remindmodel / pre-processing

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Spam in Logfile #3

Open 0UmfHxcvx5J7JoaOhFSs5mncnisTJJ6q opened 1 year ago

0UmfHxcvx5J7JoaOhFSs5mncnisTJJ6q commented 1 year ago

No idea what message() should accomplish here but what is does is generate a lot of intractable spam. E.g.

list(platform = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu", arch = "x86_64", os = "linux-gnu", system = "x86_64, linux-gnu", status = "", major = "4", minor = "1.2", year = "2021", month = "11", day = "01", `svn rev` = "81115", language = "R", version.string = "R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)", nickname = "Bird Hippie")x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=en_US.utf8;LC_COLLATE=en_US.utf8;LC_MONETARY=en_US.utf8;LC_MESSAGES=en_US.utf8;LC_PAPER=en_US.utf8;LC_NAME=C;LC_ADDRESS=C;LC_TELEPHONE=C;LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.utf8;LC_IDENTIFICATION=CSUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3c("Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rejection")c("stats", "graphics", "grDevices", "datasets", "utils", "methods", "base")list(mrvalidation = list(Type = "Package", Package = "mrvalidation", Title = "madrat data preparation for validation purposes", Version = "2.49.1", Date = "2023-05-05", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Stephen\", \"Wirth\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Kristine\", \"Karstens\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Florian\", \"Humpenoeder\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Mishko\", \"Stevanovic\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Abhijeet\", \"Mishra\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Anne\", \"Biewald\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Isabelle\", \"Weindl\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Felicitas\", \"Beier\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Chen\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Michael\", \"Crawford\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Edna\", \"Molina Bacca\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Ulrich\", \"Kreidenweis\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Amsalu\", \"W. Yalew\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Florian\", \"Humpenoeder \", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Patrick\", \"von Jeetze \", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Xiaoxi\", \"Wang\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Marcos\", \"Alves\", role = \"aut\")\n  )", 
    Description = "Package contains routines to prepare data for validation\n    exercises.", License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0), madrat (>= 2.11.3), magclass (>= 3.17),\nmrcommons (>= 1.0.0), mrdrivers (>= 0.2.2), mrmagpie", Imports = "GDPuc, dplyr, magpiesets, ncdf4, openxlsx, purrr, raster,\nreadxl, reshape2, rlang, stringr, tidyr, utils, withr", 
    Suggests = "covr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "ab8e30cb4705e80b03f46cd74cde472ca44f16ed", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-05-05 14:19:15 UTC; rse", Author = "Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut, cre],\n  Stephen Wirth [aut],\n  Kristine Karstens [aut],\n  Florian Humpenoeder [aut],\n  Mishko Stevanovic [aut],\n  Abhijeet Mishra [aut],\n  Anne Biewald [aut],\n  Isabelle Weindl [aut],\n  Felicitas Beier [aut],\n  David Chen [aut],\n  Michael Crawford [aut],\n  Edna Molina Bacca [aut],\n  Ulrich Kreidenweis [aut],\n  Amsalu W. Yalew [aut],\n  Florian Humpenoeder [aut],\n  Patrick von Jeetze [aut],\n  Xiaoxi Wang [aut],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut],\n  Marcos Alves [aut]", 
    Maintainer = "Benjamin Leon Bodirsky <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-05-05 14:39:47 UTC; unix"), mrmagpie = list(Type = "Package", Package = "mrmagpie", Title = "madrat based MAgPIE Input Data Library", Version = "1.35.6", Date = "2023-05-30", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Kristine\", \"Karstens\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Chen\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Michael\", \"Windisch\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Marcos\", \"Alves\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Felicitas\", \"Beier\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Patrick\", \"v. Jeetze\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Abhijeet\", \"Mishra\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Florian\", \"Humpenoeder\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Pascal\", \"Führlich\", , \"\", role = \"aut\")\n  )", 
    Description = "Provides functions for MAgPIE country and cellular input data\n    generation.", License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Depends = "madrat (>= 2.8.0), magclass (>= 3.17), mrcommons (>= 1.7.8),\nmrland (>= 0.21.4), mrwater (> 1.1.18), R (>= 2.10.0)", Imports = "abind, class, digest, dplyr, ggplot2, lpjclass, luplot,\nluscale, magpiesets, mstools, ncdf4, pbapply, raster, readxl,\nstats, stringr, terra (>= 1.7.18), tidyr, withr", 
    Suggests = "covr, knitr, rmarkdown, zip", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "918d1f12c01b1a93ac16226e63782f6444edb078", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-05-30 11:00:05 UTC; rse", Author = "Kristine Karstens [aut, cre],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut],\n  David Chen [aut],\n  Michael Windisch [aut],\n  Marcos Alves [aut],\n  Felicitas Beier [aut],\n  Patrick v. Jeetze [aut],\n  Abhijeet Mishra [aut],\n  Florian Humpenoeder [aut],\n  Pascal Führlich [aut]", 
