reilabs / starknet-replay

CLI tool to replay Starknet transactions and profile libfuncs usage.
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blockchain cairo-lang rust starknet-ecosystem

Starknet Replay

starknet-replay is a CLI application to replay Starknet transactions locally using data from the Pathfinder database. It reports the frequency with which each libfunc has been called when replaying the transactions.

It's also possible to export the histogram of the most frequently used libfuncs by number of calls. The data plotted in the histogram is filtered to only include the libfuncs that amount to 80% of the total calls in the replay. This helps readability and visual analysis.

Only INVOKE transactions of Sierra contracts are used for this report because only Sierra contracts use libfuncs and only INVOKE transactions execute Sierra code. Rejected transactions are included because they are still useful to indicate which libfunc users need.

Gathering this data allows actions to be taken based on libfunc usage, examples of which include designating certain functions for extra scrutiny based on their popularity and allowing deprecation of less-used libfuncs. This information allows allows analysis of how libfunc usage changes over time, and how new functions are adopted by the community.

In the future, this tool is likely to evolve to support:

How to Use

cargo run --release -- --db-path <PATHFINDER_DB> --start-block <BLOCK_NUM> --end-block <BLOCK_NUM>

PATHFINDER_DB is the path of the Pathfinder sqlite database. The Pathfinder database is generated from running a pathfinder node. Further information is available here.

This tool makes use of tracing library for log purposes. For this reason set RUST_LOG at least at info level to see the raw output of libfunc statistics.


cargo run -- --db-path ../pathfinder/mainnet.sqlite --start-block 632917 --end-block 632917 --svg-out "histogram.svg"

The command above replays all transactions of block 632917 and saves the libfunc histogram in the file named "histogram.svg".



Tested only on pathfinder-v0.11.x. More recent version of Pathfinder use a size optimised database which may require some changes. For latest info check issue #17.

Useful links