remindmodel / pre-processing

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How to run on the cluster


The current process uses the default cache system (cfg$cachetype = "dev) which uses data from the default cache which might have been generated by an older process.

This only works if the functions used in the input data generation are following the naming conventions for madrat-packages.

If you want to use a separate cache folder starting from scratch for your input data revision, set cfg$cachetype = "rev" in your config file (usually config/default.cfg).

Note that cfg$revision may not include characters, e.g. cfg$revision <- "6.607test" won't work. If you want to test input data generation for some local changes, set cfg$dev, e.g. cfg$dev <- "my-test".

Running with with local branches

You sometimes need to test inputdata generation with some unmerged changes in one or more R libraries. In order to do so:

Once the process started, check the beginning log file for the installed libraries and make sure that the right version of your R library is being used (i.e. the dev version number you gave it when building the library).

Useful tools on the cluster

If you need to better understand the difference between two inputdata archives, there are two tools on the cluster to help you understand which files have changed and to identify commits contributing to these changes: