remotely-save / remotely-save

Yet another unofficial Obsidian plugin allowing users to synchronize notes between local device and the cloud service. Supports S3, Dropbox, OneDrive, webdav.
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[Feature Request]: 請問是否有同步圖片檔案的功能 #670

Closed jimmy123j closed 2 weeks ago

jimmy123j commented 2 weeks ago

What feature are you suggesting?

最近開始使用 OB,且透過內網建立 Webdav 進行同步,整體很方便 因為筆記內會引用 Vault 中的圖片,但發現 Vault 內的圖片並不會同步 希望可以連同 Vault 中的圖片也一併同步 (因安全問題無外網)

What remote cloud services are you using, or suggesting adding the feature to?


Ensure no sensitive information

fyears commented 2 weeks ago

