Implementation of common Multi-Armed and contextual bandits algorithms.
Exercise 2.5 (programming) Design and conduct an experiment to demonstrate the difficulties that sample-average methods have for nonstationary problems. Use a modified version of the 10-armed testbed in which all the q(a) start out equal and then take independent random walks (say by adding a normally distributed increment with mean zero and standard deviation 0.01 to all the q(a) on each step). Prepare plots like Figure 2.2 for an action-value method using sample averages, incrementally computed, and another action-value method using a constant step-size parameter, alpha = 0.1. Use epsilon = 0.1 and longer runs, say of 10,000 steps.
It uses one classifier (Logistic Regression) for each arm. The results of the graph below were obtained using the Bibtex multi-label dataset. Contextual Multi-Armed bandits don't have established benchmarks yet, so most of its experiments are done with multi-label datasets, in which each feature is represented as an arm. One advantage of this is that in each step we know the correct labels for all arms (even arms that the algorithm didn't pull), one disadvantage though is that the arms are deterministic regarding the observation.
[1] Cortes, David. “Adapting Multi-Armed Bandits Policies to Contextual Bandits Scenarios.”
ArXiv:1811.04383 [Cs, Stat], Nov. 2019.,
[2] Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto. 2018. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction