rega-cev / virulign-tutorial

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Tuturial on the use of VIRULIGN

This pages decribes the instructions for download and use of VIRULIGN for viral sequence data, with an explanation of all optional parameters. This repository also contains a PDF version of this tutorial. In this document, three example datasets (Dengue virus, Zika virus and HIV-1) are described where VIRULIGN was used to generate research-relevant output formats of the constructed codon-correct multiple sequence alignments.


VIRULIGN has been published in Bioinformatics. If you use the software for your analysis, please cite VIRULIGN by the following citation: " P. Libin, K. Deforche, A.B. Abecasis and K. Theys; VIRULIGN: fast codon-correct alignment and annotation of viral genomes; 2018; Bioinformatics; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty851 "


Virus sequence data are an essential resource for reconstructing spatiotemporal dynamics of viral spread as well as treatment and prevention strategies. However, the potential benefit of using sequence data for these applications critically depends on the accuracy and the correct annotation of these alignments of genetically diverse data. In particular, coding sequences of viral pathogens should be analyzed in their corresponding open reading frame (ORF) to fully utilize their biological information. Therefore, while the construction of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) can be done with a range of sequence alignment software, MSAs of virus coding sequences in the correct reading frame and annotated with respect to the proteins encoded in the genome are more difficult to achieve.\ VIRULIGN is an easy-to-use command line application to construct codon-correct alignments of large virus sequence datasets. Additionally, VIRULIGN has support for standardized genome annotation and implements various alignment export formats that are useful for various research applications. VIRULIGN is an open-source project written in the C++ programming language and available under the GPLv2 license.\ VIRULIGN operates by aligning each target sequence (i.e., t in T) of the input file codon-correctly against the reference sequence (r). Subsequently a multiple sequence alignment MSA(r,T) is constructed based on all codon-correct (cc) pairwise aligned target sequences A_{cc}(r,t) (Figure below).

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The most recent version and executable of VIRULIGN can be downloaded from the GitHub project web page:

Instructions are provided to build and install the software. VIRULIGN is a cross-platform application and has been tested on GNU/Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Use and features

Basic command

VIRULIGN minimally requires a FASTA file with target sequences and a reference sequence in order to generate a codon-correct alignment in a predefined output format (see below). The reference sequence can be either provided in FASTA format or embedded in an XML file (see below). The default command for VIRULIGN is as follows:

$ virulign [reference.fasta orf-description.xml] sequences.fasta

Optional arguments

Additional parameters can be specified to configure the alignment construction and to export the alignment to a variety of output formats. In case that a parameter has not been explicitly specified, the first value of this optional parameter is used as the default value. The following parameters can be used to configure the alignment and its representation [^1]:

$ virulign [reference.fasta orf-description.xml] 
    --exportKind [Mutations PairwiseAlignments 
                  GlobalAlignment  PositionTable 
    --exportAlphabet [AminoAcids Nucleotides]
    --exportWithInsertions [yes no]
    --exportReferenceSequence [no yes]
    --gapExtensionPenalty doubleValue=>3.3
    --gapOpenPenalty doubleValue=>10.0
    --maxFrameShifts intValue=>3
    --progress [no yes]
    --nt-debug [dir]

    Output: The alignment will be printed to standard out and any progress 
    or error messages will be printed to the standard error. 
    This output can be redirected to files,    e.g.: virulign ref.xml 
    sequence.fasta  > alignment.mutations 2> alignment.err

To print these options, invoke the virulign command without any arguments.

Redirecting output to files

The alignment will be printed to standard out and any progress or error messages will be printed to the standard error. The output of VIRULIGN can be redirected to files. For example, the output is redirected to a file with the following command.

$ virulign [reference.fasta orf-description.xml] sequences.fasta 
> output.file 

In case any progress or error messages should be suppressed, make the following extension to your command.

$ virulign [reference.fasta orf-description.xml] sequences.fasta 
> output.file 2> error.file

Description of the optional parameters


The parameter --exportKind defines the output type of the alignment, either a FASTA sequence file or a CSV mutation file. To display the different options, consider this example FASTA input file including sequences of different length and a full-length reference sequence for comparison.


The option GlobalAlignment will generate a FASTA file of the target sequences aligned against a single reference sequence and formatted as a MSA.


The option PairwiseAlignments will generate a FASTA file of the target sequences, with each sequence aligned separately against the reference sequence.


The option PositionTable will create a comma-separated value (CSV) file where each position of the alignment is given as a separate column. The CSV file is annotated according to the numerical positions in the protein (e.g., Table below).

ID Pos1 Pos2 Pos3
Ref P I S
Seq1 - - - -
Seq2 P M -
Seq3 L I S

The option MutationTable will create a CSV file where each mutation present at a specific position is given as a separate column in Boolean representation. The CSV file is annotated according to the numerical position in the protein (e.g., Table below).

ID Mut1P Mut1L Mut2I Mut2M
Ref y n y n
Seq1 n n n n
Seq2 y y n y
Seq3 n y y n
ID Mutations
Seq1 -
Seq2 2M
Seq3 1L


The parameter --exportAlphabet defines the alphabet in which the alignment is generated.


The parameter --exportWithInsertions determines whether insertions can be added to the reference sequence.


The parameter --exportReferenceSequence controls whether the reference sequence is to be added to the alignment (yes/no).


The parameter --gapExtensionPenalty defines the value of the penalty to extend an existing gap.


The parameter --gapOpenPenalty defines the value of the penalty to start a new gap.


The parameter --maxFrameShifts defines the maximum number of frame-shifts allowed.


The parameter --progress allows to monitor the estimated time until completion of the alignment.

When the option yes is used, a progress message stating the number and percentage of sequences aligned as well as the estimated time left to finalize the pending alignment is shown.


The parameter --nt-debug allows to visualise sequences that could not be aligned by VIRULIGN. When the option dir is used, pairwise sequence alignments of failed target sequences and the reference sequence are stored in the directory with the name ’dir’. This directory needs to be created before the execution of the VIRULIGN command. This feature allows to inspect each failed target sequence individually to understand why the target sequence did not pass the quality control of the alignment. Subsequently, errors in the target sequence can be corrected.

Alignment annotation

A reference sequence can be either provided to VIRULIGN in FASTA format or embedded in an XML file. In this XML file, also an annotation of the different proteins, regions or other structures can be given by the positions relative to the reference genome.

For illustrational purposes, we present a toy XML file to align virus sequence data against a reference sequence and the annotation of the proteins A, B and C in the genome of VIRUS. Later in this document, we will consider and use some more realistic annotations (i.e., ZIKV, HIV-1).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <orf name="VIRUS" 
         referenceSequence="atgaaaaacccaaaaaagaaatccgga" >
       <protein abbreviation="A" 
                startPosition="1" stopPosition="7" />
       <protein abbreviation="B" 
                startPosition="7" stopPosition="13" />
       <protein abbreviation="C" 
                startPosition="13" stopPosition="17" />

Table below shows an example of an alignment that is constructed with this XML file as reference, and is exported using the tabular format.

ID A_1 A_2 B_1
Seq1 X Y C
Seq2 X T F
Seq3 X Y D
Seq4 R M D

Converting Genbank file to XML file

Currently, the direct use of a Genbank XML file is not supported, as we aim for well-curated annotations of reference genomes for all virus pathogens. However, the creation of a XML file can be based on information provided within a Genbank description of the respective (reference) genome. To facilitate this transfer for the user community, a python (v2) script has been made to extract relevant information from a Genbank description file into the format of a VIRULIGN annotation file, which can be found at the GitHub repository of VIRULIGN tools.

The command to run the script file for the conversion of the Genbank XML file is:

$ python genbank_insdseq.xml 
     orf-name seq-start seq-end

The parameter orf-name will set the name for the defined ORF, while parameters seq-start and seq-end define the start and stop nucleotide position of the respective ORF in the reference genome.

To demonstrate the working of this script with a relevant example, we downloaded the Genbank INSDSEQ XML file for the reference genome NC_001477 (link) of Dengue Serotype 1. The Genbank XML file is available at the tutorial web page. As the Dengue virus has only one ORF, we will generate one virulign XML file. When you open the Genbank file, and look for the CDS, you find that the ORF is located in the genome at position 95 until position 10273.

Consequently, the command needed to convert the CDS to a virulign XML is:

$ python NC_001477.gbc.xml DENV1 95 10273

The output of this command may need to be improved into a correct annotation file for VIRULIGN. For example, the presence of annotations for the precursor or polyprotein together with the separate proteins can be conflicting as they overlap in genome positioning.

< ... "membrane glycoprotein precursor M" startPosition="343" stopPosition="841" />
< ... "protein pr" startPosition="343" stopPosition="616" />
< ... "membrane glycoprotein M" startPosition="616" stopPosition="841" />
< ... "envelope protein E" startPosition="841" stopPosition="2326" />

In order to verify that your virulign XML file is correct, you can invoke virulign to use the XML file and align the full sequence you're trying to describe. When using virulign tabular export format, in combination with the amino acid representation, you will be able to investigate the annotated amino acid alignment. In order to do this, use this command: $ virulign NC_001477.virulign.xml NC_001477.fasta --exportKind PositionTable--exportAlphabet AminoAcids

Please note that the abilities of our script to be able to extract the CDS with all its features depends on how accurately it was described in GenBank. If you experience any problems to perform this procedure for your virus of interest, please let us know, and we will try to help you out.


We demonstrate the use of VIRULIGN by constructing sequence alignments for three viral pathogens that are the causative agents for major epidemics: HIV-1, Dengue virus serotype 1 (DENV-1) and Zika virus (ZIKV). For each pathogen, a different feature of VIRULIGN is demonstrated.\ Virus sequence datasets were collected from public databases (i.e., Genbank and the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database) and passed to different alignment software applications for evaluation. We used a minimum number of processing steps as possible between dataset retrieval and alignment input to clearly illustrate the strength of VIRULIGN. All data files of these examples can be found on the tutorial web page:

DENV-1 alignment

We compare the output of VIRULIGN against three popular alignment tools (MAFFT, MUSCLE and Clustal Omega) in their ability to construct an accurate codon-correct alignment from a genome sequence dataset.

Sequence dataset

Genome sequence data of DENV-1 (i.e., Dengue Serotype 1) were collected from the Dengue Virus Variation Database (link) [Hatcher et al, 2017]. Only full-length nucleotide sequences originating from a human host were retained and identical sequences were collapsed. From a total of 3539 genome sequences, the corresponding serotype information was used to select a subset of 1432 DENV-1 isolates.\ The input FASTA file ’denv-1.fasta’ can be found in the tutorial Dengue folder:

Reference sequence

The NCBI Reference Sequence for DENV-1 is NC_001477 (link). Find a FASTA file ’NC_001477.fasta’ that contains this reference sequence in tutorial Dengue folder:

Alignments by different tools

Alignments were constructed using the default or recommended parameters for each tool. The following versions were downloaded; VIRULIGN (v1.0), MAFFT (v7.313) [Katoh et al, 2014], MUSCLE (v3.8.31) [Edgar et al, 204] and Clustal Omega (v1.2.3) [Sievers et al, 2011]. MUSCLE was used with the additional option -diags, which is intended for alignments of highly similar sequences. No additional parameters were used for the other programs, although for individual cases, the use of specific parameters could affect the speed or accuracy of the alignment construction process.\ The genome sequence of NC_001477 was added to the target dataset to facilitate the trimming of constructed alignments to the boundaries of the reference CDS, in order to remove the alignment of the 5’/3’ untranslated regions. The codon-correctness of the alignment was then evaluated by visually inspecting the amino acid translation of the respective alignments.\ The following commands were used to obtain alignments:

$ mafft --auto denv-1.fasta > denv-1-mafft.fasta

$ muscle -maxiters 1 -diags -in denv-1.fasta -out denv-1-muscle.fasta

$ clustalo --auto -i denv-1.fasta -o denv-1-clustalo.fasta

$ virulign NC_001477.fasta denv-1.fasta  
    --exportKind GlobalAlignment 
    --exportAlphabet Nucleotides > denv-1-virulign.fasta

