relaton / relaton-nist

NistBib: retrieve NIST Standards for bibliographic use using the BibliographicItem model
MIT License
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= Relaton for NIST: bibliographic retrieval of NIST publications

image:["Gem Version", link=""] image:["Build Status (macOS)", link=""] image:["Build Status (Windows)", link=""] image:["Build Status (Ubuntu)", link=""] image:["Code Climate", link=""] image:["Pull Requests", link=""] image:["Commits since latest",link=""]

== Purpose

relaton-nist provides bibliographic information of NIST publications using the[NistBibliographicItem model].

Relaton for NIST has been developed in cooperation with the NIST Cybersecurity Resource Center (CSRC) and the Computer Security Division (ITL/CSD).

== Data sources

Relaton for NIST retrieves bibliographic information from two sources:

Bibliographic information offered through CSRC is provided with enhanced metadata that is not available in the NIST Library dataset, including:

Relaton for NIST, therefore, uses the following order of priority for the data sources:

. bibliographic feed from NIST CSRC . NIST Library dataset

The NIST CSRC provides:

The NIST Library dataset provides documents listed in the[index].

== Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:


gem 'relaton-nist'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install relaton_nist

== Usage

=== Search for a standard using keywords


require 'relaton_nist' => true

hit_collection ="NISTIR 8200") [relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200) Fetching from ... [relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200) Fetching from Relaton repository ... => <RelatonNist::HitCollection:0x00000000004b28 @ref=NIST IR 8200 @fetched=false>

item = hit_collection[0].fetch => #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x007fc049aa6778 ...

=== XML serialization [source,ruby]

item.to_xml => "

  <title format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Interagency report on the status of international cybersecurity standardization for the internet of things (IoT)</title>

With argument bibdata: true it outputs XML wrapped by bibdata element and adds flavor ext element. [source,ruby]

item.to_xml bibdata: true => "

  <title format="text/plain" language="en" script="Latn">Interagency report on the status of international cybersecurity standardization for the internet of things (IoT)</title>
  <ext schema-version="v1.0.0">


=== Get code, and year [source,ruby]

RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get("NIST IR 8200", "2018") [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 8200:2018) Fetching from ... [relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200:2018) Fetching from Relaton repository... [relaton-nist] (NIST IR 8200:2018) Found: NIST IR 8200 => #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00007fab74a572c0 ...

=== Get short citation A short citation is a convention about a citation's format. The format for NIST publications is:

NIST {abbrev(series)} {docnumber} {(edition), optional} {(stage), optional}


{abbrev(series)} {docnumber} {(edition), optional} {(stage), optional}

The format for FIPS publications is:

FIPS {docnumber}


NIST FIPS {docnumber}


RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get("NIST SP 800-205 (February 2019) (IPD)") [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-205) Fetching from ... [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-205) Found: NIST SP 800-205 (Draft) => #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00000001105afdc8 ...

=== Get specific part, volume, version, revision, and addendum

Referehces can contain optional parameters {ptN}{vN}{verN}{rN}{/Add}:


item = RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get 'NIST SP 800-67r1' [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-67r1) Fetching from ... [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-67r1) Found: NIST SP 800-67 Rev. 1 => #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00000001105acd08 ... => "NIST SP 800-67 Rev. 1"

item = RelatonNist::NistBibliography.get 'NIST SP 800-38A/Add' [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-38A/Add) Fetching from ... [relaton-nist] (NIST SP 800-38A/Add) Found: NIST SP 800-38A-Add => #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x00000001105abf48 ... => "NIST SP 800-38A-Add"

=== Typed links

NIST documents may have src and doi link types.

[source,ruby] => [#<RelatonBib::TypedUri:0x0000000111087a98 @content=#<Addressable::URI:0x8c0 URI:>, @language=nil, @script=nil, @type="src">,

<RelatonBib::TypedUri:0x00000001110879a8 @content=#<Addressable::URI:0x8d4 URI:>, @language=nil, @script=nil, @type="doi">]

=== Create bibliographic item from YAML [source,ruby]

hash = YAML.load_file 'spec/examples/nist_bib_item.yml' => {"id"=>"NISTIR 8011 Vol. 3", ...

RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem.from_hash hash => #<RelatonNist::NistBibliographicItem:0x007f8b708505b8 ...

=== Fetch data

This gem uses the dataset as one of data sources.

The method RelatonNist::DataFetcher.fetch(output: "data", format: "yaml") fetches all the documents from the datast and save them to the ./data folder in YAML format. Arguments:


RelatonNist::DataFetcher.fetch Started at: 2021-09-01 18:01:01 +0200 Stopped at: 2021-09-01 18:01:43 +0200 Done in: 42 sec. => nil

=== Logging

RelatonNist uses the relaton-logger gem for logging. By default, it logs to STDOUT. To change the log levels and add other loggers, read the[relaton-logger] documentation.

== Development

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

== Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

== License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.