remotely-save / remotely-save

Yet another unofficial Obsidian plugin allowing users to synchronize notes between local device and the cloud service. Supports S3, Dropbox, OneDrive, webdav.
3.25k stars 160 forks source link

Remotely Save

This is yet another unofficial sync plugin for Obsidian. If you like it or find it useful, please consider give it a star GitHub Repo stars on Github.


downloads of latest version



ALWAYS, ALWAYS, backup your vault before using this plugin.



Questions, Suggestions, Or Bugs

You are greatly welcome to ask questions, post any suggestions, or report any bugs! The project is mainly maintained on GitHub:

Additionally, the plugin author may occasionally visit Obsidian official forum and official Discord server, and pay attention to this-plugin-related information there.

Download and Install




OneDrive for personal



Scheduled Auto Sync

How To Deal With Hidden Files Or Folders

By default, all files or folder starting with . (dot) or _ (underscore) are treated as hidden files, and would NOT be synced. It's useful if you have some files just staying locally. But this strategy also means that themes / other plugins / settings of this plugin would neither be synced.

In the latest version, you can change the settings to allow syncing _ files or folders, as well as .obsidian special config folder (but not any other . files or folders).

PRO Features

See PRO for more details.

How To Debug

See here for more details.

Bonus: Import And Export Not-Oauth2 Plugin Settings By QR Code

See here for more details.