Each alignment was then trimmed to the start and stop position of the coding sequence of the reference sequence, the size of this coding region is 10188 nucleotides. All trimmed alignments can be found in tutorial Dengue folder:

From this evaluation, it can be observed that VIRULIGN is able to handle insertions and deletions without disrupting the reading frame and resulting in the absence of stop codons within the alignment, while maintaining quality of the alignment. Figure below visualises a selected window from constructed alignments to illustrate the codon-correctness of VIRULIGN. We recorded the time needed for each alignment construction (Table below). (Performed on a 3.6 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU with 12 GB of RAM, where each application had access to 1 CPU core.) This evaluation shows that VIRULIGN is able to obtain these results while still being computationally competitive with MAFFT.

Command Alignment Run time
mafft denv-1-mafft.fasta 2m33s
muscle denv-1-muscle.fasta 58m
clustalo denv-1-clustalo.fasta 760m
virulign denv-1-virulign.fasta 19m46s

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Annotation file

While the reference sequence for DENV-1 was provided by means of a simple FASTA file, VIRULIGN can also be used with an XML file containing both the reference sequence and the protein annotation of the reference genome. To construct the same alignment as above, with an annotated reference sequence, use this command:

$ virulign DENV1-NC001477.xml denv-1.fasta  
    --exportKind GlobalAlignment 
    --exportAlphabet Nucleotides  > denv-1-virulign.fasta

XML annotation files for each of the four DENV serotypes are available in the VIRULIGN references folder:

More information on this XML feature is available in the section [features] Use and Features. In the next section, we demonstrate how this XML annotation file can be used to obtain alignments directed towards specific research applications.\

In 2015, ZIKV caused a worldwide public health emergency, resulting in an intensive community effort to identify genomic correlates of disease manifestations of microcephaly and other neurological complications. As we have shown recently [Theys et al, 2017], the rapid advance in ZIKV genomics resulted in inconsistencies that complicate the interpretation, reproducibility and comparison of findings from and across studies, particularly due to the lack of a consensus on the standardized and representative reference annotation. ZIKV reference genomes did not match virus strains sampled from the global epidemic or showed high level of heterogeneity in reported peptide lengths across their genome annotations.\ To mitigate these concerns, we provided a correction with respect to the NCBI reference sequence NC_012532 for ZIKV (Figure below). More information on the corrected reference sequence can be found at the Rega ZIKV reference sequence website (Link).

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This example shows how the functionality of the XML configuration file, describing the genome annotation for all proteins, can greatly simplify the analysis to find associations of genomic features with clinically, epidemiologically or evolutionary parameters. We show that VIRULIGN makes this possible, while keeping manual processing limited to a minimum.

In particular, we replicate the evidence that indicated the necessity to correct the reference genome that was proposed by the NCBI. Extensive variation of a N-glycosylation motif in the Envelope (E) protein can be observed between different hosts, different viral lineages and even within a set of virus genomes derived from the historical MR766 strain.

Sequence dataset

A specific subset of 19 (near-)complete ZIKV genomes was collected from Genbank, the resulting FASTA file ’zikv.fasta’ can be found in the tutorial Zika folder:

Reference sequence

The reference genome sequence and the corresponding protein annotation for ZIKV can be found in the XML configuration file. This XML file ’ZIKV-rega.xml’ can be found in the VIRULIGN references folder:

Motif investigation

Previous literature has shown variability of the glycosylation motif around positions 150 - 165 in the E protein, and this has been suggested to result from excessive in vitro passaging [Theys et al, 2017]. We used VIRULIGN to create a position table of the amino acids in the alignment, annotated according to the respective protein. The following command was used:

virulign ZIKV-rega.xml zikv.fasta 
    --exportKind PositionTable 
    --exportReferenceSequence yes  > zikv-aligned.csv

The resulting CSV file contains a column for each position in the genome, and can be found in the tutorial Zika folder:

A simple R script shows the variability of the glycosylation motif across the different virus variants.

# import the alignment file
# determine the positions of the motif
# show the motif sequences

The relevant region in the CSV file looks like:


When additional meta-data is given as well, this analysis clearly illustrates the presence of a VNDT motif in viruses sampled from the recent epidemic, and an independence of the deletion regarding the host, year of collection and viral lineage (Figure below).

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Scripts to select individual proteins

An alignment CSV table, that includes protein and position data in the header, can be easily processed by external tools. One could easily develop their own scripts to operate on this format, but many interesting manipulations can be done using default command line tools as well.

As an example, based on the whole-genome ZIKV alignment above, we can easily select a particular protein (e.g., the NS3 protein), using csvkit (link).

# define index of the NS3 headers
ns3_headers=`csvcut -n ZIKA-pos.csv  | grep NS3 | cut -d ":" -f 2`
# use comma as separator between header columns
ns3_headers=`echo $ns3_headers | tr ' ' ','`
# extract the NS3 region from the whole-genome alignment
csvcut -c "seqid,${ns3_headers}" ZIKA-pos.csv  > ZIKA-NS3-pos.csv

HIV-1 alignment: gag

The genome structure of HIV-1 is characterized by three ORFs, where each frame determines different genes encoding the viral proteins. The gag/pol/env gene organization, as for other retroviruses, encodes for important structural proteins and enzymes, which are first translated as large poly-proteins. Gag and pol have overlapping ORFs, requiring a ribosomal frame shift to reveal the pol ORF. HIV-1 gag encodes for several structural proteins and is considered as a potential target for antiretroviral treatment [Tedbury et al, 2015].

Sequence dataset

HIV sequences were obtained from a large-scale analysis of HIV-1 diversity [@li2015], where 2966 sequences from different HIV-1 subtypes have been analyzed. The FASTA input file ’hiv.fasta’ can be found in the tutorial HIV-1 folder:

Reference sequence

The HXB2 sequence NC_001802link was used as the reference genome. An XML file with the corresponding coding sequence and annotation is available for the different polyproteins of relevance. The respective files ‘HIV-HXB2-env.xml‘, ‘HIV-HXB2-gag.xml‘ and ‘HIV-HXB2-pol.xml‘ are available in the VIRULIGN references folder:

For this example, we used the file ‘HIV-HXB2-gag.xml‘.


To align the gag sequences, we used the following command

virulign HIV-HXB2-gag.xml HIV.fasta 
    --exportKind GlobalAlignment 
    --exportAlphabet Nucleotides 
    --exportReferenceSequence yes  > HIVgag.fasta

An option of VIRULIGN can be used to avoid insertions towards the reference sequence from being exported. This feature can be used to inspect the quality of the sequence dataset when insertions are sparse throughout the dataset or when insertions are not expected.

virulign HIV-HXB2-gag.xml HIV.fasta 
  --exportKind  GlobalAlignment  
  --exportAlphabet Nucleotides  
  --exportWithInsertions no  
  --exportReferenceSequence yes  > HIVgag-NoInsertions.fasta

HIV-1 alignment: pol

A second example of HIV-1 alignment is directed towards drug resistance detection, which is still a major need for successful treatment, in particular in developing countries as a result of the up-scale of antiretroviral treatment. Therefore, the identification, understanding and interpretation of resistance mutations remains an important research topic. The pol polyprotein is cleaved into three viral enzymatic proteins (protease, reverse transcriptase, and integrase), each of which is an important drug target.

Sequence dataset

We downloaded a large set of reverse transcriptase sequences (N=111223) from the Stanford University HIV Drug Resistance Database [Rhee et al, 2003], heterogeneous in length and mapping of the complete reverse transcriptase region. The resulting FASTA file ’HIVdb.fasta’ can be found in the tutorial HIV-1 folder:

Reference sequence

The HXB2 sequence NC_001802 was used a reference genome. An XML file with the corresponding coding sequence and annotation is available for each specific ORF. The respective files ‘HIV-HXB2-env.xml‘, ‘HIV-HXB2-gag.xml‘ and ‘HIV-HXB2-pol.xml‘ are available in the VIRULIGN references folder:

For this example, we use the file ‘HIV-HXB2-pol.xml‘.


virulign HIV-HXB2-pol.xml HIVdb.fasta 
  --exportKind  GlobalAlignment  
  --exportAlphabet Nucleotides  
  --exportWithInsertions no  
  --exportReferenceSequence yes  > HIVrt.fasta

111189 sequences could be aligned by VIRULIGN, and we visually inspected the quality of the alignment. The constructed alignment can be used as input for different applications to investigate drug resistance mutations identification and interpretation. Thanks to VIRULIGN’s computational complexity, our new method is able to deal well with large dataset what is reflected in favorable run-times for this particular analysis. VIRULIGN performed this alignment in 49 minutes, while it took MAFFT 10 hours and 50 minutes. (Performed on the same hardware configuration as declared earlier. )

Detection of frameshift errors

34 sequences could not be aligned by VIRULIGN, which identifiers and sequences are respectively stored in the files ‘HIVdb-errorsequences.txt‘ and ‘HIVdb-errorsequences.fasta‘ in the tutorial HIV-1 folder. The identifiers of these sequences can be obtained by using the unix command ’diff’ on the headers of the input and output files, and subsequently the sequences can be extracted from the input file using these identifiers.

However, the VIRULIGN parameter --nt-debug can be used to automatically redirect failed sequences to a folder, which should be created prior to command execution. Adding this parameter to the command used above gives the following:

virulign HIV-HXB2-pol.xml HIVdb.fasta 
  --exportKind  GlobalAlignment  
  --exportAlphabet Nucleotides  
  --exportWithInsertions no  
  --exportReferenceSequence yes  
  --nt-debug Failed > HIVrt.fasta

The directory ‘Failed‘ in the tutorial HIV-1 folder contains pairwise sequence alignments of each failed target sequence with the reference sequence. To demonstrate here the debug feature of VIRULIGN without having to re-align the entire dataset again, we aligned the subset of 34 sequences with VIRULIGN using the following command

virulign HIV-HXB2-pol.xml HIVdb-errorsequences.fasta 
  --exportKind  GlobalAlignment  
  --exportAlphabet Nucleotides  
  --nt-debug Failed

Each alignment in the folder ‘Failed‘ can be subjected to closer inspection in order to investigate the reason for the exclusion of the sequence from the alignment. Figure below shows an example of sequence 64344 which failed to be included in the final MSA.

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Detection of drug resistance mutations

To further demonstrate that VIRULIGN provides accurate and fast codon-aware sequence alignments, we downloaded the set of sequences from Genbank, that were described in a recent publication by Chaplin et al. (2018) [Chaplin et al, 2018]. This study analyzed the distinct patterns of thymidine analogue mutations with K65R in HIV-1 patients failing tenofovir-based antiretroviral therapy. We have added the sequence file ‘chaplin2018-sequences.fasta‘ to the tutorial HIV-1 folder.\ We aligned the set of sequences with VIRULIGN using the following command

virulign  HIV-HXB2-pol.xml chaplin2018-sequences.fasta
    > chaplin2018-mutations.csv 

We counted the number of occurrences of NRTI mutations K65R and K103N in this dataset: respectively 92 times the K65R mutation was detected and 145 times the K103N mutation. This number matches exactly the mutation frequencies obtained using the Stanford HIVdb pipeline that was used in the study of Chaplin et al., supporting the confidence of VIRULIGN to retrieve accurate alignments.

For comparison purposes, we also constructed a MSA of this set of sequences with VIRULIGN and with MAFFT, and subsequently trimmed to the first position of RT. Figure below provides a visual inspection of the two constructed alignments, and an illustration of the codon-awareness of VIRULIGN. It can be seen that insertions cause frameshifts and the inclusion of stop codons in the MAFFT alignment, while VIRULIGN accommodates these insertions without disturbing the reading frames of the alignment.


mafft  --auto chaplin2018-sequences.fasta 
     > chaplin2018-sequences-mafft.fasta


virulign  HIV-HXB2-pol.xml chaplin2018-sequences.fasta 
    --exportKind GlobalAlignment 
    --exportAlphabet Nucleotides 
    --exportWithInsertions no 
    --exportReferenceSequence yes  > chaplin2018-sequences-virulign.fasta

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List of case study examples

VIRULIGN has been used for a large number of analyses with respect to virus genomics. We provide a non-exhaustive list of examples:


[1] A. B. Abecasis, A. M. Wensing, D. Paraskevis, J. Vercauteren, K. Theys, D. A. Van de Vijver, J. Albert, B. Asjo, C. Balotta, D. Beshkov, R. J. Camacho, B. Clotet, C. De Gascun, A. Griskevicius, Z. Gross- man, O. Hamouda, A. Horban, T. Kolupajeva, K. Korn, L. G. Kostrikis, C. Kucherer, K. Liitsola, M. Linka, C. Nielsen, D. Otelea, R. Pare- des, M. Poljak, E. Puchhammer-Stockl, J. C. Schmit, A. Sonnerborg, D. Stanekova, M. Stanojevic, D. Struck, C. A. Boucher, and A. M. Van- damme. HIV-1 subtype distribution and its demographic determinants in newly diagnosed patients in Europe suggest highly compartmentalized epi- demics. Retrovirology, 10:7, Jan 2013.

[2] B. Chaplin, G. Imade, C. Onwuamah, G. Odaibo, R. Audu, J. Okpokwu, D. Olaleye, S. Meloni, H. Rawizza, M. Muazu, A. Z. Musa, J. Samuel, O. Agbaji, O. Ezechi, E. Idigbe, and P. J. Kanki. Distinct Pattern of Thymidine Analogue Mutations with K65R in Patients Failing Tenofovir- Based Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Res. Hum. Retroviruses, 34(2):228– 233, Feb 2018.

[3] L. Cuypers, G. Li, P. Libin, S. Piampongsant, A. M. Vandamme, and K. Theys. Genetic Diversity and Selective Pressure in Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes 1-6: Significance for Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment and Drug Resistance. Viruses, 7(9):5018–5039, Sep 2015.

[4] L. Cuypers, G. Li, C. Neumann-Haefelin, S. Piampongsant, P. Libin, K. Van Laethem, A. M. Vandamme, and K. Theys. Mapping the genomic diversity of HCV subtypes 1a and 1b: Implications of structural and im- munological constraints for vaccine and drug development. Virus Evol, 2(2):vew024, Jul 2016.

[5] K. Deforche, R. J. Camacho, Z. Grossman, M. A. Soares, K. Van Laethem, D. A. Katzenstein, P. R. Harrigan, R. Kantor, R. Shafer, A. M. Van- damme, R. Kantor, D. A. Katzenstein, R. W. Shafer, R. J. Camacho, A. P. Carvalho, B. Wynhoven, P. R. Harrigan, P. Cane, J. Clarke, J. Weber, S. Sirivichayakul, P. Phanuphak, M. A. Soares, A. Tanuri, J. Snoeck, A. M. Vandamme, L. Morris, H. Rudich, Z. Grossman, J. M. Schapiro, R. Ro- drigues, L. F. Brigido, A. Holguin, V. Soriano, K. Ariyoshi, W. Sugiura, M. B. Bouzas, P. Cahn, D. Pillay, T. L. Katzenstein, and L. B. J?rgensen. Bayesian network analyses of resistance pathways against efavirenz and nevirapine. AIDS, 22(16):2107–2115, Oct 2008.

[6] K. Deforche, A. Cozzi-Lepri, K. Theys, B. Clotet, R. J. Camacho, J. Kjaer, K. Van Laethem, A. Phillips, Y. Moreau, J. D. Lundgren, and A. M. Van- damme. Modelled in vivo HIV fitness under drug selective pressure and estimated genetic barrier towards resistance are predictive for virological response. Antivir. Ther. (Lond.), 13(3):399–407, 2008.

[7] R. C. Edgar. MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput. Nucleic Acids Res., 32(5):1792–1797, 2004.

[8] E. L. Hatcher, S. A. Zhdanov, Y. Bao, O. Blinkova, E. P. Nawrocki, Y. Ostapchuck, A. A. Schaffer, and J. R. Brister. Virus Variation Re- source - improved response to emergent viral outbreaks. Nucleic Acids Res., 45(D1):D482–D490, Jan 2017.

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