remi-daigle / bioeconomic_MPA

BEST-MPA = Bio-Economic Selection Toolbox for Marine Protected Areas
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Bio-Economic Selection Toolbox for Marine Protected Areas - R toolkit

Thank you for your interest in the R toolkit for the bioeconomic evaluation of MPA network design! If you haven't already done so, please refer to the manuscript describing the model results (insert link to manuscript once published).


If you would like to apply this toolkit to your own scenario, please fork this repository and modify as needed. We kindly ask that you cite both the original manuscript and this repository in any resulting publication. We recognize that there are some aspects of the model the could be closer to reality and we look forward to seeing how you would improve it. To make changes, we recommend starting with user_input.R, functions.R, or changing one or more of the sub-modules.

If you would like to replicate our results, download the repository as is and run the simulations by running the code in master.R. This script will source the user defined parameters (user_input.R), the custom MPA toolkit functions (functions.R), and the various MPA toolkit sub-modules.

Please note: This toolkit requires the installation of R packages before use (dplyr, ggplot2 grid, Grid2Polygons, gridExtra, maptools, raster, readr, rgdal*, rgeos, sp, tidyr)

*installation of the rgdal package is notoriously difficult, please see here and here for further information should you have any problems.


Such a complex model requires many parameters to function properly. Below we have included a list of parameters and user inputs contained in the model.

