An extension of Foundation Kit used in all of 1414 Degrees' projects.
Some of the highlights of this project include:
FDLogger: A powerful logging macro with log levels whose cutoff can be customized based on the build configuration. Also compiles down to a NOP for release builds.
FDKeypath: A macro for generating key path strings that are checked at compile time.
FDIsEmpty: A macro that will check if any arbitrary object is "empty".
FDValueTransformer: A block-based subclass of NSValueTransformer.
FDDeclaredProperty: An Objective-C wrapper around the metadata associated with property declaration. There is also a category on NSObject that allows you to easily retrieve a FDDeclaredProperty for a given key path.
FDWeakReference: A wrapped class designed to allow any object to be weakly retained inside collection objects i.e. NSArray. Also macros to "weakify" and "strongify" objects, particularly self, to avoid retain loops.
FDURLEncoding protocol and corresponding categories: Makes NSArray, NSDictionary, NSValue and NSString conform to the FDURLEncoding protocol which adds a method for easy URL encoding. Users can extend this functionality to their own classes by simply having them conform to the protocol as well.
There are two supported methods for FDFoundationKit. Both methods assume your Xcode project is using modules.
Simply add pod "FDFoundationKit", "~> 1.0.0"
to your Podfile.