    Maintainer = "Kristine Karstens <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-05-30 11:01:04 UTC; unix"), mrwater = list(Type = "Package", Package = "mrwater", Title = "madrat based MAgPIE water Input Data Library", Version = "1.6.14", URL = ",", https = "//", License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", Date = "2023-05-30", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Felicitas\", \"Beier\", email = \"\", role = c(\"aut\",\"cre\")),\n             person(\"Jens\", \"Heinke\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Kristine\", \"Karstens\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"))", 
    Description = "Provides functions for MAgPIE cellular input data generation \n             and stand-alone water calculations.", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0), madrat (>= 1.72), magclass (>= 6.0.0),\nmrcommons, mrland", Imports = "magpiesets, raster, stats, stringr, utils, withr", Suggests = "covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", 
    RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "96b0ed87e88aba88e0edfe63ec76eb8a7e5dbdcf", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-05-30 07:44:48 UTC; rse", Author = "Felicitas Beier [aut, cre],\n  Jens Heinke [aut],\n  Kristine Karstens [aut],\n  Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut]", Maintainer = "Felicitas Beier <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-05-30 07:48:05 UTC; unix"), mrland = list(Type = "Package", Package = "mrland", Title = "MadRaT land data package", Version = "0.49.2", 
    Date = "2023-04-20", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Abhijeet\", \"Mishra\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Isabelle\", \"Weindl\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Xiaoxi\", \"Wang\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Lavinia\", \"Baumstark\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Ulrich\", \"Kreidenweis\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Klein\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Nele\", \"Steinmetz\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Chen\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Florian\", \"Humpenoeder\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Patrick\", \"von Jeetze\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Stephen\", \"Wirth\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Felicitas\", \"Beier\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Hoetten\", role = \"aut\")\n  )", 
    Description = "The package provides land related data via the madrat\n    framework.", License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0), madrat (>= 1.30), magclass (>= 3.17), mrdrivers\n(>= 1.0.0), mrcommons (>= 1.4.0)", Imports = "SPEI, countrycode, data.table, dplyr, magpiesets, mstools,\nncdf4, raster, readxl, reshape2, rgdal, stringr, terra, withr", 
    Suggests = "covr, ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "c598573167314762ee5114c78d214aaa225f7166", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-04-20 10:38:55 UTC; rse", Author = "Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut, cre],\n  Abhijeet Mishra [aut],\n  Isabelle Weindl [aut],\n  Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut],\n  Xiaoxi Wang [aut],\n  Lavinia Baumstark [aut],\n  Ulrich Kreidenweis [aut],\n  David Klein [aut],\n  Nele Steinmetz [aut],\n  David Chen [aut],\n  Florian Humpenoeder [aut],\n  Patrick von Jeetze [aut],\n  Stephen Wirth [aut],\n  Felicitas Beier [aut],\n  David Hoetten [aut]", 
    Maintainer = "Jan Philipp Dietrich <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-04-20 10:43:33 UTC; unix"), mrremind = list(Type = "Package", Package = "mrremind", Title = "MadRat REMIND Input Data Package", Version = "0.163.4", Date = "2023-06-09", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Lavinia\", \"Baumstark\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Renato\", \"Rodrigues\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Antoine\", \"Levesque\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Julian\", \"Oeser\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Christoph\", \"Bertram\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Ioanna\", \"Mouratiadou\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Aman\", \"Malik\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Felix\", \"Schreyer\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Bjoern\", \"Soergel\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Marianna\", \"Rottoli\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Abhijeet\", \"Mishra\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Alois\", \"Dirnaichner\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Michaja\", \"Pehl\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Anastasis\", \"Giannousakis\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Klein\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Jessica\", \"Strefler\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Lukas\", \"Feldhaus\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Regina\", \"Brecha\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Sebastian\", \"Rauner\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Stephen\", \"Bi\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Falk\", \"Benke\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Pascal\", \"Weigmann\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Oliver\", \"Richters\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Robin\", \"Hasse\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Sophie\", \"Fuchs\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Rahel\", \"Mandaroux\", role = \"aut\")\n  )", 
