remotely-save / remotely-save

Yet another unofficial Obsidian plugin allowing users to synchronize notes between local device and the cloud service. Supports S3, Dropbox, OneDrive, webdav.
3.25k stars 160 forks source link

[Bug]: copying local=>encrypt(s3,rclone-base64): size not matched #649

Closed kele1997 closed 3 weeks ago

kele1997 commented 3 weeks ago

What happened?

1. first sync

There are no errors in console during first sync

2. second sync

android will show error like size not matched

chrome console also show size not matched

error copying local=>encrypt(s3,rclone-base64): size not matched
        at eval (plugin:remotely-save:338:172475)

the real size of file in android filesystem is 0. But I can open the note/picture in obsidian normally. Everytime I delete the whole vault, and sync, there are serveral files show size not matched,and the files is randomly choosed.


3. second sync plan:

  "something/somenote": {
    "key": "something/somenote",
    "remote": {
      "key": "something/somenote",
      "keyRaw": "something/somenote",
      "mtimeSvr": 1714976456000,
      "mtimeCli": 1714976456000,
      "sizeRaw": 5047,
      "size": 5047,
      "etag": "\"191A7D8636F53B155D45820C0BBCE2E2\"",
      "synthesizedFolder": false,
      "keyEnc": "something/somenote",
      "sizeEnc": 5047,
      "mtimeCliFmt": "2024-05-06T14:20:56+08:00",
      "mtimeSvrFmt": "2024-05-06T14:20:56+08:00"
    "prevSync": {
      "key": "something/somenote",
      "keyRaw": "something/somenote",
      "mtimeSvr": 1714976456000,
      "mtimeCli": 1714976456000,
      "sizeRaw": 5047,
      "size": 5047,
      "etag": "\"191A7D8636F53B155D45820C0BBCE2E2\"",
      "synthesizedFolder": false,
      "keyEnc": "something/somenote",
      "sizeEnc": 5047,
      "mtimeCliFmt": "2024-05-06T14:20:56+08:00",
      "mtimeSvrFmt": "2024-05-06T14:20:56+08:00"
    "local": {
      "key": "something/somenote",
      "keyRaw": "something/somenote",
      "mtimeCli": 1714976456000,
      "mtimeSvr": 1714976456000,
      "size": 0,
      "sizeRaw": 0,
      "mtimeCliFmt": "2024-05-06T14:20:56+08:00",
      "mtimeSvrFmt": "2024-05-06T14:20:56+08:00",
      "keyEnc": "something/somenote",
      "sizeEnc": 0
    "decisionBranch": 10,
    "decision": "local_is_modified_then_push"

4. environment(maybe can used for reproduced)

4.1 note files information

all files: 1280 (contain .obsidian plugins, jpg,webp, pdf) the size of total files is about 60mb.

ext count
jpg 56
png 94
webp 87
pdf 3
md 884
js 90
css 23

4.2 remotely save settings

parts concurrency: 20(default) skip large files: no set advanced settings -- concurrency: 5(default) action for empty folders: leave them as is(default)

5. current solution

modify remotely save sync direction from Bidirectional to Incremental Pull Only ,and sync manualy, then any file in vault is ok. after that , modify sync directoin back.

What OS are you using?


What remote cloud services are you using? (Please choose the specified one if it's in the list)

S3 (阿里云 OSS Alibaba Cloud OSS)

Version of the plugin


Version of Obsidian


Using password or not

Ensure no sensitive information

fyears commented 3 weeks ago

the real size of file in android filesystem is 0. But I can open the note/picture in obsidian normally.

does it actually contain any contents? i mean, can you open the webp file and see the video?

if you can, then the size is impossible to be zero. i suspect there are some bugs around obsidian or file system

kele1997 commented 3 weeks ago

I think it's file system bug or miui bug.

After a while , I found the file's size changed.



fyears commented 3 weeks ago

yeah... i am afraid i can do nothing here. please try to upgrade your os