rem-bot-industries / rem-v2

Well, this is the rewrite of rem, now even cleaner and hopefully with less bugs
Apache License 2.0
79 stars 43 forks source link
discord-bot eris music


The rewrite of Rem, now even cleaner and soon fully documented.

This Code is provided as is, there will be no support for getting it to run.

Discord Dependencies Github Stars

Noteworthy Forks

There are some forks which deserve to be listed here since they added some new features to rem

I will write those if people actually want to contribute. Until then: Just make it work good and fast. uwu


Installation instructions

  1. Install MongoDB with the guide.
  2. Install redis with the guide
  3. Install git, Here is the link to get it.
  4. Install node, Here is the link to get it.
  5. Install ffmpeg and add it to path, it can be found here, if you are on linux, you might wanna compile it, here is a guide for that
  6. If you have Windows, open a console with administrator permissions and type npm install --global windows-build-tools into it. This will install the neccessary tools, which will be later needed by npm to build Rems dependencies.
  7. For Linux environments, you should get build-essential and python 2.7 installed.
  8. Clone the source of v2 from git
  9. Go into the just created directory and open a cmd and execute npm install. There could be some errors while installing the dependencies as the optional dependency of rem links to eris-crystal If the installation fails, due to not being able to clone the git repo of it, remove it from the dependencies in the package.json.
  10. Create the following directories within the root: temp,audio,config
  11. Create 2 files within the config directory: main.json and keys.json. An Example can be found down below.
  12. Run git submodule init and git submodule update to fetch the newest translations
  13. Start the MongoDB Server and the Redis Server if you did not do that already
  14. Start Rem by going into the src folder and typing the following: node index.js.

Example main.json

  "owner": "Owner Name",
  "owner_id": "Owner ID",
  "environment": "development",
  "no_error_tracking": true,
  "token": "Bot Token",
  "client_id": "Bot Client ID",
  "bot_id": "Bot ID (Same as Client ID)",
  "osu_token": "OSU API TOKEN",
  "osu_username": "osu username",
  "osu_password": "osu password",
  "soundcloud_key": "key for the soundcloud api",
  "sentry_token": "not needed.",
  "anilist_secret": "not used atm",
  "anilist_id": "not used atm",
  "lbsearch_sfw_key": " key",
  "lbsearch_nsfw_key": " key",
  "cleverbot_api_user": " api user",
  "cleverbot_api_key": " api key",
  "mashape_key": "mashape key",
  "use_ws": false,
  "master_hostname": "not needed.",
  "mongo_hostname": "The full database adress: e.g. mongodb://host:port/dbname",
  "redis_hostname": "the redis ip, port is automatically set to 6379",
  "redis_enabled": true,
  "redis_database": 2,
  "shard_token": "not needed."

Example keys.json

  "keys": [
    "Youtube Api Key, you can add more if you like"

Helpful links

If you need help creating tokens and a Youtube api I suggest reading these two tutorials on it.