    Description = "The mrremind packages contains data preprocessing for the\n    REMIND model.", License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = "", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0), madrat (>= 2.5.1), magclass (>= 3.17),\nmrdrivers (>= 1.0.0), mrcommons (>= 1.26.6), edgeTransport (>=\n0.17.0)", Imports = "assertr, assertthat, broom, car, countrycode, data.table,\ndplyr, ggplot2, Hmisc, luscale, magrittr, mgsub, nnls, plyr,\npurrr, quitte (>= 0.3105.0), readODS, readr, readxl, reshape,\nreshape2, rlang, rmndt, R.utils, tibble, tidyr, tidyselect,\nzoo,", 
    Suggests = "covr, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "fc8e2e8acecc5a3e72d9e30236a4f13cbeb14afb", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-06-09 12:24:17 UTC; rse", Author = "Lavinia Baumstark [aut, cre],\n  Renato Rodrigues [aut],\n  Antoine Levesque [aut],\n  Julian Oeser [aut],\n  Christoph Bertram [aut],\n  Ioanna Mouratiadou [aut],\n  Aman Malik [aut],\n  Felix Schreyer [aut],\n  Bjoern Soergel [aut],\n  Marianna Rottoli [aut],\n  Abhijeet Mishra [aut],\n  Alois Dirnaichner [aut],\n  Michaja Pehl [aut],\n  Anastasis Giannousakis [aut],\n  David Klein [aut],\n  Jessica Strefler [aut],\n  Lukas Feldhaus [aut],\n  Regina Brecha [aut],\n  Sebastian Rauner [aut],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut],\n  Stephen Bi [aut],\n  Falk Benke [aut],\n  Pascal Weigmann [aut],\n  Oliver Richters [aut],\n  Robin Hasse [aut],\n  Sophie Fuchs [aut],\n  Rahel Mandaroux [aut]", 
    Maintainer = "Lavinia Baumstark <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-06-09 13:13:04 UTC; unix"), edgeTransport = list(Package = "edgeTransport", Title = "Prepare EDGE Transport Data for the REMIND model", Version = "0.31.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Alois\", \"Dirnaichner\", email = \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Marianna\", \"Rottoli\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Johanna\", \"Hoppe\", role = \"aut\"))", 
    Description = "EDGE-T is a fork of the GCAM transport module with a high level of detail in its representation of technological and modal options. It is a partial equilibrium model with a nested multinomial logit structure and relies on the modified logit formulation. Most of the sources are not publicly available. PIK-internal users can find the sources in the distributed file system in the folder `/p/projects/rd3mod/inputdata/sources/EDGE-Transport-Standalone`.", 
    Depends = "R (>= 3.1), data.table (>= 1.11.0)", License = "GPL-3", URL = "", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Date = "2023-05-17", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", Imports = "rmndt, magclass, readxl, rmarkdown, rootSolve, madrat,\nggplot2, quitte, zoo, magrittr, gdx, gdxrrw, gdxdt, remind2,\nrlang, yaml, ymlthis", Suggests = "testthat, knitr, markdown, covr", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", 
    RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "75cadc8e7cad6215010475b19c74cf8a745fa278", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-05-23 11:09:15 UTC; rse", Author = "Alois Dirnaichner [aut, cre],\n  Marianna Rottoli [aut],\n  Johanna Hoppe [aut]", Maintainer = "Alois Dirnaichner <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-05-24 03:00:49 UTC; unix"), data.table = list(Package = "data.table", Version = "1.14.8", Title = "Extension of `data.frame`", `Authors@R` = "c(\n  person(\"Matt\",\"Dowle\",           role=c(\"aut\",\"cre\"), email=\"\"),\n  person(\"Arun\",\"Srinivasan\",      role=\"aut\",          email=\"\"),\n  person(\"Jan\",\"Gorecki\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Michael\",\"Chirico\",      role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Pasha\",\"Stetsenko\",      role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Tom\",\"Short\",            role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Steve\",\"Lianoglou\",      role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Eduard\",\"Antonyan\",      role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Markus\",\"Bonsch\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Hugh\",\"Parsonage\",       role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Scott\",\"Ritchie\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Kun\",\"Ren\",              role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Xianying\",\"Tan\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Rick\",\"Saporta\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Otto\",\"Seiskari\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Xianghui\",\"Dong\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Michel\",\"Lang\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Watal\",\"Iwasaki\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Seth\",\"Wenchel\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Karl\",\"Broman\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Tobias\",\"Schmidt\",       role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"David\",\"Arenburg\",       role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Ethan\",\"Smith\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Francois\",\"Cocquemas\",   role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Matthieu\",\"Gomez\",       role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Philippe\",\"Chataignon\",  role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Nello\",\"Blaser\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Dmitry\",\"Selivanov\",     role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Andrey\",\"Riabushenko\",   role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Cheng\",\"Lee\",            role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Declan\",\"Groves\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Daniel\",\"Possenriede\",   role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Felipe\",\"Parages\",       role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Denes\",\"Toth\",           role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Mus\",\"Yaramaz-David\",    role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Ayappan\",\"Perumal\",      role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"James\",\"Sams\",           role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Martin\",\"Morgan\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Michael\",\"Quinn\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"@javrucebo\",\"\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"@marc-outins\",\"\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Roy\",\"Storey\",           role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Manish\",\"Saraswat\",      role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Morgan\",\"Jacob\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Michael\",\"Schubmehl\",    role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Davis\",\"Vaughan\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Toby\",\"Hocking\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Leonardo\",\"Silvestri\",   role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Tyson\",\"Barrett\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Jim\",\"Hester\",           role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Anthony\",\"Damico\",       role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Sebastian\",\"Freundt\",    role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"David\",\"Simons\",         role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Elliott\",\"Sales de Andrade\", role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Cole\",\"Miller\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Jens Peder\",\"Meldgaard\", role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Vaclav\",\"Tlapak\",        role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Kevin\",\"Ushey\",          role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Dirk\",\"Eddelbuettel\",    role=\"ctb\"),\n  person(\"Ben\",\"Schwen\",           role=\"ctb\"))", 
    Depends = "R (>= 3.1.0)", Imports = "methods", Suggests = "bit64 (>= 4.0.0), bit (>= 4.0.4), curl, R.utils, xts,\nnanotime, zoo (>= 1.8-1), yaml, knitr, rmarkdown", SystemRequirements = "zlib", Description = "Fast aggregation of large data (e.g. 100GB in RAM), fast ordered joins, fast add/modify/delete of columns by group using no copies at all, list columns, friendly and fast character-separated-value read/write. Offers a natural and flexible syntax, for faster development.", License = "MPL-2.0 | file LICENSE", 
    URL = ",,\n", BugReports = "", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", ByteCompile = "TRUE", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-02-16 16:37:18 UTC; mdowle", Author = "Matt Dowle [aut, cre],\n  Arun Srinivasan [aut],\n  Jan Gorecki [ctb],\n  Michael Chirico [ctb],\n  Pasha Stetsenko [ctb],\n  Tom Short [ctb],\n  Steve Lianoglou [ctb],\n  Eduard Antonyan [ctb],\n  Markus Bonsch [ctb],\n  Hugh Parsonage [ctb],\n  Scott Ritchie [ctb],\n  Kun Ren [ctb],\n  Xianying Tan [ctb],\n  Rick Saporta [ctb],\n  Otto Seiskari [ctb],\n  Xianghui Dong [ctb],\n  Michel Lang [ctb],\n  Watal Iwasaki [ctb],\n  Seth Wenchel [ctb],\n  Karl Broman [ctb],\n  Tobias Schmidt [ctb],\n  David Arenburg [ctb],\n  Ethan Smith [ctb],\n  Francois Cocquemas [ctb],\n  Matthieu Gomez [ctb],\n  Philippe Chataignon [ctb],\n  Nello Blaser [ctb],\n  Dmitry Selivanov [ctb],\n  Andrey Riabushenko [ctb],\n  Cheng Lee [ctb],\n  Declan Groves [ctb],\n  Daniel Possenriede [ctb],\n  Felipe Parages [ctb],\n  Denes Toth [ctb],\n  Mus Yaramaz-David [ctb],\n  Ayappan Perumal [ctb],\n  James Sams [ctb],\n  Martin Morgan [ctb],\n  Michael Quinn [ctb],\n  @javrucebo [ctb],\n  @marc-outins [ctb],\n  Roy Storey [ctb],\n  Manish Saraswat [ctb],\n  Morgan Jacob [ctb],\n  Michael Schubmehl [ctb],\n  Davis Vaughan [ctb],\n  Toby Hocking [ctb],\n  Leonardo Silvestri [ctb],\n  Tyson Barrett [ctb],\n  Jim Hester [ctb],\n  Anthony Damico [ctb],\n  Sebastian Freundt [ctb],\n  David Simons [ctb],\n  Elliott Sales de Andrade [ctb],\n  Cole Miller [ctb],\n  Jens Peder Meldgaard [ctb],\n  Vaclav Tlapak [ctb],\n  Kevin Ushey [ctb],\n  Dirk Eddelbuettel [ctb],\n  Ben Schwen [ctb]", 
    Maintainer = "Matt Dowle <>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-02-17 12:20:12 UTC", Built = "R 4.1.2; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2023-04-17 10:24:15 UTC; unix"), mrcommons = list(Package = "mrcommons", Type = "Package", Title = "MadRat commons Input Data Library", Version = "1.30.8", Date = "2023-06-12", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Kristine\", \"Karstens\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Lavinia\", \"Baumstark\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Isabelle\", \"Weindl\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Xiaoxi\", \"Wang\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Abhijeet\", \"Mishra\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Stephen\", \"Wirth\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Mishko\", \"Stevanovic\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Nele\", \"Steinmetz\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Ulrich\", \"Kreidenweis\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Renato\", \"Rodrigues\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Roman\", \"Popov\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Florian\", \"Humpenoeder\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Anastasis\", \"Giannousakis\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Antoine\", \"Levesque\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"David\", \"Klein\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Ewerton\", \"Araujo\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Felicitas\", \"Beier\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Julian\", \"Oeser\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Michaja\", \"Pehl\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Debbora\", \"Leip\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Michael\", \"Crawford\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Edna\", \"Molina Bacca\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Patrick\", \"von Jeetze\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Eleonora\", \"Martinelli\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Felix\", \"Schreyer\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Bjoern\", \"Soergel\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Pascal\", \"Führlich\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"David\", \"Hötten\", role =\"aut\"),\n             person(\"Robin\", \"Hasse\", role =\"aut\"),\n             person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", email = \"\", role = c(\"aut\",\"cre\")))", 
    Description = "Provides useful functions and a common structure to all the input data required to run models like MAgPIE\n    and REMIND of model input data.", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0), magclass (>= 3.17), madrat (>= 2.20.9),\nmrdrivers (>= 1.0.0), mstools", Imports = "data.table, dplyr, hdf5r, GDPuc, lpjclass, luscale, magpiesets\n(>= 0.44.2), ncdf4, nleqslv, purrr, quitte, raster, terra,\nreadxl, reshape2, rlang, SPEI, stringr, tidyr, tibble, withr,\nzoo", Suggests = "covr, HARr, knitr, lifecycle, Rilostat, rmarkdown, testthat,\nXML", 
    License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Roxygen = "list(markdown = TRUE)", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "69ec6bceef2209f1d9c6fc5bbe5f22780c49ac17", NeedsCompilation = "no", 
    Packaged = "2023-06-12 16:00:41 UTC; rse", Author = "Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut],\n  Kristine Karstens [aut],\n  Lavinia Baumstark [aut],\n  Isabelle Weindl [aut],\n  Xiaoxi Wang [aut],\n  Abhijeet Mishra [aut],\n  Stephen Wirth [aut],\n  Mishko Stevanovic [aut],\n  Nele Steinmetz [aut],\n  Ulrich Kreidenweis [aut],\n  Renato Rodrigues [aut],\n  Roman Popov [aut],\n  Florian Humpenoeder [aut],\n  Anastasis Giannousakis [aut],\n  Antoine Levesque [aut],\n  David Klein [aut],\n  Ewerton Araujo [aut],\n  Felicitas Beier [aut],\n  Julian Oeser [aut],\n  Michaja Pehl [aut],\n  Debbora Leip [aut],\n  Michael Crawford [aut],\n  Edna Molina Bacca [aut],\n  Patrick von Jeetze [aut],\n  Eleonora Martinelli [aut],\n  Felix Schreyer [aut],\n  Bjoern Soergel [aut],\n  Pascal Führlich [aut],\n  David Hötten [aut],\n  Robin Hasse [aut],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut, cre]", 
    Maintainer = "Jan Philipp Dietrich <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-06-13 03:00:43 UTC; unix"), mstools = list(Package = "mstools", Type = "Package", Title = "Tool functions that can be used by several madrat-dependent or\nmagpie4 output functions", Version = "0.3.0", Date = "2022-09-05", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", email = \"\", role = c(\"aut\",\"cre\")),\n\t\t          person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", email = \"\", role = \"aut\"))", 
    Description = "Tool functions that can be used by several madrat-dependent or magpie4 output functions.", Depends = "magclass(>= 2.40), madrat", Imports = "", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Encoding = "UTF-8", License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", Suggests = "testthat, covr", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", 
    RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "6caf7a25ebc38b811d071c78ef36b6b10a994c9e", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-09-06 09:07:20 UTC; rse", Author = "Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut, cre],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut]", Maintainer = "Benjamin Leon Bodirsky <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2022-09-06 09:08:02 UTC; unix"), mrdrivers = list(Package = "mrdrivers", Type = "Package", Title = "Create GDP and Population Scenarios", Version = "1.2.0", `Authors@R` = "c(person(given = \"Johannes\", \n                    family = \"Koch\", \n                    email = \"\", \n                    role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n             person(\"Bjoern\", \"Soergel\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Deborra\", \"Leip\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Falk\", \"Benke\", role = \"aut\"),\n             person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", role = \"aut\"))", 
    Description = "Create GDP and population scenarios\n    This package constructs the GDP and population scenarios used as drivers in both the REMIND and MAgPIE models.", License = "LGPL (>= 3)", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Depends = "madrat (>= 2.5.1), magclass (>= 6.0.3)", Imports = "bezier, countrycode, dplyr, lifecycle, GDPuc (>= 0.8.0), glue,\nmagrittr, purrr, readr, readxl, rlang, tibble, tidyr,\ntidyselect, zoo", 
    Suggests = "covr, crayon, eurostat, kableExtra, knitr, pander, rmarkdown,\ntestthat (>= 3.0.0), WDI, withr (>= 2.4.2), yaml", Encoding = "UTF-8", Roxygen = "list(markdown = TRUE)", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Date = "2023-06-01", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Repository = "", RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "d45b79212a9311a79cdd20756d04c486d40e2a93", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-06-01 16:41:21 UTC; rse", 
    Author = "Johannes Koch [aut, cre],\n  Bjoern Soergel [aut],\n  Deborra Leip [aut],\n  Falk Benke [aut],\n  Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut]", Maintainer = "Johannes Koch <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-06-02 03:00:44 UTC; unix"), madrat = list(Type = "Package", Package = "madrat", Title = "May All Data be Reproducible and Transparent (MADRaT) *", Version = "3.3.3", Date = "2023-05-16", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Lavinia\", \"Baumstark\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Stephen\", \"Wirth\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Anastasis\", \"Giannousakis\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Renato\", \"Rodrigues\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Ulrich\", \"Kreidenweis\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Klein\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Pascal\", \"Führlich\", , \"\", role = \"aut\")\n  )", 
    Description = "Provides a framework which should improve reproducibility and\n    transparency in data processing. It provides functionality such as\n    automatic meta data creation and management, rudimentary quality\n    management, data caching, work-flow management and data aggregation.\n    * The title is a wish not a promise. By no means we expect this\n    package to deliver everything what is needed to achieve full\n    reproducibility and transparency, but we believe that it supports\n    efforts in this direction.", 
    License = "BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Depends = "magclass (>= 5.7.0), R (>= 2.10.0)", Imports = "callr, digest, igraph (>= 1.0.1), Matrix, methods, pkgload,\nrenv, stringi, tools, utils, withr, yaml", Suggests = "covr, ggplot2, knitr, rmarkdown, terra, testthat, tibble", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Repository = "", 
    RemoteUrl = "", RemoteRef = "HEAD", RemoteSha = "f55f80e123634cf6368642cc2d9843b010f8e1e6", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-05-17 09:01:24 UTC; rse", Author = "Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut, cre],\n  Lavinia Baumstark [aut],\n  Stephen Wirth [aut],\n  Anastasis Giannousakis [aut],\n  Renato Rodrigues [aut],\n  Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut],\n  Ulrich Kreidenweis [aut],\n  David Klein [aut],\n  Pascal Führlich [aut]", Maintainer = "Jan Philipp Dietrich <>", 
    Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-05-17 09:18:57 UTC; unix"), magclass = list(Type = "Package", Package = "magclass", Title = "Data Class and Tools for Handling Spatial-Temporal Data", Version = "", Date = "2023-05-26", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Jan Philipp\", \"Dietrich\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Benjamin Leon\", \"Bodirsky\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Markus\", \"Bonsch\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Florian\", \"Humpenoeder\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Stephen\", \"Bi\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Kristine\", \"Karstens\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Debbora\", \"Leip\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"Lavinia\", \"Baumstark\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Christoph\", \"Bertram\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Anastasis\", \"Giannousakis\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"David\", \"Klein\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Ina\", \"Neher\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Michaja\", \"Pehl\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Anselm\", \"Schultes\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Miodrag\", \"Stevanovic\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Xiaoxi\", \"Wang\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Felicitas\", \"Beier\", , \"\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Mika\", \"Pflüger\", role = \"ctb\"),\n    person(\"Oliver\", \"Richters\", role = \"ctb\")\n  )", 
