redomino / redomino.contentwellportlets

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Why we created this fork?

We forked the original product Products.ContentWellPortlets (by WebLion <>_) for adding new features.


To install the product

To add portlets above the content

  1. Log into your Plone site as a Manager (or someone else with the "Portlets: Manage portlets" permission)
  2. Go to the place in your site where you want portlets. For example:
  3. Bring up a management page by either (a) Clicking the "add, edit or remove portlets link" [*]_; or (b) Adding "/@@manage-portletsabovecontent" to the end of the URL and hitting "return"
  4. You should see a management page entitled "Manage Portlets Above Content" This gives you the option to add portlets in one or more of three columns: A, B and C You can add as many portlets in each column as you like Other commands (reordering, hiding, blocking portlets) are the same as for the right and left columns

.. [*] Note: if you are in a folder that has a default page, this will take you to a screen where you can add portlets to that page. If you want to add portlets to all the pages in the folder, make sure you are on the folder rather than the default page (e.g. by clicking the "contents" tab) before clicking the link.

To add portlets below the content

Follow the above instructions, but instead of clicking the "add, edit or remove portlets above content" link or adding /@@manage-portletsabovecontent to the URL:

(a) Click the "add, edit or remove portlets below the content" link; or (b) Add /@@manage-portletsbelowcontent to the end of the URL

Technical details