A framework for testing Submariner with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM).
It installs OpenShift clusters on private (on-premise) and public clouds, adds RHACM with Submariner, and tests inter-connectivity between the clusters.
Running with pre-defined parameters (optional):
Openshift setup and environment options:
Submariner installation options:
Submariner test options:
General script options:
To run interactively (enter options manually):
Examples with pre-defined options:
./setup_subm.sh --clean-cluster-a --clean-cluster-b --acm-version 2.5.0 --subctl-version 0.12.1 --registry-images
./setup_subm.sh --get-ocp-installer nightly --reset-cluster-c --clean-cluster-a --subctl-version subctl-devel --build-tests --junit