Closed dariocravero closed 8 years ago
Hi! I like so much the @malte-wessel logo! When you see it it's like: "Redux?! Mhh sure it's some kind of futurist arquebus...." :smile:
"Where we're going... we don't need ducks"
Just goofing around with the letters...
Beware @erikras , durex is a condom brand
Ha! It never occurred to me to read it like that. :-)
Cannot unsee
Extending React's use of atomic imagery, how about using a Feynmann diagram for the logo? (Just replace the word Feynmann with Redux.)
I :heart: Feynman as much as the next nerd, but the two particles leaving breaks the notion of "reducing".
Maybe something involving nuclear fusion?
It came to me in a vision...
@blesh Nice! :clap: :clap:
@blesh +1
@blesh hands down the winner :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
ThreeDucks for the win!
@blesh nice! Now just color them red and it's the perfect "redducks" icon.
I dunno guys, do you really want the Redux logo to be three butt-sniffing ducks?
It's not butt-sniffing, it's tail recursion.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
:+1: for @jepezi idea
I like how @jepezi's icon could eventually be used in a devtool as a small tab on the page to show/hide the actions history and such, but I really like the design of @tomatuxtemple's and @WoodyWoodsta's.
Is there any final logo?
Here are some basic ideas I came up with
My two cents:
I also thought that it should play well as a small devtools icon.
I really love the left one of @malte-wessel
@gaearon My take, based on the concept of how an electron moves to a higher state after absorbing energy
@keithyong this one make me think of Ionic, quite misunderstanding.
I vote something duck related as
a) its funny b) its memorable c) its distinctive d) it involves ducks e) duck related conference swag will be better f) lol ducks
Not sure if you guys are really getting serious about this now, but...
I don't think having ducks in the redux logo is a good idea. It might be funny, but it's really an inside joke and people who are new to redux will be like "wat". Also, I don't think ducks scale well (fit into devtools, etc).
Ideally the logo should be something simple but distinctive that looks good in any size (that's one of the reasons why the Google logo was changed).
Oh and, we can still have duck related conference swag, even if the official logo isn't a duck! :grin:
I see where you are coming from, but while the others are not an inside joke per say, they are arguably cryptic and require explanation. A n00b isn't going to guess how the logo ties to redux (unless its one of the R variations)
The :hamster: never did ember any harm. A duck outline will scale up or down nicely too. Maybe a lamda, or R or atom thing inside the duck could work on the bigger ones.
Thats my bikeshedding done for the day. Back to work :smile:
@Dakuan you're right - it was mostly my personal opinion. I just really can't imagine a duck as the official logo for redux. :stuck_out_tongue: As a mascot on the other hand...
As others have pointed out, the meaning isn't that important as long as it's simple, distinctive and scales to different sizes. So yes, a duck would be fine in that case - it still feels like a joke to me, though. (again, this is just my personal opinion)
Electron is a really good metaphor. Any way we can make it less like Ionic, and simpler in terms of count of shapes?
simpler in terms of shapes == more like ionic :crying_cat_face:
theres also the fact the react does the atomic thing too. I guess thats both a good and a bad thing!
Npm and wombat anyone?
Some variations
@simplesmiler yeah, but it's not part of the logo, it's more like a mascot
@gaearon @dakuan I like the idea of having something related to atoms, but it'll be hard to stay distinctive in this field (so many projects already use it, atom, electron, react, etc)
@keithyong the last one looks really cool :ok_hand:
@omnidan I was also thinking about the theme of biological mutations, but stumped on how that can be visualized in a logo. Nuclear fission may also work as a metaphor too
Some more variations, playing around with fonts and stuff
@keithyong I think Redux
label should be near orange electron. Like that:
Sorry for my skills :smile:
Also, Flux capacitor:
I know Fluxxor used it:
Maybe there's a way to make it more symbolic and less square-y.
Yessssss, flux capacitor for the win haha. It is a fitting date for that. On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 2:50 PM Dan Abramov wrote:
Also, Flux capacitor:
I know Fluxxor used it:
Maybe there's a way to make it more symbolic and less square-y.
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Sketch. Could do with a less red sympathizery font-type
I also thought that it should play well as a small devtools icon.
Just sayin!
oooh pretty!
Another duck at the top in inverted color could add the "re" to the "dux" :D
Red ducks, get it?
(Drawn in MS Paint)
Hi all,
As some of you know we've been following, and lately using, Redux more extensively at UXtemple.
We wanted to contribute with a nice touch and @tomatuxtemple, my friend and business partner, started designing a brand identity for Redux. Here's his first iteration at it:
I hope you like it and would love to hear your thoughts about it :) Best, Darío