reluce / szurubooru-toolkit

Python package and script collection to manage your szurubooru image board.
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 11 forks source link
auto-tagger auto-tagging automation bash image-board python saucenao scripts szuru szurubooru tagging uploader

szurubooru-toolkit icon


Python package and script collection to manage your szurubooru image board.

Usage: szuru-toolkit [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Toolkit to manage your szurubooru image board.

  Defaults can also be set in a config file.

  Visit for more information.

  --url TEXT                      Base URL to your szurubooru instance.
  --username TEXT                 Username which will be used to authenticate with the szurubooru API.
  --api-token TEXT                API token for the user which will be used to authenticate with the szurubooru API.
  --public                        If your szurubooru instance is reachable from the internet (default: False).
  --log-enabled                   Create a log file (default: False).
  --log-colorized                 Colorize the log output (default: True).
  --log-file TEXT                 Output file for the log (default: szurubooru_toolkit.log)
                                  Set the log level (default: INFO).
  --hide-progress                 Hides the progress bar (default: False).
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

  auto-tagger        Tag posts automatically
  create-relations   Create relations between character and parody tag categories
  create-tags        Create tags based on a tag file or query
  delete-posts       Delete posts
  import-from-booru  Download and tag posts from various Boorus
  import-from-url    Download images from URLS or file containing URLs
  reset-posts        Remove tags and sources
  tag-posts          Tag posts manually
  upload-media       Upload media files

:ballot_box_with_check: Requirements

In order to run szuru-toolkit, Python 3.11 is required.

:hammer_and_wrench: Installation

This package is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip: pip install szurubooru-toolkit

Alternatively, you can clone the package from GitHub and set everything up with Poetry. In the root directory of this repository, execute poetry install.

Docker Instructions

If you would like to run the toolkit in a Docker container instead, follow the instructions below.

1. Copy `docker-compose.yml` to the location where you want to run the toolkit. 1. Copy `config_sample.toml` to the same location, renaming to `config.toml` and replacing with your configuration. 1. Copy `crontab_sample` to the same location, renaming to `crontab` and adding the commands you would like to run regularly. An example command is provided in `crontab_sample`. 1. Make sure to set the `src_path` option in `config.toml` to use `/szurubooru-toolkit/upload_src`. If you're using a different directory than `upload_src`, you may need to update the `docker-compose.yml` binding to be something like `./uploads:/szurubooru-toolkit/uploads`, and set `/szurubooru-toolkit/uploads` as the `src_path` option instead. 1. Create the folder `tmp` in the same location. 1. If you would like to use deepbooru or tag files, create `misc/deepbooru` and/or `misc/tags` in the same location and follow the instructions linked below 1. Run `touch szurubooru_toolkit.log` in the same location to create a file for the log. You may need to set the log location to `/szurubooru-toolkit/szurubooru_toolkit.log` in `config.toml` 1. Use `docker-compose up` or `docker-compose up -d` to start the container, or start the container in the background, respectively. You can use `docker-compose logs` or `docker-compose logs -f` to inspect the container output, which will include szuru toolkit's output if you append your cron jobs with `>/proc/1/fd/1 2>&1` like in the example job. 1. If you just want to run a one-time command, leave the `crontab` file blank and start the container with `docker-compose up -d`, taking note of the `container_name` option in `docker-compose.yml`. Then, you can run commands inside of the running container like this: `docker exec -it container_name auto-tagger`, replacing `container_name` with the container name. 1. If you would like the container to run a one-time command and then quit with `docker-compose.yml`, add a `command` configuration [like this](

:memo: User configuration

While the script szuru-toolkit can run with just command line options, you can also set your options in a config file.

The script looks for a config.toml file in following locations:



Options passed to the szuru-toolkit script take priority over the config file.

You can find a sample config file in the GitHub repository of this package.

Note that path names have to be specified with forward slashes (/) if you're using Windows.

Creating a SauceNAO account and an API key is recommended. Please consider supporting the SauceNAO team as well by upgrading your plan. With a free plan, you can request up to 200 posts in 24h.

For Deepbooru support, download the current release here (v3-20211112-sgd-e28) and extract the contents of the zip file. Specify the path of the folder with the extracted files in deepbooru_model. Please note that you have to set deepbooru_enabled if you want to use it.

:page_with_curl: Commands

Following commands are currently available:

Check szuru-toolkit -h or szuru-toolkit COMMAND -h for a detailed description of supported options.

If you cloned the repo from GitHub, prefix the above scripts with poetry run, e.g. poetry run szuru-toolkit auto-tagger "date:today". Note that your current working directory has to be the the root of the GitHub project.

If your query starts with a dash (-), for example to negate a tag, you have to separate the query from the command with two dashes (This doesn't work with poetry run):

szuru-toolkit auto-tagger --no-deepbooru -- "-foo bar"

While most commands are self explanatory, the following require a bit of extra attention:

:label: create-relations


:label: create-tags

If no tag_file is specified, the script will download the most recent 100 tags from Danbooru which have been used at least ten times.

You can use tools like Grabber to download a tag list from common boorus.

The tag_file has to be in following format:


The category has to be created beforehand manually (e.g. default, artist, parody/series, character and meta).


:link: import-from-url

This scripts imports posts with their tags from the URL passed to this script. In the background, it simply calls the gallery-dl script and parses its output. Alternatively, an input file with multiple URLs can be specified.

It's recommended to use the --cookie flag for authentication, check for details.

Usage Examples

:information_source: Image credit

GitHub repo icon: Code icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon