remotely-save / remotely-save

Yet another unofficial Obsidian plugin allowing users to synchronize notes between local device and the cloud service. Supports S3, Dropbox, OneDrive, webdav.
3.25k stars 160 forks source link

[Bug]: Pixel 3, Android, Dropbox error code 409 on connectivity check #621

Closed dzianisv closed 1 month ago

dzianisv commented 1 month ago

What happened?

The plugin fails to connect to Dropbox on Android 12, Pixel 3. See attached screenshots. I tried with and without VPN.

Screenshot_20240421-223827 Screenshot_20240421-223837

What OS are you using?


What remote cloud services are you using? (Please choose the specified one if it's in the list)


Version of the plugin


Version of Obsidian

1.5.12 (134)

Using password or not

Ensure no sensitive information

fyears commented 1 month ago

can you establish the connection on pc/mac? if yes, can you please try to export the pc setting and import the setting on mobile and try again?

no clues yet. never encountered the problems

dzianisv commented 1 month ago

@fyears , yes, I managed to connect to the dropbox from macOS, that is connected to the same wifi network.

fyears commented 1 month ago

if yes, can you please try to export the pc setting and import the setting on mobile and try again?

dzianisv commented 1 month ago

It works after I exported dropbox URI from MacBook.