reinhart1010 / bots

Buddies of the Shells, a @reinhart1010 project
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

Hello, World!

The Buddies of the Shells logo, but ~destroyed by Mallory

I'm root, and sorry for messing the current BOTS logo. My powers are too strong to fly and turning everyone into root, including everyone who read this README file. By the way, if you want to read this README in full color, try cloning this repository and opening the file in supported code editor/IDE programs, such as Atom (with Markdown Preview plugin) or Visual Studio Code. You're doing it correctly if you can see the word root in green, just like in our webcomics.

Welcome to our official repository for the Buddies of The Shells. Just like any other GitHub/GitLab repository, we have a, LICENSE, .gitignore, and a bunch of files related to development and deployment chores (e.g. for Anjing, CPanel, Jenkins, JSHint, and more).

This repository is further divided into submodules. It's good that you don't have to clone the entire contents of this repository to read our stories or fixing a critical issue in our website. But, if you still want to have all of our goodness, clone this repository with git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 with the latest version of Git (2.13 or later). Your current Git version can be checked by using git --version, and you can find instructions for older versions of Git (at least version 1.6.5 or later) on

The is our home, the home for, and the home for all of our chatbots. Want to fix or improve them? Visit, or the directory if you clone this repository with all of its submodules.

It's currently powered by Laravel, so contributions on that repository is welcome as long as you have a basic knowledge in how Laravel project directories are structured.

The Laravel project also utilizes Laravel Mix and Webpack to build some of asset files, so you may need to install Node.js (version 12 or later) to compile source JS and CSS files (if modified).

If you are looking to read our stories, simply visit or clone our roothouse repository at, or the roothouse/ directory if you clone this repository with all of its submodules.

Yes, the roothouse is only accessible for root users, but remember that you are root, too!

Still afraid to enter it? Well, fine, let's make it official for you and me...

I, root, grant you access to enter, clone, and modify the roothouse with or without my permission under the current LICENSE terms of the roothouse at

I am root, you are root, and may we always be root forever.

Want to know more about how to manage our repositories and pwn us with your Pull Requests (Merge Requests)? The SYSTEMDOCS at has all the docs and tools you need. If you already clone this repository with all its submodules, you can visit the SYSTEMDOCS/ directory instead

Note that it's fine to talk to Nate normally, but the SYSTEM WANTS ALL FILE NAMES TO BE WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS, FOR THE SAKE OF COMPATIBILITY WITH THE LEGENDARY DISK OPERATING SYSTEM (DOS). Please respect him by cd-ing, and adding new files/folders, and committing in that repository in ALL CAPS. Non-8.3 filenames are also accepted as long as they are in ALL CAPS.

And finally, for other open source contributors who are not yet familiar with this repository, you may look at the following table to see which directory is right for you.

What other repositories' usually have Where is that directory located here
assets/ If you mean about all the assets you need to build and extend our universe, visit SYSTEMDOCS/ASSETS/

Or else, if you mean the directory where we host all the public CSS, JS, and other assets of our Laravel-powered website, visit Go to SYSTEMDOCS/CONTRIBUTING-GUIDELINES/, since there are many ways to contribute to this entire project, and different parts of this repository have some special rules to follow.

The file on the root directory is an invitiation letter from me and Nate to explore the SYSTEMDOCS instead.
docs/ If you mean about GitHub Pages-like root directory:
Visit or (Laravel's public directory)

If you mean about the entire character documentation of us (the "Reinhart Bot Universe") and management of this repository, the SYSTEMDOCS/ is enough!

If you want our stories and news, visit the roothouse instead

If you want nothing but a documentation for our website and the, visit

If you want nothing but a documentation for programs on our roothouse, visit roothouse/<path to the program's directory>/docs. Note that some of these programs are linked by Git submodules.
(Directory containing legal information of the entire project, including Terms of Use and Privacy Policy)

...and LICENSE, too.
public/ If you mean about GitLab Pages-like root directory, visit

Or else, if you mean the public directory of our Laravel-powered website, visit

Credits and License

The creation of Buddies of the Shells is not possible without turning @reinhart1010 into a freak of 3 BINUS UNIVERSITY courses (COMP6047 - Algorithm and Programming, COMP6175 - Object Oriented Programming, and CHAR6013 - Character Building: Pancasila), asking whether he's a robot or not (of course I'm not, you robot!), a victim of several cases of bullying, and finally a not-your-average Kali Linux user while still looking at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here's the MIT License for you, I Have Truly Found Paradise!



Why does the LICENSE copyright year start from 2016, instead of 2021?

The first concept of these characters (primarily Nate and Nix) first begins as Charlie and Charlene in 2016, where they possess the magical powers of the Internet and rule a virtual kingdom against hackers and malware.

The legacy of the original story still lives up to today, with "magical" elements of computer systems such as SYSTEM and root which represent the highest user/account permission level in Windows NT and UNIX-based family of operating systems.