Closed dariocravero closed 8 years ago
Might be trademarked..... :grinning:
I almost regret spamming this thread out of the blue, but.. why not taking the circular flow and making it emotional?
Low quality concept below, maybe somebody can develop it further:
FYI—I'm working with a designer and I hope to get something out next week. Can't promise though. :wink:
1 month ago I have talked about Redux on the biggest highload developers conference in Russia. When I explained application architecture with Redux on flip chart it became the diagram which could be used as a logo of Redux.
Today morning I drew and purposed this concept in my twitter:
And then for our developers team website I drew it as an image:
I've published the logo in Twitter too. People like it. It seems we could use it.
@DenisIzmaylov 8 shape looks unnecessary, you can express it easier as a circle:
and unidirectional flow of data is more obvious with this
@DenisIzmaylov @Restuta this is a great example of what isomorphic means.
@vslinko what do you mean? (It's been replaced by Universal I think)
Your graphs are isomorphic. This is the true meaning of word "isomorphic". Code that runs on both browser and server isn't isomorphic. I just noticed that your graphs are good example.
@DenisIzmaylov - 8tracks have your idea already...
And Fedora looks very similar:
@vslinko Nice joke :) I have talked about it on first Moscow React Meetup, slides here.
@WoodyWoodsta 8tracks
is not about software development and is not about Node.js. If we will look at React logo - it's science logo. Also Redux
is not unique framework.
The world became a giant. We can't keep absolutely uniqueness. But the real important things is to have uniqueness in a context to correct identification and avoid cognitive loading (should be easy to understand). We discuss about Redux
in JavaScript Development context. In this context 8tracks
and Fedora
doesn't exists. Both. But in parent context (the world) we have a infinity symbol which has been exploited in each example above.
@Restuta But what if we will don't connect middleware? It will became a triangle. What if we will skip reducers? That both are optional. And I have drew this optionality by spacing and make focus on the main connection - between component (provider) and store.
@DenisIzmaylov got your point. Doesn' seem like reducers are on the same level of "optionality" (definitely not a valid word in this context) with middleware. Reducers are present in all cases I've seen. Redux has 3 principles one of which is "Mutations are written as pure functions" (reducers), so I guess we can reduce :) your idea by emphasizing on those and drop middleware completely.
If we want to represent the architecture of Redux, how about this logo? It shows many "components" (represented here as children) all connecting happily to a shared global state (the "store"). I've also added a Delorean w/ Marty McFly because time travel.
@johnnyshields afraid to imagine how they are reducing global state
Thank you Redux! Our app wouldn't be the same without you! :)
Ducks aside, I want to extract two ideas I liked the most:
By @malte-wessel:
I would like to see more iterations of this. Perhaps with 3-4 elements instead of 5 so it's more simple and the "R" is clearer.
By @jacobp100:
The idea of reducing is very clear here. Maybe play with colors more and iterate the shape a bit.
Side note: I think atom-inspired logos are all too similar, there's already the Atom editor, React etc.
Playing with the idea of (state, action) => state
@oobgam Ooh, I like that! :100:
I'm leaning towards using a version of the trefoil knot.
It suggests a vague association with the React logo but looks distinctly and scales down nicely.
For the color, I was thinking something orangey like rackt logo. Important to avoid colors similar to React (blue) or Flux (green).
Please feel free to play with this idea!
I would avoid the Rackt logo color so it looks distinct when viewing the "rackt suite". Perhaps just a red for red(ux) :smile:
I think any color that looks nice on dark and white backgrounds and isn't colored as React or Flux logos should work.
It looks like an Atom, similar to
FWIW React and Atom logos are much more similar (both atoms!) and it has not been a problem. And knot is not even an atom so I don't see the problem.
Agree. I like the idea of the knot. Wouldn't mind seeing some iterations of it though and some shades of Orange to think about.
Yeah I'm just throwing the concept out there. It needs a designer to iterate on.
Only threw this together quickly, but is this the kind of thing you have in mind?
Yes, something like that. We might want to avoid Proxima Nova because we don't want people to think it's a Facebook project.
Also, red color is way too bright IMO. Please all feel free to throw different versions here and experiment with the shape and/or font. :-)
A darker red and Avenir as the font potentially? Although looking at them side by side now Avenir and Proxima Nova look very similar
At this point it's hard for me to say without seeing many options. I'll check this thread in a few days and see if something catches my eye!
I like the idea of one having some visual relationship to flux logo, like DenisIzmaylov's, even if others out there are similar.
By the way I think it's better to not include the dot in the middle. It makes it too easy to confuse with React logo IMO.
With this solid concept, time for us to reach out to friends who have design experience for the win?
Simple shape and font in one color avoids problems with color vision mentioned earlier.
And even though I enjoyed the fun puns, it is better for internationalization that we have left English-language-specific allusions behind.
Yeah I'm hoping for some designer folks to help here. I have a friend who might be able to help too in a few days but I'd like to see different takes on this.
What if we slightly distort the trefoil knot to make it look like R?
I see what your trying to do there but I feel like the knot is simple and makes sense. I don't think its structure needs to be manipulated IMO. Maybe some other iterations could sway my opinion but I like the simplicity of the knot as it is.
@jayphelps I like yours. Kind of want to see some different colors though. Got any other colors you like?
Credit :
@Vijar Oh snap :cry:
@glung +1
@hssrrw, that's a pretzel.
+1 for triquetra-like knot.
Since reducers resemble more or less a deterministic finite state machine, maybe that can be used as inspiration (not that you, designers, need it). Behold my bad graphical skills!
@malte-wessel +1, I like yours the most
echoing @markdalgleish's sentiment:
I want @malte-wessel's logo on my laptop the most. I feel this has got to be the best indicator 😉
link for anyone who missed it:
@ali And perhaps a solid version of @malte-wessel's for low res applications/uses
Here is a vector trefoil I made in case anyone wants to play with it. (the preview below is just a png preview, not vector)
Here's one without the stroke cut outs redux no stroke
Hi all,
As some of you know we've been following, and lately using, Redux more extensively at UXtemple.
We wanted to contribute with a nice touch and @tomatuxtemple, my friend and business partner, started designing a brand identity for Redux. Here's his first iteration at it:
I hope you like it and would love to hear your thoughts about it :) Best, Darío