remotely-save / remotely-save

Yet another unofficial Obsidian plugin allowing users to synchronize notes between local device and the cloud service. Supports S3, Dropbox, OneDrive, webdav.
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Synology Drive support? #650

Closed joy521125apple closed 3 weeks ago

joy521125apple commented 3 weeks ago

What feature are you suggesting?

can support Synology Drive

What remote cloud services are you using, or suggesting adding the feature to?


Ensure no sensitive information

joy521125apple commented 3 weeks ago

I am using Synology NAS WebDav Server, and the prompt requires https. Currently I only have http 。iOS: 16.0.3 ob:1.5.12; 微信图片_20240507154300 Synology Drive Server is a comprehensive file management, sharing and synchronization solution.....

So,is it possible to support Synology Drive?

fyears commented 3 weeks ago

https 在 ios 无法绕过,这是系统限制,你一定要配置一个正常的 https 证书,比如说用 tailscale 或者 mkcert 或群晖自己的服务。

目前支持的是群晖 webdav server

不清楚 synology drive 和 webdav server 有什么区别。他们是不同的吗?

joy521125apple commented 3 weeks ago

好的,这两个东西有些不同。不过现在我通过一个同步工具解决了OB与Nas的同步问题 02C35862-3209-4DCE-AA68-D00C4D46C759 ,还是感谢你的耐心解答。非常感谢。