remicres / sr4rs

Super resolution for remote sensing
MIT License
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An open source tool for super resolution. You can add your own models, cost functions, feel free to open a PR!


  title={SR4RS: A Tool for Super Resolution of Remote Sensing Images},
  author={Cresson, R{\'e}mi},
  journal={Journal of Open Research Software},
  publisher={Ubiquity Press}

Super Resolution for Remote Sensing

This work has been supported by the Programme National de Télédétection Spatiale (PNTS), grant n° PNTS-2020-07

Representative images

The following are Sentinel-2 images processed with a model trained from pansharpened Spot-6/7 images.

Read more

Blog post on MDL4EO

How to use?

SR4RS needs OTBTF>=2.3 to work.

Quick HR image generation using pre-trained model

  1. Get the latest OTBTF docker image and enter the docker image. Here is an example with the otbtf 3.4 gpu image, using NVIDIA runtime:

    docker run -ti --runtime=nvidia mdl4eo/otbtf:3.4.0-gpu bash
  2. Download and unzip a pre-trained SavedModel (see this section to see available pre-trained models)

  3. Clone SR4RS

    git clone
  4. Use SR4RS to create an HR image (the considered pre-trained model runs on a Sentinel-2 image, 4-channels ordered as Red, Green, Blue, Near infrared). Just download a Sentinel-2 image from ESA hub or elsewhere, then concatenate the bands in this order (for that you can use the OTB application named otbcli_ConcatenateImages).

    python sr4rs/code/ \
    --savedmodel sr4rs_sentinel2_bands4328_france2020_savedmodel \
    --input /path/to/some/S2_image/stacked_channels_4328_10m.tif \
    --output test.tif

Train a model

Here is a summary of the steps to follow.

  1. Generate patches images using the PatchesExtraction application from OTBTF, from one low-res image (LR) and one high-res image (HR)
  2. Run on your patches images, and generate a SavedModel
  3. Use on LR image using the previously generated SavedModel

For more details, see the documentation and check the pre-trained models.