relm86 / lawfirm

Law Firm Project
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Law Firm Project


FAQ List

Links List

Text - Single block

Contact Info - Single block

Videos - Large main featured video and a list of other videos

Images - Large main featured image and a list of other images

Coupons (basically images) - Large main featured coupon and a list of other coupons

Twitter Feed

Other areas of the site:

The page building service they want to emulate is Check it out and look how the widget edit works on roll-over.

The main things to work on now are the widgets, and adding the filter tags. The admin person should be able to add any tag to the non-API widgets. There will be two types of interactions with these tags: admin-selected and user-selected. The admin-selected is controlled by the admin who selects what widgets get shown to what users (like gender). The user-selected tags are available in the front-end area for the users to control (like car color).

Only offer the white color scheme.

Make templates stupid-proof with easy-to-understand widget layout.

Make login page text customizable for each template.

Only offer Facebook login

Look into using Google Hangout for chat.

Widgets: Download (title, single URL for a link, filter tags)

ANY SUGGESTION can be stated in issue page at