refringe / CustomRaidTimes

A SPT mod that allows you to change the raid time of maps individually or override them all to one single time. Supports weighted, random times.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

CustomRaidTimes: CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR - Could not load configuration[Bug]: #8

Closed Swervoleopard closed 3 months ago

Swervoleopard commented 3 months ago

Discord Username


What happened?

have the same issue as the other guy spartan man

SPT Version


Server Log

refringe commented 3 months ago

The CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR error happens when the program can not locate the configuration file. Make sure that the file is named config.json5, and not config.json5.txt. This could easily happen if you have file extentions hidden.


Also, when you're editing a file in Notepad make sure you're saving it with the "all files" type and not the "text document" type.


refringe commented 3 months ago

See #7 for further discussion.