This tool is intended to help downloading video courses from Envato Tuts+ for offline usage, such as when on a plane, no signal area, slow connection etc.
Install CasperJS and SlimerJS as global npm packages, as following:
npm -g install casperjs@1.1.3 slimerjs@0.906.2
file.Run CasperJS pointing to the main javascript file.
casperjs --engine=slimerjs tutsplus-downloader.js
Includes numerical identification at the beginning of the downloaded video file, such as "S01E02 - ...".
Path to where the videos will be downloaded.
Values: relative or static path ending in slash, such as
Tuts+ videos includes several source qualities. This option lets you decide which one will be prioritized for downloading.
Values: an array containing one or more of the following
(highest resolution),mp4
(720p or above)
This tool saves thumbnails, titles and folders in a structure that works with Plex and Kodi patterns.
This tool depends on CasperJS 1.1.3 and SlimerJS 0.9.6. You can try newest versions, but they've got to be compatible with each other. CasperJS version 0.10 and above requires Firefox to be installed on the system.
Tuts+ Downloader is released under the MIT license.