    Description = "Data class for increased interoperability working with\n    spatial-temporal data together with corresponding functions and\n    methods (conversions, basic calculations and basic data manipulation).\n    The class distinguishes between spatial, temporal and other dimensions\n    to facilitate the development and interoperability of tools build for\n    it. Additional features are name-based addressing of data and internal\n    consistency checks (e.g. checking for the right data order in\n    calculations).", 
    License = "LGPL-3 | file LICENSE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", Depends = "R (>= 2.10.0),\nmethods", Imports = "abind,\ndata.table,\nstats", Suggests = "covr,\nlpjmlkit,\nknitr,\nncdf4,\npkgconfig,\nquitte,\nraster,\nrmarkdown,\nterra,\ntestthat (>= 3.1.5),\ntibble,\nwithr", Additional_repositories = "", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Encoding = "UTF-8", 
    LazyData = "true", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Author = "Jan Philipp Dietrich [aut, cre],\n  Benjamin Leon Bodirsky [aut],\n  Markus Bonsch [aut],\n  Florian Humpenoeder [aut],\n  Stephen Bi [aut],\n  Kristine Karstens [aut],\n  Debbora Leip [aut],\n  Lavinia Baumstark [ctb],\n  Christoph Bertram [ctb],\n  Anastasis Giannousakis [ctb],\n  David Klein [ctb],\n  Ina Neher [ctb],\n  Michaja Pehl [ctb],\n  Anselm Schultes [ctb],\n  Miodrag Stevanovic [ctb],\n  Xiaoxi Wang [ctb],\n  Felicitas Beier [ctb],\n  Mika Pflüger [ctb],\n  Oliver Richters [ctb]", 
    Maintainer = "Jan Philipp Dietrich <>", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-06-15 08:16:00 UTC; unix", RemoteType = "local", RemoteUrl = "~/pik-piam/magclass"))list(utf8 = list(Package = "utf8", Title = "Unicode Text Processing", Version = "1.2.3", `Authors@R` = "\n    c(person(given = c(\"Patrick\", \"O.\"),\n             family = \"Perry\",\n             role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")),\n      person(given = \"Kirill\",\n             family = \"M\\u00fcller\",\n             role = \"cre\",\n             email = \"\"),\n      person(given = \"Unicode, Inc.\",\n             role = c(\"cph\", \"dtc\"),\n             comment = \"Unicode Character Database\"))", 
    Description = "Process and print 'UTF-8' encoded international\n    text (Unicode). Input, validate, normalize, encode, format, and\n    display.", License = "Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE", URL = ",", BugReports = "", Depends = "R (>= 2.10)", Suggests = "cli, covr, knitr, rlang, rmarkdown, testthat (>= 3.0.0),\nwithr", VignetteBuilder = "knitr, rmarkdown", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", 
    Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Packaged = "2023-01-31 05:28:43 UTC; kirill", Author = "Patrick O. Perry [aut, cph],\n  Kirill Müller [cre],\n  Unicode, Inc. [cph, dtc] (Unicode Character Database)", Maintainer = "Kirill Müller <>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-01-31 18:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.1.2; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2023-04-17 10:24:50 UTC; unix"), R.utils = list(Package = "R.utils", Version = "2.12.2", Depends = "R (>= 2.14.0), R.oo", 
    Imports = "methods, utils, tools, R.methodsS3", Suggests = "datasets, digest (>= 0.6.10)", Title = "Various Programming Utilities", `Authors@R` = "c(person(\"Henrik\", \"Bengtsson\", role=c(\"aut\", \"cre\", \"cph\"),\n                                          email = \"\"))", Author = "Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph]", Maintainer = "Henrik Bengtsson <>", Description = "Utility functions useful when programming and developing R packages.", License = "LGPL (>= 2.1)", 
    LazyLoad = "TRUE", URL = ",\n", BugReports = "", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-11-11 18:51:45 UTC; hb", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-11-11 22:00:03 UTC", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-03-28 12:09:32 UTC; unix"), tidyselect = list(Package = "tidyselect", Title = "Select from a Set of Strings", Version = "1.2.0", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Lionel\", \"Henry\", , \"\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\")),\n    person(\"Hadley\", \"Wickham\", , \"\", role = \"aut\"),\n    person(\"RStudio\", role = c(\"cph\", \"fnd\"))\n  )", 
    Description = "A backend for the selecting functions of the 'tidyverse'.  It\n    makes it easy to implement select-like functions in your own packages\n    in a way that is consistent with other 'tidyverse' interfaces for\n    selection.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", URL = ",", BugReports = "", Depends = "R (>= 3.4)", Imports = "cli (>= 3.3.0), glue (>= 1.3.0), lifecycle (>= 1.0.3), rlang\n(>= 1.0.4), vctrs (>= 0.4.1), withr", 
    Suggests = "covr, crayon, dplyr, knitr, magrittr, rmarkdown, stringr,\ntestthat (>= 3.1.1), tibble (>= 2.1.3)", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", ByteCompile = "true", `Config/testthat/edition` = "3", `Config/Needs/website` = "tidyverse/tidytemplate", Encoding = "UTF-8", RoxygenNote = "7.2.1", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2022-10-10 14:09:03 UTC; hadleywickham", Author = "Lionel Henry [aut, cre],\n  Hadley Wickham [aut],\n  RStudio [cph, fnd]", Maintainer = "Lionel Henry <>", 
    Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2022-10-10 19:00:02 UTC", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-04-17 10:25:06 UTC; unix"), htmlwidgets = list(Package = "htmlwidgets", Type = "Package", Title = "HTML Widgets for R", Version = "1.6.2", `Authors@R` = "c(\n    person(\"Ramnath\", \"Vaidyanathan\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")),\n    person(\"Yihui\", \"Xie\", role = c(\"aut\")),\n    person(\"JJ\", \"Allaire\", role = c(\"aut\")),\n    person(\"Joe\", \"Cheng\", role = c(\"aut\"), email = \"\"),\n    person(\"Carson\", \"Sievert\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cre\"), email = \"\", comment = c(ORCID = \"0000-0002-4958-2844\")),\n    person(\"Kenton\", \"Russell\", role = c(\"aut\", \"cph\")),\n    person(\"Ellis\", \"Hughes\", role = c(\"ctb\")),\n    person(family = \"RStudio\", role = \"cph\")\n    )", 
    Description = "A framework for creating HTML widgets that render in various\n    contexts including the R console, 'R Markdown' documents, and 'Shiny'\n    web applications.", License = "MIT + file LICENSE", VignetteBuilder = "knitr", Imports = "grDevices, htmltools (>= 0.5.4), jsonlite (>= 0.9.16), yaml,\nknitr (>= 1.8), rmarkdown", Suggests = "testthat", Enhances = "shiny (>= 1.1)", URL = "", BugReports = "", 
    RoxygenNote = "7.2.3", Encoding = "UTF-8", NeedsCompilation = "no", Packaged = "2023-03-17 15:34:40 UTC; cpsievert", Author = "Ramnath Vaidyanathan [aut, cph],\n  Yihui Xie [aut],\n  JJ Allaire [aut],\n  Joe Cheng [aut],\n  Carson Sievert [aut, cre] (<>),\n  Kenton Russell [aut, cph],\n  Ellis Hughes [ctb],\n  RStudio [cph]", Maintainer = "Carson Sievert <>", Repository = "CRAN", `Date/Publication` = "2023-03-17 16:50:06 UTC", Built = "R 4.1.2; ; 2023-03-28 13:18:39 UTC; unix"), 
    grid = list(Package = "grid", Version = "4.1.2", Priority = "base", Title = "The Grid Graphics Package", Author = "Paul Murrell <>", Maintainer = "R Core Team <>", Contact = "R-help mailing list <>", Description = "A rewrite of the graphics layout capabilities, plus some\n  support for interaction.", Imports = "grDevices, utils", License = "Part of R 4.1.2", NeedsCompilation = "yes", Built = "R 4.1.2; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2021-11-24 12:00:47 UTC; unix"), 
    maptools = list(Package = "maptools", Version = "1.1-6", Date = "2022-12-12", Title = "Tools for Handling Spatial Objects", `Authors@R` = "c(\n\tperson(\"Roger\", \"Bivand\", role = c(\"cre\", \"aut\"), email = \"\", comment=c(ORCID=\"0000-0003-2392-6140\")),\n\tperson(\"Nicholas\", \"Lewin-Koh\", role = \"aut\"),\n\tperson(\"Edzer\", \"Pebesma\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Eric\", \"Archer\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Adrian\", \"Baddeley\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Nick\", \"Bearman\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Hans-Jörg\", \"Bibiko\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Steven\", \"Brey\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Jonathan\", \"Callahan\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"German\", \"Carrillo\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Stéphane\", \"Dray\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"David\", \"Forrest\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Michael\", \"Friendly\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Patrick\", \"Giraudoux\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Duncan\", \"Golicher\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Virgilio\", \"Gómez Rubio\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Patrick\", \"Hausmann\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Karl Ove\", \"Hufthammer\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Thomas\", \"Jagger\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Kent\", \"Johnson\", role = \"ctb\"),\n        person(\"Matthew\", \"Lewis\", role = \"ctb\", comment=c(ORCID=\"0000-0003-2244-4078\")),\n\tperson(\"Sebastian\", \"Luque\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Don\", \"MacQueen\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Andrew\", \"Niccolai\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Edzer\", \"Pebesma\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Oscar\", \"Perpiñán Lamigueiro\", role = \"ctb\"),\n        person(\"Ethan\", \"Plunkett\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Ege\", \"Rubak\", role = \"ctb\", comment=c(ORCID=\"0000-0002-6675-533X\")),\n\tperson(\"Tom\", \"Short\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Greg\", \"Snow\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Ben\", \"Stabler\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Murray\", \"Stokely\", role = \"ctb\"),\n\tperson(\"Rolf\", \"Turner\", role = \"ctb\"))", 

… it goes on for another 450 lines.

fbenke-pik commented 6 months ago

Looks like sessionInfo() no longer creates spam (must have been a weird side-effect?), so this can be closed?