Variable Value Definition Source
time 2001:2051 The time over which the model is run (e.g. 2001 to 2100) user defined
spinup 10 The number of years the model runs to generate a realistic starting population before "time". Results are not saved during spin-up time user defined
_tottime 1991:2051 The time over which the model is run including spin-up time user defined
dt 1 The time step in years user defined
replicates 1:10 The number of replicates for the main body of the model user defined
_cellsize 20 The height and width of the model cell size in km user defined
proj "+proj=lcc ... +units=m +no_defs" The map projection to be used, must comply with PROJ.4 CRS user defined
n 10 The number of virtual fish per cell at initialization user defined
_virtual_fishratio 20000 The virtual fish:real fish ratio (e.g. if virtual_fish_ratio=10^6, then 1 virtual fish is 'worth' 10^6 real fish) user defined
_protect_scennew LOGICAL Create new protection scenarios? (TRUE creates new maps, but is slow. FALSE uses previously saved maps). Very computationally expensive if TRUE user defined
_time_loopplot LOGICAL Create plots during the time loops? (TRUE creates plots every year, but might slow down performance a bit). user defined
_fullmodel LOGICAL Allows the user to skip the replicate/scenario/time loops, to proceed directly to analysis of results (assumes there are files in results directory) user defined
_adult_conmat LOGICAL Allows the user to use connectivity matrices or random dispersal. If FALSE, adults will disperse randomly, otherwise they will disperse according to the connectivity matrices (source polygon as row names, settlement polygon as column names) user defined
_larvae_conmat LOGICAL Allows the user to use connectivity matrices or random dispersal. If FALSE, larvae will disperse randomly, otherwise they will disperse according to the connectivity matrices (source polygon as row names, settlement polygon as column names) user defined
_Linfmean 112.03 Von Bertalanffy growth model parameter - mean asymptotic length (cm) Knickle and Rose 2013
_LinfSD 5.34 Von Bertalanffy growth model parameter - standard deviation asymptotic length (cm) Knickle and Rose 2013
_kmean 0.13 Von Bertalanffy growth model parameters - mean growth coefficient (1/year) Knickle and Rose 2013
_kSD 0.1 Von Bertalanffy growth model parameters - standard deviation growth coefficient (1/year) Knickle and Rose 2013
t0 0.18 Von Bertalanffy growth model parameters - x intercept (year) Knickle and Rose 2013
_l_to_wint 0.000011 The intercept in the Length-weight relationship Knickle and Rose 2013
_l_to_wpower 2.91 The power in the Length-weight relationship Knickle and Rose 2013
_age_matsteepness 2.5 Steepness of the logitic curve for age at sexual maturity. Fish begin maturing at 2 y, 50% at 4 y and all are mature at 6y user defined
_age_matsigmoid 4 Sigmoid of the logitic curve for age at sexual maturity. Fish begin maturing at 2 y, 50% at 4 y and all are mature at 6y user defined
fecundity 0.5*10^6 Size dependent fecundity (eggs per kg of female) REF
M rnorm(10000,0.5938,0.0517) Natural adult mortality,the model selects a random mortality rate from a normal distribution with mean of 0.5938 and a standard deviation of 0.0517. This is designed to match the latest mortality estimates Swain & Chouinard 2008
lM rbeta(10000,1000,1.2) Natural larval mortality, the model selects a random mortality rate from a beta distribution with α=1000 and β=1.2. This is designed to match a mean larval mortality of 99.88% with a range of 98.98-99.99% Mountain et al. 2008
CC 431 The mean carrying capacity for Canadian cod stocks (kg of fish/km^2) Myers et al. 2001
_CCsd 387 The standard deviation of carrying capacity for Canadian cod stocks (kg of fish/km^2) Myers et al. 2001
CCs NUMERIC Habitat carrying capacity, in kg of virtual fish per cell (4548 is the number of cells in the habitat grid). Derived from CC and _CCsd but could be substituted with "known" habitat carrying capacity. user defined
_e_foldlarvae 12.47 The e-folding scale for larvae in km (the distance at which there will be fewer settlers by a factor of e). Estimated as a random walk of 2 cm/s over 90 d planktonic larval duration,the square root is because we assume that the current is like a random walk Brander and Hurley 1992
_e_foldadult 74.139 The e-folding scale for larvae in km (the distance at which there will be fewer settlers by a factor of e). Estimated from dispersal data Lawson & Rose 2000
_min_sizemigration cm Minimium size for adult migration (cm) Lawson & Rose 2000
_fishcommunities SpatialPolygonsDataFrame The spatial distribution of fish_licenses for shore distance calculation in effort calculation. It can be spatial points or spatial polygons data frame (sp package) raster package
_fishcommunities2 SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Same as above, but polygons are simplified to speed up calculation user defined
_fishlicenses c(866, 4714, 3002, 879, 963) Number of licenses per region in fish_communities DFO
FMSY 0.28 Fisheries mortality at Maximum Sustainable Yield Mountain et al. 2008
_FMSYbuffer 2/3 quota set to fraction of FMSY as per precautionary principle user defined
_samplingpop 0.001 percent of population measured for biomass estimation user defined
_biomass_est_nyears 5 number if years averaged for biomass estimation user defined
_minsize 38 Minimum size fish caught by nets (cm) Feekings et al. 2013
_MPAcoverage 0.1 Target protection level in proportion (e.g. 0.2 is 20% protection) DFO
CtoM 0.0009 Coastal:marine ratio for MPAs (e.g. CtoM <- 0.4 is 60% marine and 40% coastal in terms of area) IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, 2015
fixdist 75 The fixed distance for setting MPA distance in km in fixed distance scenario. Set to approximately the mean adult dispersal distance Lawson & Rose 2000
_protectscen CHARACTER Short form names for the scenario names, used in computation (no spaces please) user defined
_protect_scennames CHARACTER Long form names for the scenario names, used in plotting, same order as _protectscen user defined
_protect_scencolour CHARACTER Colours used in plotting the scenarios, same order as _protectscen user defined
_countryname CHARACTER Country name for coastline download for new "coastal" MPA placement (from package maptools in data(wrld_simpl)) user defined
_MPAscoast SpatialPolygonsDataFrame COASTAL Marine Protected Areas in Atlantic Canada IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, 2015
_MPAsmar SpatialPolygonsDataFrame MARINE Marine Protected Areas in Atlantic Canada IUCN and UNEP-WCMC, 2015
_MPAsAOI SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Areas of Interest identified by DFO as potential areas for future MPAs. Not used in the latest version of the toolkit DFO
EEZ SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone [Atlantic part]. The toolkit removes the "Canadian part of the Davis Strait" because it is not important for cod Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase
Habitats SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Spatial boundaries of the suitable cod habitat. Shapefile generated by georeferencing figure 2 Lough 2004
Breeding SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Spatial boundaries of the cod breeding habitat. Shapefile generated by georeferencing figure 2 Lough 2004
_minimum_fishablebiomass 1000 Prevent computational errors from occurring when fisherman are trying to fish with insufficient fish. Biomass below this threshold will impose a moratorium on the fishery until the fishery recovers user defined
_fish_operating_costratio 0.53 The ratio of operating cost that are variable with distance (labour and fuel) to the total operating costs for the Mixed Fishery DFO 2007
_Status_quoprofitability 1.58 The ratio of the landed value of the catch to the total operating costs for the Mixed Fishery DFO 2007
_fish_landedvalue 1240 The landed value of cod USD per t DFO
_MPA_maintenancecost 2698 The median maintenance cost for MPAs (USD/km^2/year) Balmford 2004
SDR c(0.015,0.03,0.06) Values for the social discount rate Keller et al. 2008


