remotely-save / remotely-save

Yet another unofficial Obsidian plugin allowing users to synchronize notes between local device and the cloud service. Supports S3, Dropbox, OneDrive, webdav.
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[Bug]: update to 0.4.21 broke webdav sync for me #668

Closed pirad closed 2 weeks ago

pirad commented 2 weeks ago

What happened?

Today I updated remotely save on my Android phone to the current version 0.4.21. Since then I can't sync with the webdav server from any more. I tried to copy the configuration to the DAVx5 App and there it works. The logs show ["remote vault folder not exists, creating"] [{"status":409,"response":{}}]. Sorry I can't tell any more, what version i had before that worked last. I also tried another Android system, there it didn't work either with same problem.

What OS are you using?


What remote cloud services are you using? (Please choose the specified one if it's in the list)


Version of the plugin


Version of Obsidian

1.512 (134)

Using password or not

Ensure no sensitive information

fyears commented 2 weeks ago

are you using digest auth?

pirad commented 2 weeks ago

No. But if I activate this the log shows: ["startting sync."] then [{}] (as error) and ["endding sync."]. While the pop ups show something like Invalid response: no root multistatus found.

fyears commented 2 weeks ago

are you sure your webdav address is set correctly? i think that's because you configure the webdav address incorrectly.

pirad commented 2 weeks ago

Well if I copy the exact same address to DAVx5 App it works.

Oh I found the problem: the address according to my provider is if I now replace the '%20' by a space it works. But I'm the previous version it worked with the escaped space. Thanks for the quick help.

fyears commented 2 weeks ago

thanks for pointing out the reason and solution.

yeah it's annoying that the web address contains special characters like spaces. i will try to find a way to auto detect the correct encoding.