refringe / CustomRaidTimes

A SPT mod that allows you to change the raid time of maps individually or override them all to one single time. Supports weighted, random times.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Open Extracts

This is a mod for Single Player Tarkov.

The scope of this mod is to allow the you to adjust your raid times, and have the game still function "normally".


*Many of these options are configurable.

To install:

  1. Decompress the contents of the download into your root SPT directory.
  2. Open the CustomRaidTimes/config/config.json5 file to adjust configuration options.
  3. Leave a review and let me know what you think.

If you experience any problems, please submit a detailed bug report.

To Build Locally:

This project has been built in Visual Studio Code (VSC) using Node.js. If you are unfamiliar with Node.js, I recommend using NVM to manage installation and switching versions. If you do not wish to use NVM, you will need to install the version of Node.js listed within the .nvmrc file manually.

This project uses Prettier to format code on save.

To build the project locally:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the mod.code-workspace file in Visual Studio Code (VSC).
  3. Install the Prettier VSC extension.
  4. Install the JSON5 VSC extension.
  5. Run nvm use in the terminal.
  6. Run npm install in the terminal.
  7. Run npm run build in the terminal.