ready    <none>   18h   v1.17.3
kube-node-2    Ready    <none>   18h   v1.17.3

$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v1.17.3", GitCommit:"06ad960bfd03b39c8310aaf92d1e7c12ce618213", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-02-11T18:14:22Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"17", GitVersion:"v1.17.3", GitCommit:"06ad960bfd03b39c8310aaf92d1e7c12ce618213", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2020-02-11T18:07:13Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}


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