Von Bertalanffy growth model

Lt  <-  Linf * (1-exp((-k)*(t-t0)))

where Lt is length (cm) at age t (year), Linf is the asymptotic length (cm), k is the Von Bertalanffy growth coefficient (1/year), and t0 is the x intercept (year). Linf and k are randomly generated from a normal distribution (see table above).

Length-weight relationship

fish$weight <- l_to_w_int * fish$length^l_to_w_power

where fish$length is length (cm) and fish$weight is the weight (kg).

Beverton-Holt recruitment model

R[i] <- (larvae[i]+fish[i])/fish[i]
new_total[i] <- R*fish[i]/(1+fish[i]/CC[i])
new_recruits[i] <- new_total[i]-fish[i]

where R is the population growth rate for cell i, larvae[i] is the number of competent larvae delivered to cell i, fish[i] is the number of adult fish living in cell i, new_total[i] is the population size for next year (if no adults were to die), new_total[i] is the number if new recruits to be added to the population next year.


effort <- (1-relative_biomass[i])*relative_distance[i]

where the relative_biomass is the biomass in cell i divided by the maximum biomass in the model domain and relative_distance is the actual distance to shore for cell i divided by the mean distance to shore for all the cells in the model domain.

Modules and Sub-modules


This sub-module has all of the direct user inputs described in the table above. Modify the values to customize the biological, economic, or spatial parameters of your model. You will also find the logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) to turn on/off the analysis mode (analyzing data that was previously written to disk or running the full model), the time loop plots, as well as switches that dictate the use of connectivity matrices (or alternatively the random dispersal function) and the generation of new protection scenarios (or alternatively using those previously written to disk).


This sub-module has all the custom functions created specifically for this toolbox. These functions are not contained in downloadable packages.


This sub-module is a script used to plot some pertinent results between each time loops so you can keep an eye on your model as it runs. This will slow performance slightly, but is very handy for troubleshooting


This sub-module generates the figures used in our final publication. You may or may not want to focus on different aspects of your data.

Spatial Base Layer

The sub-modules within this module will provide the spatial base layer, it defines the model domain from input given in user_input.R


This sub-module will take the given EEZ and divides it into the basic grid cells used in the model.


This sub-module will either generate new protection scenarios, or will load them from disk depending on what was set in user_inputs.R.

Growth and Reproduction

The sub-modules within this module dictates the growth and reproduction of individual fish


This sub-module controls the growth of individual fish using the Von Bertalanffy growth model and the length-weight relationship defined in the equations above.


This sub-module dictates where eggs are released (i.e. in breeding habitats) and determines the number of eggs produced from the spawning stock biomass which exists nearest each breeding habitat. Larval mortality is enforced herein.


The sub-modules within this module will disperse adults and larvae.


This sub-module uses either the random dispersal function or the connectivity matrices to disperse the larvae. Settlement mortality is enforced herein. If using custom connectivity matrices please place them in the con_mat directory and follow the naming convention of con_mat_PHASE_YEAR.csv where PHASE is either adult or larvae and YEAR is the calendar year (e.g. 1998) and have source polygon as row names, settlement polygon as column names.


This sub-module uses either the random dispersal function or the connectivity matrices to disperse the adults.


The sub-modules within this module regulates the management and behaviour of the fishing industry.


This sub-module will estimate the fisheries quota and set which grid cells are "fishable" (i.e. not covered by an active MPA).


This sub-module calculates fishing effort and allows fishermen catch fish by minimizing effort.

Cost Evaluation

The sub-modules within this module will evaluate the value and costs of the fisheries over time.


This sub-module will evaluate operating costs and calculate landed value of all fish caught.


This sub-module will evaluate the cost of enforcing the MPA network for each scenario. we did not use these costs in our case study as we considered these costs external to the fishing industry.


This sub-module applies the social discount rates to the net catch values to calculate the net present values.