redstarxx / OSISDiscordAssistant

A Discord bot featuring events manager, automated deadline reminders & server administration. Integrating everything you need for your student council's Discord server.
Apache License 2.0
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bot discord discord-bot dsharpplus

OSIS Discord Assistant

A Discord bot created for OSIS Sekolah Djuwita Batam, written on top of DSharpPlus. Developed by the Information Technology Division. Events manager, automated deadline reminder and server policing. All you need for your student council's Discord server under one bot.

.NET Core CI Docker Image CI Maintainer


Contributions are open to everyone! Please read the contributions guideline for more information.


Setting Up

Once you have installed all of the requirements listed above, you need to set your environment up properly before running the bot.

Step One: PostgreSQL

You will need to log into your PostgreSQL server via psql utility.

Proceed to execute the SQL scripts inside the postgres folder. Do note that you must change the username to which the table gets assigned to in each scripts, if the owner name is not default aka postgres.

Step Two: Configuration

Create a new file named config.json in the bot's directory. Fill that file with the following format.

    "Token": "",
    "Prefix": [""],
    "DbConnectionString": "",
    "BotAdministratorId": "",
    "MainGuildId": "",
    "StatusActivityType": ,
    "CustomStatusDisplay": [""],
    "EventChannelId": "",
    "ProposalChannelId": "",
    "VerificationRequestsProcessingChannelId": "",
    "MaxPendingVerificationWaitingDay": "",
    "VerificationInfoChannelId": "",
    "RolesChannelId": "",
    "ErrorChannelId": "",
    "AccessRoleId": "",
    "MainGuildRoles": [
            "RoleId": "",
            "RoleName": "",
            "RoleEmoji": ""
    "MainGuildInviteLink": ""

Make sure you have saved your changes before proceeding.

Step Three: Running Your Bot

Once you have done all of the steps above, you are ready to run your bot! Ensure that config.json is in the same directory which the bot is located in.


Assuming that you want to run your bot in a Docker container, self-hosting should be straightforward by executing docker-compose up from the docker-compose.yml file. Upon first launch, you may encounter some errors either because you have not completed step one or the config.json file is missing from the bot's directory. These issues should not persist once they have been resolved, therefore allowing you to launch the bot by only executing docker-compose up without hassle.

Feel free to hit me up on Discord (RedStar#9271) for questions / support.